Serveur d'exploration sur l'esturgeon

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Le cluster Acipenser ruthenus - Huso huso


41Acipenser ruthenus
31Huso huso
19Microscopie électronique balayage
11Microscopie électronique transmission


99Acipenser ruthenus - Huso huso
77Acipenser ruthenus - Ultrastructure
1313Microscopie électronique balayage - Morphologie
1010Morphologie - Ultrastructure
99Microscopie électronique balayage - Ultrastructure
88Microscopie électronique transmission - Ultrastructure
77Acipenser ruthenus - Parasite
77Acipenser ruthenus - Morphologie
66Parasite - Systématique
66Microscopie électronique transmission - Morphologie
66Microscopie électronique balayage - Microscopie électronique transmission
55Parasite - Ultrastructure
44Morphologie - Systématique
44Acipenser ruthenus - Microscopie électronique transmission
44Acipenser ruthenus - Microscopie électronique balayage
33Morphologie - Parasite

Documents par ordre de pertinence
000349 (2000) N. M. Biserova [Russie] ; V. A. Dudicheva [Russie] ; N. B. Terenina [Russie] ; M. Reuter [Finlande] ; D. W. Halton [Royaume-Uni] ; A. G. Maule [Royaume-Uni] ; M. K. S. Gustafsson [Finlande]The nervous system of Amphilina foliacea (Platyhelminthes, Amphilinidea). An immunocytochemical, ultrastructural and spectrofluorometrical study
000698 (1985) K. Kotrschal ; A. Lametschwandtner ; H. AdamFine structure and vascular supply of the median eminence (ME) in Acipenser ruthenus (Chondrostei)
000327 (2001) Martin N. Dilauro [États-Unis] ; Rosemary A. Walsh [États-Unis] ; Michelle Peiffer [États-Unis] ; Randy M. Bennett [États-Unis]Sperm-cell ultrastructure of North American sturgeons. IV. the pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus Forbes and Richardson, 1905)
000351 (2000) M. N. Dilauro [États-Unis] ; W. S. Kaboord [États-Unis] ; R. A. Walsh [États-Unis]Sperm-cell ultrastructure of North American sturgeons. III. The lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, 1817)
000371 (1999) M. N. Dilauro [États-Unis] ; W. S. Kaboord [États-Unis] ; R. A. Walsh [États-Unis]Sperm-cell ultrastructure of North American sturgeons. II. The shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum, Lesueur, 1818)
000397 (1998) M. N. Dilauro [États-Unis] ; W. Kaboord [États-Unis] ; R. A. Walsh [États-Unis] ; W. F. Krise [États-Unis] ; M. A. Hendrix [États-Unis]Sperm-cell ultrastructure of North American sturgeons. I. The Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus)
000608 (1990) F. BaskaChloromyxum inexpectatum s. sp. and Sphaerospora colomani n. sp. (Myxozoa : Myxosporea), parasites of the urinary system of the sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus L.
000636 (1988) W. E. R. XylanderUltrastructural studies on the reproductive system of Gyrocotylidea and Amphilinidea (Cestoda). I: Vitellarium, vitellocyte development and vitelloduct in Amphilina foliacea (Rudolphi, 1819)
000701 (1985) K. Kotrschal ; W.-D. Krautgartner ; H. AdamDistribution of aminergic neurons in the brain of the sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus (Chondrostei, Actonipterygii)
000703 (1985) K. Kotrschal ; W.-D. Krautgartner ; H. AdamComparative scanning electron microscopy of the ventricular surface in four actinopterygian fishes: Acipenser ruthenus, Salmo gairdneri, Tinca tinca and Blennius sanquinolentus (Pisces)
000561 (1992) A. Choudhury [Canada] ; T. A. DickSpinitectus acipenseri n. sp. (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) from the lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens (Rafinesque) in Canada
000575 (1991) Acipenser, Bordeaux, 3-6 octobre 1989
000638 (1988) L. B. Popova ; V. G. DavydovStudies of localization of Amphilina foliacea (Amphilinidae Dubinina, 1974) in definitive hosts
000642 (1988) S. P. GambaryanKidney morphology in sturgeons: a microdissectional and ultrastructural study
000724 (1984) G. N. Cherr ; W. H. Jr ClarkAn acrosome reaction in sperm from the white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus
000732 (1983) K. Kotrschal ; W.-D. Krautgartner ; H. AdamKrönchenzellen im Zwischenhirn von Acipenser ruthenus (Acipenseridae, Chondrostei)
000169 (2007) A. J. Sillman [États-Unis] ; E. K. Ong [États-Unis] ; E. R. Loew [États-Unis]Spectral absorbance, structure, and population density of photoreceptors in the retina of the lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)
000178 (2007) Evgenii N. Artyukhin [Russie] ; Paul Vecsei [États-Unis] ; Douglas L. Peterson [États-Unis]Morphology and ecology of Pacific sturgeons
000186 (2007) Alejandro Guerrero [Espagne] ; Ana C. Duran [Espagne] ; José M. Icardo [Espagne] ; Borja Fernandez [Espagne] ; Alberto Domezain [Espagne] ; Valentin Sans-Coma [Espagne]Dorsoventral transposition of the heart chambers in sturgeon Acipenser naccarii alevins
000225 (2005) Naotaka Omoto [Japon] ; Mamoru Maebayashi [Japon] ; Shinji Adachi [Japon] ; Katsutoshi Arai [Japon] ; Kohei Yamauchi [Japon]Sex ratios of triploids and gynogenetic diploids induced in the hybrid sturgeon, the bester (Huso huso female×Acipenser ruthenus male)
000255 (2004) Joséphine Foata [France] ; Bahram S. Dezfuli [Italie] ; Barbara Pinelli [France] ; Bernard Marchand [France]Ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and spermatozoon of Leptorkynchoides plagicephalus (Acanthocephala, Palaeacanthocephala), a parasite of the sturgeon Acipenser naccarii (Osteichthyes, Acipenseriformes)
000259 (2004) V. Bantseev [Canada] ; K. L. Moran [Canada] ; D. G. Dixon [Canada] ; J. R. Trevithick [Canada] ; J. G. Sivak [Canada]Optical properties, mitochondria, and sutures of lenses of fishes: a comparative study of nine species
000381 (1999) M. Flajshans [République tchèque] ; O. Linhart [République tchèque] ; V. Slechtova [République tchèque] ; V. Slechta [République tchèque]Genetic resources of commercially important fish species in the Czech Republic : present state and future strategy
000418 (1998) K. Fujii [Japon] ; K. Yoshida [Japon] ; M. Shiraishi [Japon] ; T. Maruyama [Japon]En Japonais
000477 (1996) B. Mojazi Amiri [Japon] ; M. Maebayashi ; S. Adachi [Japon] ; K. Yamauchi [Japon]Testicular development and serum sex steroid profiles during the annual sexual cycle of the male sturgeon hybrid, the bester
000484 (1996) B. Mojazi Amiri [Japon] ; M. Maebayashi ; A. Hara ; S. Adachi ; K. Yamauchi [Japon]Ovarian development and serum sex steroid and vitellogenin profiles in the female cultured sturgeon hybrid, the bester
000492 (1996) A. Choudhury [Canada] ; T. A. Dick [Canada]Diclybothrium atriatum n. sp. (Monogenea: Diclybothriidae) from North American acipenserid fishes with observations on Diclybothrium armatum and Diclybothrium hamulatum
000515 (1994) Y. Tamai [Japon] ; H. Kojima [Japon] ; K. Takayama-Abe [Japon] ; A. SuzukiLipids and myelin proteins in the brains of coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae), lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa and Protopterus aetiopicus), bichir (Polypterus senegalus), and sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus (Osteichthyes) : phylogenetic implications
000516 (1994) E. V. Raikova [Russie]Life cycle, cytology, and morphology of Polypodium hydriforme, a coelenterate parasite of the eggs of acipenseriform fishes
000522 (1994) O. K. Basurmanova [Russie]En Russe
000554 (1993) A. D. Nozdratchev [Russie] ; E. V. Riabukhina ; V. G. SkopitchevEn Russe
000565 (1992) F. Baska [Hongrie] ; F. Bona-PuppanLosses caused by the snail commensalist Chaetogaster limnaei Baer, 1827 among sterlet larvae (Acipenser ruthenus L.)
000590 (1991) N. Tabata [Japon] ; T. Sakai ; K. FujiiComposition of bile pigments in the bile of sturgeon
000591 (1991) J. F. Webb [États-Unis] ; R. G. NorthcuttCiliated epidermal cells in non-teleost actinopterygian fish
000601 (1990) A. J. Sillman ; M. D. Spanfelner ; E. R. LoewThe photoreceptors and visual pigments in the retina of the white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus
000617 (1989) V. A. ArefjevKaryotype variability in successive generations after hybridization between the great sturgeon, Huso huso (L.), and sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus L.
000633 (1988) AMINE KEYVANFAREtude comparative des protéines sériques et cellulaires de quatre espèces d'esturgeons anadromes de la Mer Caspienne
000635 (1988) T. Weiger ; A. Lametschwandtner ; K. Kotrschal ; W.-D. KrautgartnerVascularization of the telencephalic choroid plexus of a ganoid fish [Acipenser ruthenus (L.)]
000643 (1988) A. Keyvanfar ; D. Rochu ; J. M. FineComparative study of sturgeon oocyte soluble proteins by isoelectric focusing
000647 (1988) XU YIAN ; XIONG QUANWEI
000648 (1988) E. V. Rajkova
000655 (1987) E. RaikovaPeculiarities of the embryonic development of Polypodium hydriforme Ussov (Cœlenterata), a parasite of acipenserid oocytes
000685 (1986) E. V. Rajkova
000709 (1985) R. A. Pevzner
000715 (1984) E. V. RaikovaUltrastructure of the stolon of Polypodium hydriforme Ussov (Coelenterata) parasitic in oocytes of acipenserid fishes
000733 (1983) CHEN JINFU ; YE JINCHUNA new subspecies of Pseudotpacheliastes soldatoir
000004 (2014) Viktor K. Popkov [Russie]Population structure and condition of Siberian sturgeon stock: Acipenser baeri Brandt in the River Basin of the Ob
000020 (2014) Vladica M. Simic [Serbie] ; Snežana B. Simic [Serbie] ; Milica Stojkovi Piperac [Serbie] ; Ana Petrovic [Serbie] ; Djuradj Milosevic [Serbie]Commercial fish species of inland waters: A model for sustainability assessment and management
000021 (2014) XI ZHANG [Japon] ; Mika Ookawa [Japon] ; YONGKAI TAN [Japon] ; Kazuhiro Ura [Japon] ; Shinji Adachi [Japon] ; Yasuaki Takagi [Japon]Biochemical characterisation and assessment of fibril-forming ability of collagens extracted from Bester sturgeon Huso huso × Acipenser ruthenus
000044 (2013) Abdulreza Mashroofeh [Iran] ; ALIREZA RIYAHI BAKHTIARI [Iran] ; Mohammad Pourkazemi [Iran] ; Sana Rasouli [Iran]Bioaccumulation of Cd, Pb and Zn in the edible and inedible tissues of three sturgeon species in the Iranian coastline of the Caspian Sea
000078 (2011) Bahram Falahatkar [Iran] ; Mohammad H. Tolouei Gilani [Iran] ; Siavash Falahatkar [Iran] ; Alireza Abbasalizadeh [Iran]Laparoscopy, a minimally-invasive technique for sex identification in cultured great sturgeon Huso huso
000084 (2011) Monika Vicenova [République tchèque] ; Stanislava Reschova [République tchèque] ; Dagmar Pokorova [République tchèque] ; Jana Hulova [République tchèque] ; Tomas Vesely [République tchèque]First detection of pike fry-like rhabdovirus in barbel and spring viraemia of carp virus in sturgeon and pike in aquaculture in the Czech Republic
000143 (2009) HUI ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; QIWEI WEI [République populaire de Chine] ; HAO DU [République populaire de Chine]A bedform morphology hypothesis for spawning areas of Chinese sturgeon
000155 (2008) M. Rajabpour [Iran] ; M. Malek [Iran] ; K. Mackenzie [Royaume-Uni] ; F. Aghlmandi [Iran]Helminth parasites of stellate sturgeon Acipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771 and Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897 (Pisces: Acipenseridae) from the South-East Caspian Sea
000181 (2007) Dorota Fopp-Bayat [Pologne] ; Ryszard Kolman [Pologne] ; Pawel Woznicki [Pologne]Induction of meiotic gynogenesis in sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) using UV-irradiated bester sperm
000201 (2006) Maristella Gussoni [Italie] ; Fulvia Greco [Italie] ; Alessandra Vezzoli [Italie] ; Maria Antonietta Paleari [Italie] ; Vittorio Maria Moretti [Italie] ; Giuseppe Beretta [Italie] ; Fabio Caprino [Italie] ; Barbara Lanza [Italie] ; Lucia Zetta [Italie]Monitoring the effects of storage in caviar from farmed Acipenser transmontanus using chemical, SEM, and NMR methods
000204 (2006) H. A. Khoshbavar-Rostami [Iran] ; M. Soltani [Iran] ; H. M. D. Hassan [Malaisie]Immune response of great sturgeon (Huso huso) subjected to long-term exposure to sublethal concentration of the organophosphate, diazinon
000216 (2006) Bojana Stanic [Serbie] ; Nebojsa Andric [Serbie] ; Sonja Zoric [Serbie] ; Gordana Grubor-Lajsic [Serbie] ; Radmila Kovacevic [Serbie]Assessing pollution in the Danube River near Novi Sad (Serbia) using several biomarkers in sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.)
000224 (2005) Naotaka Omoto [Japon] ; Mamoru Maebayashi [Japon] ; Shinji Adachi [Japon] ; Katsutoshi Arai [Japon] ; Kohei Yamauchi [Japon]The influence of oocyte maturational stage on hatching and triploidy rates in hybrid (bester) sturgeon, Huso huso × Acipneser ruthenus
000249 (2005) P. Williot [France] ; R. Brun [France] ; T. Rouault [France] ; M. Pelard [France] ; D. Mercier [France] ; A. Ludwig [Allemagne]Artificial spawning in cultured sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus L., with special emphasis on hermaphrodites
000272 (2003) Chris J. Perrin [Canada] ; Laura L. Rempel [Canada] ; Marvin L. Rosenau [Canada]White sturgeon spawning habitat in an unregulated river: Fraser River, Canada
000278 (2003) Philip A. Cochran [États-Unis] ; John Lyons [États-Unis] ; Matthew R. Gehl [États-Unis]Parasitic attachments by overwintering silver lampreys, Ichthyomyzon unicuspis, and chestnut lampreys, Ichthyomyzon castaneus
000297 (2003) Paul Vecsei [Canada] ; Matthew K. Litvak [Canada] ; David L. G. Noakes [Canada] ; Tom Rien [États-Unis] ; Martin Hochleithner [Autriche]A noninvasive technique for determining sex of live adult North American sturgeons
000298 (2002) Esturgeons et caviar
000300 (2002) Sturgeon: caviar, reproduction and conservation
000321 (2001) Paul Vecsei [Canada] ; Evgenii Artyukhin [Russie]Threatened fishes of the world : Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897 (Acipenseridae)
000324 (2001) Anindo Choudhury [Canada] ; Terry A. Dick [Canada]Sturgeons (Chondrostei: Acipenseridae) and their metazoan parasites: patterns and processes in historical biogeography
000382 (1999) E. Gisbert [Espagne]Early development and allometric growth patterns in Siberian sturgeon and their ecological significance
000383 (1999) C. Wolf [Suisse] ; P. Hübner [Suisse] ; J. Lüthy [Suisse]Differentiation of sturgeon species by PCR-RFLP
000390 (1998) Le caviar : de la pêche au grain
000402 (1998) V. J. Birstein [États-Unis] ; P. Doukakis [États-Unis] ; B. Sorkin [États-Unis] ; R. Desalle [États-Unis]Population aggregation analysis of three caviar-producing species of sturgeons and implications for the species identification of black caviar
000403 (1998) A. Choudhury [Canada] ; T. A. Dick [Canada]Patterns and determinants of helminth communities in the Acipenseridae (Actinopterygii: Chondrostei), with special reference to the lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens
000406 (1998) F. Fontana [Italie] ; J. Tagliavini [Italie] ; L. Congiu [Italie] ; M. Lanfredi [Italie] ; M. Chicca [Italie] ; C. Laurente [Italie] ; R. Rossi [Italie]Karyotypic characterization of the great sturgeon, Huso huso, by multiple staining techniques and fluorescent in situ hybridization
000425 (1997) M. H. Hofmann [Allemagne] ; H. Bleckmann [Allemagne]Subdivisions of the olfactory system in the sterlet Acipenser ruthenus
000437 (1997) R. P. Khodorevskaya [Russie] ; G. F. Dovgopol [Russie] ; O. L. Zhuravleva [Russie] ; A. D. Vlasenko [Russie]Present status of commercial stocks of sturgeons in the Caspian Sea basin
000441 (1997) K. Hensel [Slovaquie] ; J. Holcik [Slovaquie]Past and current status of sturgeons in the upper and middle Danube River
000443 (1997) E. K. Findeis [États-Unis]Osteology and phylogenetic interrelationships of sturgeons (Acipenseridae)
000453 (1997) V. J. Birstein [États-Unis] ; W. E. Bemis [États-Unis]How many species are there within the genus Acipenser ?
000461 (1997) S. S. O. Hung [États-Unis] ; W. Liu [République populaire de Chine] ; H. Li [République populaire de Chine] ; T. Storebakken [Norvège] ; YIBO CUI [République populaire de Chine]Effect of starvation on some morphological and biochemical parameters in white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus
000469 (1997) W. E. Bemis [États-Unis] ; E. K. Findeis [États-Unis] ; L. Grande [États-Unis]An overview of Acipenseriformes
000499 (1995) J. H. Jr Long [États-Unis]Morphology, mechanics, and locomotion : the relation between the notochord and swimming motions in sturgeon
000509 (1995) E. Cataldi [Italie] ; E. Ciccotti [Italie] ; P. Di Marco [Italie] ; O. Di Santo [Italie] ; P. Bronzi ; S. Cataudella [Italie]Acclimation trials of juvenile Italian sturgeon to different salinities : morpho-physiological descriptors
000533 (1993) M. H. Hofmann [Allemagne] ; C. Pinuela ; D. L. MeyerRetinopetal projections from diencephalic neurons in a primitive actinopterygian fish, the sterlet Acipenser ruthenus
000536 (1993) A. Choudhury [Canada] ; T. A. DickParasites of lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens (Chondrostei: Acipenseridae), from central Canada
000543 (1993) A. D. Gershanovich [Russie] ; G. A. KiselevGrowth and haematological response of sturgeon hybrids Russian sturgeon (Acipenser guldenstadti brandt) × beluga (Huso L.) to protein and lipid contents in the diet
000544 (1993) J. A. Bolker [États-Unis]Gastrulation and mesoderm morphogenesis in the white sturgeon
000559 (1992) A. D. Gershanovich [Russie] ; I. V. PototskijThe peculiarities of nitrogen excretion in sturgeons (Acipenser ruthenus) (Pisces, Acipenseridae). I: The influence of ration size
000563 (1992) S. Guenette [Canada] ; E. Rassart ; R. FortinMorphological differentiation of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) from the St. Lawrence River and Lac des Deux Montagnes (Québec, Canada)
000566 (1992) R. P. Hedrick [États-Unis] ; T. S. Mcdowell ; J. M. Groff ; S. Yun ; W. H. WingfieldIsolation and some properties of an iridovirus-like agent from white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus
000567 (1992) D. Mcmaster [Canada] ; M. A. Belenky ; A. L. Polenov ; K. LederisIsolation and amino acid sequence of urotensin II from the sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus
000571 (1992) G. C. Gonzalez [Canada] ; M. A. Belenky ; A. L. Polenov ; K. LederisComparative localization of corticotropin and corticotropin releasing factor-like peptides in the brain and hypophysis of a primitive vertebrate, the sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus L.
000574 (1991) Programme de transfert industriel pour la filière esturgeon
000576 (1991) R. P. Hedrick [États-Unis] ; T. S. Mcdowell ; R. Rosemark ; D. Aronstein ; C. N. LannanTwo cell lines from white sturgeon
000581 (1991) T. A. Dick [Canada] ; H. L. Jr Holloway ; A. ChoudhuryPolypodium sp. (Coelenterata) from lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens rafinesque) in the prairie region of Canada
000584 (1991) R. P. Hedrick [États-Unis] ; T. S. Mcdowell ; J. M. Groff ; S. Yun ; W. H. WingfieldIsolation of an epitheliotropic herpesvirus from white surgeon Acipenser transmontanus
000587 (1991) C. Pelissero [France] ; F. Le Menn ; S. KaushickEstrogenic effect of dietary soya bean meal on vitellogenesis in cultured Siberian sturgeons Acipenser baeri
000589 (1991) V. A. Arefjev [Russie] ; A. I. NikolaevCytological analysis of the reciprocal hybrids between low- and high-chromosome acipenserids, the great sturgeon, Huso huso (L.), and the Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt


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