Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000006 (2014) |
Susie Shih-Yin Huang [Canada] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] ; HING MAN CHAN [Canada] | Maintaining tissue selenium species distribution as a potential defense mechanism against methylmercury toxicity in juvenile white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) |
000011 (2014) |
XUEFANG LIANG [République populaire de Chine] ; WEI LI [République populaire de Chine] ; Christopher J. Martyniuk [Canada] ; JINMIAO ZHA [République populaire de Chine] ; ZIJIAN WANG [République populaire de Chine] ; GANG CHENG [République populaire de Chine] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, Hong Kong] | Effects of dechlorane plus on the hepatic proteome of juvenile Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) |
000033 (2013) |
Zahra Geraylou [Belgique] ; Caroline Souffreau [Belgique] ; Eugene Rurangwa [Belgique, Pays-Bas] ; Gregory E. Maes [Australie, Belgique] ; Katina I. Spanier [Belgique] ; Christophe M. Courtin [Belgique] ; Jan A. Delcour [Belgique] ; Johan Buyse [Belgique] ; Frans Ollevier [Belgique] | Prebiotic effects of arabinoxylan oligosaccharides on juvenile Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) with emphasis on the modulation of the gut microbiota using 454 pyrosequencing |
000055 (2012) |
Susie Shih-Yin Huang [États-Unis] ; ANDERS BJERRING STRATHE [États-Unis] ; Wei-Fang Wang [République populaire de Chine] ; Dong-Fang Deng [États-Unis] ; James G. Fadel [États-Unis] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Selenocompounds in juvenile white sturgeon: Evaluating blood, tissue, and urine selenium concentrations after a single oral dose |
000056 (2012) |
Susie Shih-Yin Huang [États-Unis] ; ANDERS BJERRING STRATHE [États-Unis] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] ; Raymond C. Boston [États-Unis] ; James G. Fadel [États-Unis] | Selenocompounds in juvenile white sturgeon: Estimating absorption, disposition, and elimination of selenium using Bayesian hierarchical modeling |
000063 (2012) |
Jang-Won Lee [États-Unis] ; Jae-Won Kim [Corée du Sud] ; NICOLA DE RIU [Italie] ; Giuseppe Moniello [Italie] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Histopathological alterations of juvenile green (Acipenser medirostris) and white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) exposed to graded levels of dietary methylmercury |
000087 (2011) |
Jang-Won Lee [États-Unis] ; Nicola De Riu [États-Unis, Italie] ; Seunghyung Lee [États-Unis] ; Sungchul C. Bai [Corée du Sud] ; Giuseppe Moniello [Italie] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Effects of dietary methylmercury on growth performance and tissue burden in juvenile green (Acipenser medirostris) and white sturgeon (A. transmontanus) |
000120 (2009) |
B. Mojazi Amiri [Iran, Canada] ; D. W. Baker [Canada] ; J. D. Morgan [Canada] ; C. J. Brauner [Canada] | Size dependent early salinity tolerance in two sizes of juvenile white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus |
000132 (2009) |
Casey Justice [États-Unis] ; Brian J. Pyper [États-Unis] ; Raymond C. P. Beamesderfer [États-Unis] ; Vaughn L. Paragamian [États-Unis] ; Pete J. Rust [États-Unis] ; Matthew D. Neufeld [Canada] ; Susan C. Ireland [États-Unis] | Evidence of density- and size-dependent mortality in hatchery-reared juvenile white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in the Kootenai River |
000135 (2009) |
Edwin J. Niklitschek [Chili] ; David H. Secor [États-Unis] | Dissolved oxygen, temperature and salinity effects on the ecophysiology and survival of juvenile Atlantic sturgeon in estuarine waters: II. Model development and testing |
000136 (2009) |
Edwin J. Niklitschek [Chili] ; David H. Secor [États-Unis] | Dissolved oxygen, temperature and salinity effects on the ecophysiology and survival of juvenile Atlantic sturgeon in estuarine waters: I. Laboratory results |
000140 (2009) |
David C. Caroffino [États-Unis] ; Trent M. Sutton [États-Unis] ; Mark S. Lindberg [États-Unis] | Abundance and movement patterns of age-0 juvenile lake sturgeon in the Peshtigo River, Wisconsin |
000148 (2008) |
Jeffrey R. Ziegeweid [États-Unis] ; Cecil A. Jennings [États-Unis] ; Douglas L. Peterson [États-Unis] | Thermal maxima for juvenile shortnose sturgeon acclimated to different temperatures |
000150 (2008) |
Daniel J. Daugherty [États-Unis] ; Trent M. Sutton [États-Unis] ; Robert F. Elliott [États-Unis] | Potential for reintroduction of lake sturgeon in five northern Lake Michigan tributaries : a habitat suitability perspective |
000185 (2007) |
Shawn R. Flynn [Canada] ; Tillmann J. Benfey [Canada] | Effects of dietary estradiol-17β in juvenile shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, Lesueur |
000189 (2007) |
Peter J. Allen [États-Unis] ; Joseph J. Cech [États-Unis] | Age/size effects on juvenile green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, oxygen consumption, growth, and osmoregulation in saline environments |
000210 (2006) |
Peter J. Allen [États-Unis] ; Brian Hodge [États-Unis] ; Inge Wemer [États-Unis] ; Joseph J. Jr Cech [États-Unis] | Effects of ontogeny, season, and temperature on the swimming performance of juvenile green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) |
000215 (2006) |
Diran H. Tashjian [États-Unis] ; Swee J. Teh [États-Unis] ; Arutyun Sogomonyan [États-Unis] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Bioaccumulation and chronic toxicity of dietary L-selenomethionine in juvenile white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) |
000220 (2005) |
Dena M. Gadomski [États-Unis] ; Michael J. Parsley [États-Unis] | Vulnerability of young white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, to predation in the presence of alternative prey |
000228 (2005) |
R. Allen Brooks [États-Unis] ; Kenneth J. Sulak [États-Unis] | Quantitative assessment of benthic food resources for juvenile gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi in the suwannee river estuary, Florida, USA |
000254 (2004) |
Aude Lochet [France] ; Patrick Lambert [France] ; Mario Lepage [France] ; Eric Rochard [France] | Croissance de juvéniles d'esturgeons européens Acipenser sturio (Acipenseridae) sauvages et issus d'alevinage, durant leur séjour dans l'estuaire de la Gironde (France) |