Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000008 (2017) |
A. Golpour [République tchèque] ; C. Broquard [France] ; S. Milla [France] ; H. Dadras [République tchèque] ; A R Baloch [République tchèque] ; T. Saito [République tchèque] ; M. Pšeni Ka [République tchèque] | Gonad histology and serum 11-KT profile during the annual reproductive cycle in sterlet sturgeon adult males, Acipenser ruthenus. |
000025 (2016) |
Amin Golpour [République tchèque] ; Martin Pšeni Ka [République tchèque] ; Hamid Niksirat [République tchèque] | Ultrastructural Localization of Intracellular Calcium During Spermatogenesis of Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus). |
000027 (2016) |
M. Havelka [République tchèque] ; H. Šachlová [République tchèque] ; A. Shaliutina-Kolešová [République tchèque] ; M. Rodina [République tchèque] | Fertilization success of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus and Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii gametes under conditions of heterospecific mating. |
000054 (2016) |
M S Aramli [Iran] ; K. Golshahi [Iran] ; R M Nazari [Iran] ; A. Golpour [République tchèque] ; S. Aramli [Iran] | Influence of Glutamine Supplementation on Motility and Fertilization Success of Frozen-Thawed Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) Sperm. |
000066 (2016) |
Mohammad Abdul Momin Siddique [République tchèque] ; Ian Anthony Ernest Butts [Danemark] ; Jacky Cosson [République tchèque] ; Otomar Linhart [République tchèque] | First report on facultative parthenogenetic activation of eggs in sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus. |
000072 (2016) |
Amin Golpour [République tchèque] ; Mohammad Abdul Momin Siddique [République tchèque] ; Marek Rodina [République tchèque] ; Martin Pšeni Ka [République tchèque] | Short-term storage of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus testicular cells at -80 °C. |
000073 (2016) |
Martin Pšeni Ka [République tchèque] ; Taiju Saito [République tchèque] ; Marek Rodina [République tchèque] ; Boris Dzyuba [République tchèque] | Cryopreservation of early stage Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii germ cells, comparison of whole tissue and dissociated cells. |
000075 (2016) |
Viktoriya Dzyuba [République tchèque] ; Jacky Cosson [République tchèque] ; Borys Dzyuba [République tchèque] ; Gunes Yamaner [Turquie] ; Marek Rodina [République tchèque] ; Otomar Linhart [République tchèque] | The antioxidant system of seminal fluid during in vitro storage of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus sperm. |
000083 (2016) |
Viktoriya Dzyuba [Ukraine] ; Borys Dzyuba [République tchèque] ; Jacky Cosson [République tchèque] ; Marek Rodina [République tchèque] | Enzyme activity in energy supply of spermatozoon motility in two taxonomically distant fish species (sterlet Acipenser ruthenus, Acipenseriformes and common carp Cyprinus carpio, Cypriniformes). |
000085 (2016) |
Miloš Havelka [République tchèque] ; Dmytro Bytyutskyy [République tchèque] ; Radka Symonová [Autriche] ; Petr Ráb [République tchèque] ; Martin Flajšhans [République tchèque] | The second highest chromosome count among vertebrates is observed in cultured sturgeon and is associated with genome plasticity. |
000088 (2016) |
O. Linhart [République tchèque] ; W L Shelton [République tchèque] ; V. Tu Ková [République tchèque] ; M. Rodina [République tchèque] ; Mam Siddique [République tchèque] | Effects of Temperature on In Vitro Short-Term Storage of Sterlet Sturgeon (Acipenser Ruthenus) Ova. |
000109 (2015) |
Zuzana Linhartová [République tchèque] ; Taiju Saito [République tchèque] ; Vojt Ch Kašpar [République tchèque] ; Marek Rodina [République tchèque] ; Eva Prášková [République tchèque] ; Seishi Hagihara [Japon] ; Martin Pšeni Ka [République tchèque] | Sterilization of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus by using knockdown agent, antisense morpholino oligonucleotide, against dead end gene. |
000111 (2015) |
Taiju Saito [Oman] ; Martin Psenicka [République tchèque] | Novel technique for visualizing primordial germ cells in sturgeons (Acipenser ruthenus, A. gueldenstaedtii, A. baerii, and Huso huso). |
000120 (2015) |
Mohammad Abdul Momin Siddique [République tchèque] ; Ian Anthony Ernest Butts [Danemark] ; Martin Psenicka [République tchèque] ; Otomar Linhart [République tchèque] | Effects of pre-incubation of eggs in fresh water and varying sperm concentration on fertilization rate in sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus. |
000121 (2015) |
Anna Shaliutina-Kolešová [République tchèque] ; Jacky Cosson [République tchèque] ; Ievgen Lebeda [République tchèque] ; Ievgenia Gazo [République tchèque] ; Olena Shaliutina [République tchèque] ; Boris Dzyuba [République tchèque] ; Otomar Linhart [République tchèque] | The influence of cryoprotectants on sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) sperm quality, DNA integrity, antioxidant responses, and resistance to oxidative stress. |
000126 (2015) |
Pavla Linhartova [République tchèque] ; Ievgeniia Gazo [République tchèque] ; Anna Shaliutina-Kolesova [République tchèque] ; Martin Hulak [République tchèque] ; Vojtech Kaspar [République tchèque] | Effects of tetrabrombisphenol A on DNA integrity, oxidative stress, and sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) spermatozoa quality variables. |
000127 (2015) |
Galina Prokopchuk [République tchèque] ; Boris Dzyuba [République tchèque] ; Olga Bondarenko [République tchèque] ; Marek Rodina [République tchèque] ; Jacky Cosson [République tchèque] | Motility initiation of sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) spermatozoa: Describing the propagation of the first flagellar waves. |
000140 (2015) |
Martin Pšeni Ka [République tchèque] ; Taiju Saito [République tchèque] ; Zuzana Linhartová [République tchèque] ; Ievgeniia Gazo [République tchèque] | Isolation and transplantation of sturgeon early-stage germ cells. |
000165 (2014) |
B. Dzyuba [République tchèque] ; S. Boryshpolets [République tchèque] ; J. Cosson [République tchèque] ; V. Dzyuba [Ukraine] ; P. Fedorov [République tchèque] ; T. Saito [République tchèque] ; M. Psenicka [République tchèque] ; O. Linhart [République tchèque] ; M. Rodina [République tchèque] | Motility and fertilization ability of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus testicular sperm after cryopreservation. |
000168 (2014) |
Sayyed Mohammad Hadi Alavi [République tchèque] ; Pavla Postlerová-Ma Sková ; Azadeh Hatef ; Martin Pšeni Ka ; Jana P Knicová ; Kazuo Inaba ; Andrzej Ciereszko ; Otomar Linhart | Protease in sturgeon sperm and the effects of protease inhibitors on sperm motility and velocity. |
000187 (2014) |
Dmytro Bytyutskyy [République tchèque] ; Vitaliy Kholodnyy ; Martin Flajšhans | 3-D structure, volume, and DNA content of erythrocyte nuclei of polyploid fish. |