Serveur d'exploration sur l'esturgeon

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Le cluster Larve - Développement


59Acipenser baeri
74Acipenser sturio
15Milieu saumâtre


1010Développement - Larve
1010Acipenser baeri - Larve
88Acipenser baeri - Aquiculture
1010Acipenser sturio - Aquiculture
99Acipenser sturio - Estuaire
99Estuaire - Milieu saumâtre
88Acipenser sturio - Milieu saumâtre
77Larve - Survie
77Aquiculture - Larve
66Acipenser baeri - Développement
55Aquiculture - Développement
44Acipenser sturio - Larve

Documents par ordre de pertinence
000001 (2014) Marcus A. Boucher [Canada] ; Steven O. Mcadam [Canada] ; J. Mark Shrimpton [Canada]The effect of temperature and substrate on the growth, development and survival of larval white sturgeon
000030 (2013) John R. Waldman [États-Unis] ; Tim King [États-Unis] ; Tom Savoy [États-Unis] ; Lorraine Maceda [États-Unis] ; Cheryl Grunwald [États-Unis] ; Isaac Wirgin [États-Unis]Stock Origins of Subadult and Adult Atlantic Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus, in a Non-natal Estuary, Long Island Sound
000089 (2011) SEYEDEH SEDIGHEH BABAEI [Iran] ; ABDOLMOHAMMAD ABEDIAN KENARI [Iran] ; Rajabmohammad Nazari [Iran] ; Enric Gisbert [Espagne]Developmental changes of digestive enzymes in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) during larval ontogeny
000135 (2009) Edwin J. Niklitschek [Chili] ; David H. Secor [États-Unis]Dissolved oxygen, temperature and salinity effects on the ecophysiology and survival of juvenile Atlantic sturgeon in estuarine waters: II. Model development and testing
000136 (2009) Edwin J. Niklitschek [Chili] ; David H. Secor [États-Unis]Dissolved oxygen, temperature and salinity effects on the ecophysiology and survival of juvenile Atlantic sturgeon in estuarine waters: I. Laboratory results
000211 (2006) Stéphanie Fontagne [France] ; Didier Bazin [France] ; Jeannine Breque [France] ; Christiane Vachot [France] ; Cédric Bemarde [France] ; Thierry Rouault [France] ; Pierre Bergot [France]Effects of dietary oxidized lipid and vitamin A on the early development and antioxidant status of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) larvae
000227 (2005) Isaac Wirgin [États-Unis] ; Cheryl Grunwald [États-Unis] ; Erik Carlson [États-Unis] ; Joseph Stabile [États-Unis] ; Douglas L. Peterson [États-Unis] ; John Waldman [États-Unis]Range-wide population structure of shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum based on sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region
000228 (2005) R. Allen Brooks [États-Unis] ; Kenneth J. Sulak [États-Unis]Quantitative assessment of benthic food resources for juvenile gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi in the suwannee river estuary, Florida, USA
000231 (2005) Edwin J. Niklitschek [Chili] ; David H. Secor [États-Unis]Modeling spatial and temporal variation of suitable nursery habitats for Atlantic sturgeon in the Chesapeake Bay
000247 (2005) Patrick Williot [France] ; Rémi Brun [France] ; Thierry Rouault [France] ; Marcel Pelard [France] ; Daniel Mercier [France]Attempts at larval rearing of the endangered western European sturgeon, Acipenser sturio (Acipenseridae), in France
000279 (2003) Enric Gisbert [Espagne] ; Georgii I. Ruban [Russie]Ontogenetic behavior of Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii: A synthesis between laboratory tests and field data
000358 (2000) E. Gisbert [Espagne] ; P. Williot [France] ; F. Castello-Orvay [Espagne]Influence of egg size on growth and survival of early stages of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) under small scale hatchery conditions
000380 (1999) E. Gisbert [Espagne] ; M. C. Sarasquete [Espagne] ; P. Williot [France] ; F. Castello-Orvay [Espagne]Histochemistry of the development of the digestive system of Siberian sturgeon during early ontogeny
000417 (1998) E. Gisbert [Espagne] ; A. Rodriguez [Espagne] ; F. Castello-Orvay [Espagne] ; P. Williot [France]A histological study of the development of the digestive tract of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) during early ontogeny
000451 (1997) E. Gisbert [Espagne] ; P. Williot [France]Larval behaviour and effect of the timing of initial feeding on growth and survival of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser laeri) larvae under small scale hatchery production
000575 (1991) Acipenser, Bordeaux, 3-6 octobre 1989
000693 (1985) K. Dabrowski ; S. J. Kaushik ; B. FauconneauRearing of sturgeon (Acipenser baeri Brandt) larvae. I. Feeding trial
000713 (1984) Premiers résultats de trois années de marquage de l'Esturgeon Acipenser sturio dans le bas estuaire de la Gironde
000017 (2014) SEUNGHYUNG LEE [États-Unis] ; YICHUAN WANG [États-Unis] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] ; Anders B. Strathe [États-Unis] ; Nann A. Fangue [États-Unis] ; James G. Fadel [États-Unis]Development of optimum feeding rate model for white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)
000083 (2011) James A. Crossman [États-Unis] ; Kim T. Scribner [États-Unis] ; DUONG THUY YEN [États-Unis] ; Christin A. Davis [États-Unis] ; Patrick S. Forsythe [États-Unis] ; Edward A. Baker [États-Unis]Gamete and larval collection methods and hatchery rearing environments affect levels of genetic diversity in early life stages of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)
000085 (2011) Thuy Yen Duong [États-Unis, Viêt Nam] ; Kim T. Scribner [États-Unis] ; James A. Crossman [États-Unis] ; Patrick S. Forsythe [États-Unis] ; Edward A. Baker [États-Unis]Environmental and maternal effects on embryonic and larval developmental time until dispersal of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)
000086 (2011) Steven O. Mcadam [Canada]Effects of substrate condition on habitat use and survival by white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) larvae and potential implications for recruitment
000102 (2010) Dorota Fopp-Bayat [Pologne]Meiotic gynogenesis revealed not homogametic female sex determination system in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri Brandt)
000121 (2009) Joshua A. Israel [États-Unis] ; K. Jun Bando [États-Unis] ; Eric C. Anderson [États-Unis] ; Bernie May [États-Unis]Polyploid microsatellite data reveal stock complexity among estuarine North American green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris)
000130 (2009) Dong-Fang Deng [États-Unis] ; CHUNFANG WANG [République populaire de Chine] ; Seunghyung Lee [Corée du Sud] ; SUNGCHUL BAI [Corée du Sud] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis]Feeding rates affect heat shock protein levels in liver of larval white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)
000133 (2009) Stephen T. Ross [États-Unis] ; W. Todd Slack [États-Unis] ; Ryan J. Heise [États-Unis] ; Mark A. Dugo [États-Unis] ; Howard Rogillio [États-Unis] ; Bryant R. Bowen [États-Unis] ; Paul Mickle [États-Unis] ; Richard W. Heard [États-Unis]Estuarine and Coastal Habitat Use of Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in the North-Central Gulf of Mexico
000148 (2008) Jeffrey R. Ziegeweid [États-Unis] ; Cecil A. Jennings [États-Unis] ; Douglas L. Peterson [États-Unis]Thermal maxima for juvenile shortnose sturgeon acclimated to different temperatures
000152 (2008) Heather J. Hamlin [États-Unis] ; Brandon C. Moore [États-Unis] ; Thea M. Edwards [États-Unis] ; Iskande L. V. Larkin [États-Unis] ; Ashley Boggs [États-Unis] ; William J. High [États-Unis] ; Kevan L. Main [États-Unis] ; Louis J. Jr Guillette [États-Unis]Nitrate-induced elevations in circulating sex steroid concentrations in female Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) in commercial aquaculture
000168 (2007) Inge Werner [États-Unis] ; Javier Linares-Casenave [États-Unis] ; Joel P. Van Eenennaam [États-Unis] ; Serge I. Doroshov [États-Unis]The effect of temperature stress on development and heat-shock protein expression in larval green sturgeon (A cipenser medirostris)
000185 (2007) Shawn R. Flynn [Canada] ; Tillmann J. Benfey [Canada]Effects of dietary estradiol-17β in juvenile shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, Lesueur
000193 (2006) Rosalee M. Nguyen [États-Unis] ; Carlos E. Crocker [États-Unis]The effects of substrate composition on foraging behavior and growth rate of larval green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris
000199 (2006) H. J. Hamlin [États-Unis]Nitrate toxicity in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri)
000204 (2006) H. A. Khoshbavar-Rostami [Iran] ; M. Soltani [Iran] ; H. M. D. Hassan [Malaisie]Immune response of great sturgeon (Huso huso) subjected to long-term exposure to sublethal concentration of the organophosphate, diazinon
000205 (2006) S. R. Flynn [Canada] ; M. Matsuoka [Canada] ; M. Reith [Canada] ; D. J. Martin-Robichaud [Canada] ; T. J. Benfey [Canada]Gynogenesis and sex determination in shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum Lesuere
000206 (2006) Sven Wuertz [Allemagne] ; Sandrine Gaillard [France] ; Federica Barbisan [Italie] ; Serge Carle [France] ; Leonardo Congiu [Italie] ; Anna Forlani [Italie] ; Josiane Aubert [France] ; Frank Kirschbaum [Allemagne] ; Elisabetta Tosi [Italie] ; Lorenzo Zane [Italie] ; Joel-Paul Grillasca [France]Extensive screening of sturgeon genomes by random screening techniques revealed no sex-specific marker
000210 (2006) Peter J. Allen [États-Unis] ; Brian Hodge [États-Unis] ; Inge Wemer [États-Unis] ; Joseph J. Jr Cech [États-Unis]Effects of ontogeny, season, and temperature on the swimming performance of juvenile green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris)
000217 (2006) Cristina Trenzado [Espagne] ; M. Carmen Hidalgo [Espagne] ; Manuel Garcia-Gallego [Espagne] ; Amalia E. Morales [Espagne] ; Miriam Furne [Espagne] ; Alberto Domezain [Espagne] ; Julio Domezain [Espagne] ; Ana Sanz [Espagne]Antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation in sturgeon Acipenser naccarii and trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. A comparative study
000223 (2005) Akos Horvath [États-Unis, Hongrie] ; William R. Wayman [États-Unis] ; Béla Urbanyi [Hongrie] ; Kent M. Ware [États-Unis] ; Jan C. Dean [États-Unis] ; Terrence R. Tiersch [États-Unis]The relationship of the cryoprotectants methanol and dimethyl sulfoxide and hyperosmotic extenders on sperm cryopreservation of two North-American sturgeon species
000224 (2005) Naotaka Omoto [Japon] ; Mamoru Maebayashi [Japon] ; Shinji Adachi [Japon] ; Katsutoshi Arai [Japon] ; Kohei Yamauchi [Japon]The influence of oocyte maturational stage on hatching and triploidy rates in hybrid (bester) sturgeon, Huso huso × Acipneser ruthenus
000225 (2005) Naotaka Omoto [Japon] ; Mamoru Maebayashi [Japon] ; Shinji Adachi [Japon] ; Katsutoshi Arai [Japon] ; Kohei Yamauchi [Japon]Sex ratios of triploids and gynogenetic diploids induced in the hybrid sturgeon, the bester (Huso huso female×Acipenser ruthenus male)
000240 (2005) M. Furne [Espagne] ; M. C. Hidalgo [Espagne] ; A. Lopez [Espagne] ; M. Garcia-Gallego [Espagne] ; A. E. Morales [Espagne] ; A. Domezain [Espagne] ; J. Domezaine ; A. Sanz [Espagne]Digestive enzyme activities in Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. A comparative study
000246 (2005) Boyd Kynard [États-Unis] ; Erika Parker [États-Unis] ; Timothy Parker [États-Unis]Behavior of early life intervals of Klamath River green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, with a note on body color
000249 (2005) P. Williot [France] ; R. Brun [France] ; T. Rouault [France] ; M. Pelard [France] ; D. Mercier [France] ; A. Ludwig [Allemagne]Artificial spawning in cultured sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus L., with special emphasis on hermaphrodites
000258 (2004) E. Gisbert [Espagne] ; A. Rodriguez [Espagne] ; L. Cardona [Espagne] ; M. Huertas [Espagne] ; M. A. Gallardo [Espagne] ; C. Sarasquete [Espagne] ; M. Sala-Rabanal [Espagne] ; A. Ibarz [Espagne] ; J. Sanchez [Espagne] ; F. Castello-Orvay [Espagne]Recovery of Siberian sturgeon yearlings after an acute exposure to environmental nitrite: changes in the plasmatic ionic balance, Na+-K+ ATPase activity, and gill histology
000260 (2004) Boyd Kynard [États-Unis] ; Erika Parker [États-Unis]Ontogenetic behavior and migration of Gulf of Mexico sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, with notes on body color and development
000264 (2004) Ilhan Altinok [Turquie] ; John M. Grizzle [États-Unis]Excretion of ammonia and urea by phylogenetically diverse fish species in low salinities
000266 (2004) Ryan S. Hardy [États-Unis] ; Matthew K. Litvak [Canada]Effects of temperature on the early development, growth, and survival of shortnose sturgeon, acipenser brevirostrum, and Atlantic sturgeon, acipenser oxyrhynchus, yolk-sac larvae
000286 (2003) Enric Gisbert [Espagne, États-Unis] ; Serge I. Doroshov [États-Unis]Histology of the developing digestive system and the effect of food deprivation in larval green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris)
000304 (2002) Boyd Kynard [États-Unis] ; PING ZHUANG [États-Unis, République populaire de Chine] ; LONGZHEN ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; TAO ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; ZHENG ZHANG [République populaire de Chine]Ontogenetic behavior and migration of Volga River Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, with a note on adaptive significance of body color
000306 (2002) Boyd Kynard [États-Unis] ; Martin Horgan [États-Unis]Ontogenetic behavior and migration of Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus, and shortnose sturgeon, A. brevirostrum, with notes on social behavior
000315 (2002) E. Gisbert [Espagne] ; P. Williot [France]Advances in the larval rearing of Siberian sturgeon
000332 (2001) A. Rodriguez [Colombie, Espagne] ; E. Gisbert [Espagne]Morphogenesis of the eye of Siberian sturgeon
000342 (2001) Eric Rochard [France] ; Mario Lepage [France] ; Pierre Dumont [Canada] ; Serge Tremblay [Canada] ; Christine Gazeau [France]Downstream migration of juvenile European sturgeon Acipenser sturio L. in the Gironde estuary
000348 (2000) Laurent Brosse [France] ; Eric Rochard [France] ; Pierre Dumont [Canada] ; Mario Lepage [France]Premiers résultats sur l'alimentation de l'esturgeon européen, Acipenser sturio, dans l'estuaire de la Gironde. Comparaison avec la faune benthique
000382 (1999) E. Gisbert [Espagne]Early development and allometric growth patterns in Siberian sturgeon and their ecological significance
000404 (1998) P. Williot [France] ; R. Brun [France]Ovarian development and cycles in cultured siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baeri
000489 (1996) J. R. Waldman [États-Unis] ; K. Nolan [États-Unis] ; J. Hart [États-Unis] ; I. I. Wirgin [États-Unis]Genetic differentiation of three key anadromous fish populations of the Hudson River
000538 (1993) B. Elvira [Espagne] ; A. AlmodovarNotice about the survival of sturgeon (Acipenser sturio L., 1758) in the Guadalquivir estuary (S.W. Spain)
000553 (1993) P. V. Veshchev ; A. P. Slivka ; A. S. Novikiva ; K. L. ShekhodanovEn Russe
000555 (1992-10) Mise au point d'une méthode de suivi de l'abondance des aphihalins dans le système fluvio-estuarien de la Gironde, application à l'étude écobiologique de l'esturgeon Acipenser sturio
000557 (1992) Transfert d'espèces - épuration des effluents, Bordeaux, mars 1992
000574 (1991) Programme de transfert industriel pour la filière esturgeon
000654 (1987) K. Dabrowski ; S. J. Kaushik ; B. FauconneauRearing of sturgeon (Acipenser baeri Brandt) larvae. III: Nitrogen and energy metabolism and amino acid absorption
000674 (1986) B. Fauconneau ; P. Aguirre ; K. Dabrowski ; S. J. KaushikRearing of sturgeon (Acipenser baeri Brandt) larvae. II: Protein metabolism: influence of fasting and diet quality
000675 (1986) M. A. Lazzari ; J. C. Ii O'Herron ; R. W. HastingsOccurrence of juvenile Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhynchus, in the upper tidal Delaware River
000680 (1986) K. J. Shigekawa ; S. H. LoganEconomic analysis of commercial hatchery production of sturgeon
000714 (1984) Biologie et écologie d'Acipenser sturio: étude de la pêcherie, janvier 1984
000721 (1984) R. K. Buddington ; S. I. DoroshovFeeding trials with hatchery produced white sturgeon juveniles (Acipenser transmontanus)
000000 (2014) Danijela Popovic [Pologne] ; Hanna Panagiotopoulou [Pologne] ; Mateusz Baca [Pologne] ; Krzysztof Stefaniak [Pologne] ; Paweł Mackiewicz [Pologne] ; Daniel Makowiecki [Pologne] ; Tim L. King [États-Unis] ; Jakub Gruchota [Pologne] ; Piotr Weglenski [Pologne] ; Anna Stankovic [Pologne]The history of sturgeon in the Baltic Sea
000003 (2014) Ian Bouyoucos [États-Unis] ; Peter Bushnell [États-Unis] ; Richard Brill [États-Unis]Potential for Electropositive Metal to Reduce the Interactions of Atlantic Sturgeon with Fishing Gear
000004 (2014) Viktor K. Popkov [Russie]Population structure and condition of Siberian sturgeon stock: Acipenser baeri Brandt in the River Basin of the Ob
000013 (2014) Amber R. Tompsett [Canada] ; David W. Vardy [Canada] ; Eric Higley [Canada] ; Jon A. Doering [Canada] ; Marcie Allan [Canada] ; Karsten Liber [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, Hong Kong] ; Markus Hecker [Canada]Effects of Columbia River water on early life-stages of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)
000016 (2014) Montana F. Mclean [Canada] ; Colin A. Simpfendorfer [Australie] ; Michelle R. Heupel [Australie] ; Michael J. Dadswell [Canada] ; Michael J. W. Stokesbury [Canada]Diversity of behavioural patterns displayed by a summer feeding aggregation of Atlantic sturgeon in the intertidal region of Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy, Canada
000033 (2013) Zahra Geraylou [Belgique] ; Caroline Souffreau [Belgique] ; Eugene Rurangwa [Belgique, Pays-Bas] ; Gregory E. Maes [Australie, Belgique] ; Katina I. Spanier [Belgique] ; Christophe M. Courtin [Belgique] ; Jan A. Delcour [Belgique] ; Johan Buyse [Belgique] ; Frans Ollevier [Belgique]Prebiotic effects of arabinoxylan oligosaccharides on juvenile Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) with emphasis on the modulation of the gut microbiota using 454 pyrosequencing
000034 (2013) Olivier Chassaing [France] ; Nathalie Desse-Berset [France] ; Marilyne Duffraisse [France] ; Sandrine Hughes [France] ; Catherine H Nni [France] ; Patrick Berrebi [France]Palaeogenetics of western French sturgeons spotlights the relationships between Acipenser sturio and Acipenser oxyrinchus
000035 (2013) YANHUA LI [République populaire de Chine] ; Boyd Kynard [États-Unis] ; QIWEI WEI [République populaire de Chine] ; HUI ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; HAO DU [République populaire de Chine] ; QIANKUN LI [République populaire de Chine]Ontogenetic behavior and migration of kaluga, Huso dauricus
000036 (2013) Adam J. Schlenger [États-Unis] ; Elizabeth W. North [États-Unis] ; Zachary Schlag [États-Unis] ; YUN LI [États-Unis] ; David H. Secor [États-Unis] ; Katharine A. Smith [États-Unis] ; Edwin J. Niklitschek [Chili]Modeling the influence of hypoxia on the potential habitat of Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus: a comparison of two methods
000039 (2013) A. D. Schreier [États-Unis] ; B. May [États-Unis] ; D. A. Gille [États-Unis]Incidence of spontaneous autopolyploidy in cultured populations of white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus
000046 (2013) Cristina Polonschii [Roumanie] ; Dumitru Bratu [Roumanie] ; Eugen Gheorghiu [Roumanie]Appraisal of fish behaviour based on time series of fish positions issued by a 3D array of ultrasound transducers
000048 (2012) Matthew T. Balazik [États-Unis] ; Stephen P. Mcininch [États-Unis] ; Greg C. Garman [États-Unis] ; Michael L. Fine [États-Unis] ; Clint B. Smith [États-Unis]Using energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence microchemistry to infer migratory life history of Atlantic sturgeon
000052 (2012) Sadaf N. Zubair [Canada] ; Stephan J. Peake [Canada] ; James F. Hare [Canada] ; W. Gary Anderson [Canada]The effect of temperature and substrate on the development of the cortisol stress response in the lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, Rafinesque (1817)
000054 (2012) DONG HAN [République populaire de Chine] ; Susie S. Y. Huang [États-Unis] ; Wei-Fang Wang [République populaire de Chine] ; Dong-Fang Deng [États-Unis] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis]Starvation reduces the heat shock protein responses in white sturgeon larvae
000067 (2012) Ebrahim H. Najdegerami [Belgique] ; Tiet Ngoc Tran [Belgique] ; Tom Defoirdt [Belgique] ; Massimo Marzorati [Belgique] ; Patrick Sorgeloos [Belgique] ; Nico Boon [Belgique] ; Peter Bossier [Belgique]Effects of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) on Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) fingerlings performance and its gastrointestinal tract microbial community
000074 (2011) THUY YEN DUONG [États-Unis] ; Kim T. Scribner [États-Unis] ; James A. Crossman [États-Unis] ; Patrick S. Forsythe [États-Unis] ; Edward A. Baker [États-Unis] ; Jeannette Kanefsky [États-Unis] ; Jared J. Homola [États-Unis] ; Christin Davis [États-Unis]Relative larval loss among females during dispersal of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)
000075 (2011) Sarah A. Servid [États-Unis] ; Mariah J. Talbott [États-Unis] ; Joel P. Van Eenennaam [États-Unis] ; Serge I. Doroshov [États-Unis] ; Peter Struffenegger [États-Unis] ; Molly A. H. Webb [États-Unis] ; Anna G. Cavinato [États-Unis]Rapid noninvasive characterization of ovarian follicular atresia in cultured white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) by near infrared spectroscopy
000078 (2011) Bahram Falahatkar [Iran] ; Mohammad H. Tolouei Gilani [Iran] ; Siavash Falahatkar [Iran] ; Alireza Abbasalizadeh [Iran]Laparoscopy, a minimally-invasive technique for sex identification in cultured great sturgeon Huso huso
000079 (2011) Mariah J. Talbott [États-Unis] ; Joel P. Van Eenennaam [États-Unis] ; Javier Linares-Casenave [États-Unis] ; Serge I. Doroshov [États-Unis] ; Christopher S. Guy [États-Unis] ; Peter Struffenegger [États-Unis] ; Molly A. H. Webb [États-Unis]Investigating the use of plasma testosterone and estradiol-17β to detect ovarian follicular atresia in farmed white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus
000081 (2011) Elisa Boscari [Italie] ; Federica Barbisan [Italie] ; Leonardo Congiu [Italie]Inheritance pattern of microsatellite loci in the polyploid Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii)
000084 (2011) Monika Vicenova [République tchèque] ; Stanislava Reschova [République tchèque] ; Dagmar Pokorova [République tchèque] ; Jana Hulova [République tchèque] ; Tomas Vesely [République tchèque]First detection of pike fry-like rhabdovirus in barbel and spring viraemia of carp virus in sturgeon and pike in aquaculture in the Czech Republic
000090 (2011) Nirmal K. Roy [États-Unis] ; Nichole Walker [États-Unis] ; R. Christopher Chambers [États-Unis] ; Isaac Wirgin [États-Unis]Characterization and expression of cytochrome P4501A in Atlantic sturgeon and shortnose sturgeon experimentally exposed to coplanar PCB 126 and TCDD
000091 (2011) Noriko Amiya [Japon] ; Masafumi Amano [Japon] ; Akira Tabuchi [Japon] ; Yoshitaka Oka [Japon]Anatomical relations between neuropeptide Y, galanin, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the brain of chondrostean, the Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri
000093 (2011) XIAONAN LU [États-Unis] ; Molly A. H. Webb [États-Unis] ; Mariah J. Talbott [États-Unis] ; Joel P. Van Eenennaam [États-Unis] ; Serge I. Doroshov [États-Unis] ; Barbara A. Rasco [États-Unis]A study of biochemical parameters associated with ovarian atresia and quality of caviar in farmed white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy
000098 (2010) Susana Camacho [Espagne] ; M. V. Ostos-Garrido [Espagne] ; A. Domezain [Espagne] ; R. Carmona [Espagne]Study of the Olfactory Epithelium in the Developing Sturgeon. Characterization of the Crypt Cells
000103 (2010) Géraldine Lassalle [France] ; Philippe Crouzet [Danemark] ; Jörn Gessner [Allemagne] ; Eric Rochard [France]Global warming impacts and conservation responses for the critically endangered European Atlantic sturgeon
000106 (2010) T. Kurobe [États-Unis] ; K. T. Kwak [États-Unis] ; E. Macconnell [États-Unis] ; T. S. Mcdowell [États-Unis] ; F. O. Mardones [États-Unis] ; R. P. Hedrick [États-Unis]Development of PCR assays to detect iridovirus infections among captive and wild populations of Missouri River sturgeon
000109 (2010) M. Elena Diaz [Espagne] ; Miriam Furne [Espagne] ; Cristina E. Trenzado [Espagne] ; Manuel Garcia-Gallego [Espagne] ; Alberto Domezain [Espagne] ; Ana Sanz [Espagne]Antioxidant defences in the first life phases of the sturgeon Acipenser naccarii
000110 (2010) XICHANG TAN [République populaire de Chine] ; XINHUI LI [République populaire de Chine] ; Sovan Lek [France] ; YUEFEI LI [République populaire de Chine] ; CHAO WANG [République populaire de Chine] ; JIE LI [République populaire de Chine] ; JIANREN LUO [République populaire de Chine]Annual dynamics of the abundance of fish larvae and its relationship with hydrological variation in the Pearl River
000113 (2009) Paul Gonthier [France]Esturgeon européen... le retour ?


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