000026 (2013) |
Susie Shih-Yin Huang [États-Unis] ; Anders Bjerring Strathe [Danemark] ; James G. Fadel [États-Unis] ; Michael L. Johnson [États-Unis] ; PINPINLIN [Taïwan] ; Tsung-Yun Liu [Taïwan] ; Silass. O. Hung [États-Unis] | The interactive effects of selenomethionine and methylmercury on their absorption, disposition, and elimination in juvenile white sturgeon |
000049 (2012) |
E. E. Little [États-Unis] ; R. D. Calfee [États-Unis] ; G. Linder [États-Unis] | Toxicity of Copper to Early-life Stage Kootenai River White Sturgeon, Columbia River White Sturgeon, and Rainbow Trout |
000070 (2012) |
Susie Shih-Yin Huang [États-Unis] ; Anders Bjerring Strathe [États-Unis] ; James G. Fadel [États-Unis] ; PINPIN LIN [Taïwan] ; Tsung-Yun Liu [Taïwan] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Absorption, distribution, and elimination of graded oral doses of methylmercury in juvenile white sturgeon |
000087 (2011) |
Jang-Won Lee [États-Unis] ; Nicola De Riu [États-Unis, Italie] ; Seunghyung Lee [États-Unis] ; Sungchul C. Bai [Corée du Sud] ; Giuseppe Moniello [Italie] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Effects of dietary methylmercury on growth performance and tissue burden in juvenile green (Acipenser medirostris) and white sturgeon (A. transmontanus) |
000104 (2010) |
Zhi-Hua Li [République tchèque, République populaire de Chine] ; PING LI [République tchèque, République populaire de Chine] ; Marek Rodina [République tchèque] ; Tomas Randak [République tchèque] | Evaluating the function of calcium antagonist on the Cd-induced stress in sperm of Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii |
000212 (2006) |
Henriette I. Jager [États-Unis] | Chutes and ladders and other games we play with rivers. II. Simulated effects of translocation on white sturgeon |
000215 (2006) |
Diran H. Tashjian [États-Unis] ; Swee J. Teh [États-Unis] ; Arutyun Sogomonyan [États-Unis] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Bioaccumulation and chronic toxicity of dietary L-selenomethionine in juvenile white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) |
000334 (2001) |
E. P. Foster [États-Unis] ; M. S. Fitzpatrick [États-Unis] ; G. W. Feist [États-Unis] ; C. B. Schreck [États-Unis] ; J. Yates [États-Unis] | Gonad organochlorine concentrations and plasma steroid levels in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) from the Columbia River, USA |
000014 (2014) |
Nicola De Riu [Italie] ; Jang-Won Lee [États-Unis] ; Susie S. Y. Huang [États-Unis] ; Giuseppe Moniello [Italie] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Effect of dietary selenomethionine on growth performance, tissue burden, and histopathology in green and white sturgeon |
000050 (2012) |
Jona. Doering [Canada] ; Steve Wiseman [Canada] ; Shawnc. Beitel [Canada] ; Brett J. Tendler [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, États-Unis, Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine] ; Markus Hecker [Canada] | Tissue specificity of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediated responses and relative sensitivity of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) to an AhR agonist |
000055 (2012) |
Susie Shih-Yin Huang [États-Unis] ; ANDERS BJERRING STRATHE [États-Unis] ; Wei-Fang Wang [République populaire de Chine] ; Dong-Fang Deng [États-Unis] ; James G. Fadel [États-Unis] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Selenocompounds in juvenile white sturgeon: Evaluating blood, tissue, and urine selenium concentrations after a single oral dose |
000056 (2012) |
Susie Shih-Yin Huang [États-Unis] ; ANDERS BJERRING STRATHE [États-Unis] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] ; Raymond C. Boston [États-Unis] ; James G. Fadel [États-Unis] | Selenocompounds in juvenile white sturgeon: Estimating absorption, disposition, and elimination of selenium using Bayesian hierarchical modeling |
000058 (2012) |
FENGYAN LIU [Canada] ; Steve Wiseman [Canada] ; YI WAN [République populaire de Chine] ; Jonathan A. Doering [Canada] ; Markus Hecker [Canada] ; Michael H. W. Lam [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, Hong Kong, Arabie saoudite, États-Unis] | Multi-species comparison of the mechanism of biotransformation of MeO-BDEs to OH-BDEs in fish |
000063 (2012) |
Jang-Won Lee [États-Unis] ; Jae-Won Kim [Corée du Sud] ; NICOLA DE RIU [Italie] ; Giuseppe Moniello [Italie] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Histopathological alterations of juvenile green (Acipenser medirostris) and white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) exposed to graded levels of dietary methylmercury |
000090 (2011) |
Nirmal K. Roy [États-Unis] ; Nichole Walker [États-Unis] ; R. Christopher Chambers [États-Unis] ; Isaac Wirgin [États-Unis] | Characterization and expression of cytochrome P4501A in Atlantic sturgeon and shortnose sturgeon experimentally exposed to coplanar PCB 126 and TCDD |
000108 (2010) |
A. M. Bakke [Norvège] ; D. H. Tashjian [États-Unis] ; C. F. Wang [États-Unis] ; S. H. Lee [États-Unis, Corée du Sud] ; S. C. Bai [Corée du Sud] ; S. S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Competition between selenomethionine and methionine absorption in the intestinal tract of green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) |
000150 (2008) |
Daniel J. Daugherty [États-Unis] ; Trent M. Sutton [États-Unis] ; Robert F. Elliott [États-Unis] | Potential for reintroduction of lake sturgeon in five northern Lake Michigan tributaries : a habitat suitability perspective |
000192 (2006) |
S. Gkelis [Grèce, Finlande] ; T. Lanaras [Grèce] ; K. Sivonen [Finlande] | The presence of microcystins and other cyanobacterial bioactive peptides in aquatic fauna collected from Greek freshwaters |
000200 (2006) |
D. J. Mccabe [États-Unis] ; M. A. Beekey [États-Unis] ; A. Mazloff [États-Unis] ; J. E. Marsden [États-Unis] | Negative effect of zebra mussels on foraging and habitat use by lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) |
000213 (2006) |
Henriette I. Jager [États-Unis] | Chutes and ladders and other games we play with rivers. I. Simulated effects of upstream passage on white sturgeon |
000250 (2005) |
Eric B. Snyder [États-Unis] ; G. Wayne Minshall [États-Unis] | An energy budget for the Kootenai River, Idaho (USA), with application for management of the Kootenai white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus |
000415 (1998) |
A. P. Farrell [Canada] ; C. J. Kennedy [Canada] ; A. Wood [Canada] ; B. D. Johnston [Canada] ; W. R. Bennett [Canada] | Acute toxicity of a didecyldimethylammonium chloride-based wood preservative, Bardac 2280, to aquatic species |
000494 (1996) |
G. Bressa [Italie] ; P. Bronzi [Italie] ; P. Romano [Italie] ; F. Carmignato [Italie] ; M. Dorini [Italie] ; E. Sisti [Italie] | Chlorinated pesticides and PCB content in thermal aquaculture of sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii) |
000502 (1995) |
C. G. Rousseaux [Canada] ; A. Branchaud ; P. A. Spear | Evaluation of liver histopathology and EROD activity in St. Lawrence Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in comparison with a reference population |
000006 (2014) |
Susie Shih-Yin Huang [Canada] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] ; HING MAN CHAN [Canada] | Maintaining tissue selenium species distribution as a potential defense mechanism against methylmercury toxicity in juvenile white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) |
000009 (2014) |
Jon A. Doering [Canada] ; Reza Farmahin [Canada] ; Steve Wiseman [Canada] ; Sean W. Kennedy [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine] ; Markus Hecker [Canada] | Functionality of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptors (AhR1 and AhR2) of White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and Implications for the Risk Assessment of Dioxin-like Compounds |
000011 (2014) |
XUEFANG LIANG [République populaire de Chine] ; WEI LI [République populaire de Chine] ; Christopher J. Martyniuk [Canada] ; JINMIAO ZHA [République populaire de Chine] ; ZIJIAN WANG [République populaire de Chine] ; GANG CHENG [République populaire de Chine] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, Hong Kong] | Effects of dechlorane plus on the hepatic proteome of juvenile Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) |
000020 (2014) |
Vladica M. Simic [Serbie] ; Snežana B. Simic [Serbie] ; Milica Stojkovi Piperac [Serbie] ; Ana Petrovic [Serbie] ; Djuradj Milosevic [Serbie] | Commercial fish species of inland waters: A model for sustainability assessment and management |
000042 (2013) |
YI WAN [République populaire de Chine] ; KUN ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; ZHAOMIN DONG [République populaire de Chine] ; JIANYING HU [République populaire de Chine] | Distribution is a Major Factor Affecting Bioaccumulation of Decabrominated Diphenyl Ether: Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) as an Example |
000059 (2012) |
Sima Usvyatsov [Canada] ; Jeffrey Picka [Canada] ; Ryan Scott Hardy [États-Unis] ; Travis Dawson Shepherd [Canada] ; James Watmough [Canada] ; Matthew Kenneth Litvak [Canada] | Modeling the timing of spawning and hatching of shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, in the Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada |
000061 (2012) |
Rebecca E. Whitlock [Royaume-Uni] ; Murdoch K. Mcallister [Canada] | Incorporating spatial and seasonal dimensions in a stock reduction analysis for lower Fraser River white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) |
000064 (2012) |
Andrea Drauch Schreier [États-Unis] ; Brian Mahardja [États-Unis] ; Bernie May [États-Unis] | Hierarchical patterns of population structure in the endangered Fraser River white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and implications for conservation |
000073 (2011) |
GUIFANG DONG [République populaire de Chine] ; XIAOMING ZHU [République populaire de Chine] ; DONG HAN [République populaire de Chine] ; YUNXIA YANG [République populaire de Chine] ; LIRONG SONG [République populaire de Chine] ; SHOUQI XIE [République populaire de Chine] | Response and Recovery of Hybrid Sturgeon from Subchronic Oral Administration of Cyanobacteria |
000082 (2011) |
Kristyne M. Wozney [Canada] ; Tim J. Haxton [Canada] ; Shawna Kjartanson [Canada] ; Chris C. Wilson [Canada] | Genetic assessment of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) population structure in the Ottawa River |
000086 (2011) |
Steven O. Mcadam [Canada] | Effects of substrate condition on habitat use and survival by white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) larvae and potential implications for recruitment |
000097 (2010) |
KUN ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; YI WAN [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, États-Unis, Hong Kong] ; Michael H. W. Lam [Hong Kong] ; Steve Wiseman [Canada] ; Paul D. Jones [Canada] ; JIANYING HU [République populaire de Chine] | Tissue Concentrations of Polybrominated Compounds in Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis): Origin, Hepatic Sequestration, and Maternal Transfer |
000132 (2009) |
Casey Justice [États-Unis] ; Brian J. Pyper [États-Unis] ; Raymond C. P. Beamesderfer [États-Unis] ; Vaughn L. Paragamian [États-Unis] ; Pete J. Rust [États-Unis] ; Matthew D. Neufeld [Canada] ; Susan C. Ireland [États-Unis] | Evidence of density- and size-dependent mortality in hatchery-reared juvenile white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in the Kootenai River |
000141 (2009) |
James R. Hatten [États-Unis] ; Michael J. Parsley [États-Unis] | A spatial model of white sturgeon rearing habitat in the lower Columbia River, USA |
000146 (2008) |
Tim J. Haxton [Canada] ; C. Scott Findlay [Canada] | Variation in lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) abundance and growth among river reaches in a large regulated river |
000174 (2007) |
XINHAI LI [Canada] ; Matthew K. Litvak [Canada] ; John E. Hughes Clarke [Canada] | Overwintering habitat use of shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) : defining critical habitat using a novel underwater video survey and modeling approach |
000180 (2007) |
YI WAN [République populaire de Chine] ; QIWEI WEI [République populaire de Chine] ; JIANYING HU [République populaire de Chine] ; XIAOHUI JIN [République populaire de Chine] ; ZHAOBIN ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; HUAJUN ZHEN [République populaire de Chine] ; JIANYI LIU [République populaire de Chine] | Levels, tissue distribution, and age-related accumulation of synthetic musk fragrances in chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) : Comparison to organochlorines |
000203 (2006) |
M. A. H. Webb [États-Unis] ; G. W. Feist [États-Unis] ; M. S. Fitzpatrick [États-Unis] ; E. P. Foster [États-Unis] ; C. B. Schreck [États-Unis] ; M. Plumlee [États-Unis] ; C. Wong [États-Unis] ; D. T. Gundersen [États-Unis] | Mercury concentrations in gonad, liver, and muscle of white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus in the lower columbia river |
000216 (2006) |
Bojana Stanic [Serbie] ; Nebojsa Andric [Serbie] ; Sonja Zoric [Serbie] ; Gordana Grubor-Lajsic [Serbie] ; Radmila Kovacevic [Serbie] | Assessing pollution in the Danube River near Novi Sad (Serbia) using several biomarkers in sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) |
000233 (2005) |
H. Zenkevics [Lettonie] ; M. Klavins [Lettonie] ; V. Vose [Lettonie] ; A. Bucena [Lettonie] | Humic acid reduces gonadotropin activity and hormonal sensitivity of frog oocytes |
000235 (2005) |
Will T. Young [États-Unis] ; Dennis L. Scarnecchia [États-Unis] | Habitat use of juvenile white sturgeon in the Kootenai River, Idaho and British Columbia |
000244 (2005) |
Rachel T. Donham [États-Unis] ; Dexter Morin [États-Unis] ; William T. Jewell [États-Unis] ; Stephanie A. Burns [États-Unis] ; Alyson E. Mitchell [États-Unis] ; M. W. Lame [États-Unis] ; H. J. Segall [États-Unis] ; Ronald S. Tjeerdema [États-Unis] | Characterization of glutathione S-transferases in juvenile white sturgeon |
000245 (2005) |
JIANZHONG SHEN [République populaire de Chine] ; QIDI ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; SHUANGYANG DING [République populaire de Chine] ; SUXIA ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; Joel R. Coats [États-Unis] | Bioconcentration and elimination of avermectin B1 in sturgeon |
000252 (2005) |
M. A. Gray [Canada] ; S. J. Peake [Canada] ; A. P. Farrell [Canada] ; R. Bruch [États-Unis] | Acute didecyl dimethyl Ammonium chloride toxicity to larval lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens rafinesque, walleye Sander vitreus mitchill, and northern pike, Esox lucius Linnaeus |
000268 (2004) |
Scott R. Everett [États-Unis] ; Dennis L. Scarnecchia [États-Unis] ; L. Fred Ryckman [États-Unis] | Distribution and habitat use of sturgeon chubs (Macrhybopsis gelida) and sicklefin chubs (M. meeki) in the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers, North Dakota |
000293 (2003) |
Natsuko Kajiwara [Japon] ; Daisuke Ueno [Japon] ; In Monirith [Japon] ; Shinsuke Tanabe [Japon] ; Mohammad Pourkazemi [Iran] ; David G. Aubrey [États-Unis] | Contamination by organochlorine compounds in sturgeons from Caspian Sea during 2001 and 2002 |
000301 (2002) |
Paul Vecsei [États-Unis] ; Evgenii Artyukhin [Russie] ; Douglas Peterson [États-Unis] | Threatened fishes of the world: Acipenser nudiventris Lovetsky, 1828 (Acipenseridae) |
000316 (2002) |
M. Huertas [Espagne] ; E. Gisbert [Espagne] ; A. Rodriguez [Espagne] ; L. Cardona [Espagne] ; P. Williot [France] ; F. Castello-Orvay [Espagne] | Acute exposure of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri, Brandt) yearlings to nitrite: median-lethal concentration (LC50) determination, haematological changes and nitrite accumulation in selected tissues |
000329 (2001) |
E. P. Foster [États-Unis] ; M. S. Fitzpatrick [États-Unis] ; G. W. Feist [États-Unis] ; C. B. Schreck [États-Unis] ; J. Yates [États-Unis] ; J. M. Spitsbergen [États-Unis] ; J. R. Heidel [États-Unis] | Plasma androgen correlation, EROD induction, reduced condition factor, and the occurrence of organochlorine pollutants in reproductively immature white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) from the Columbia River, USA |
000345 (2001) |
P. G. Bianco [Italie] ; V. Ketmaier [Italie] | Anthropogenic changes in the freshwater fish fauna of Italy, with reference to the central region and Barbus graellsii, a newly established alien species of Iberian origin |
000365 (2000) |
S. K. Alam [États-Unis] ; M. S. Brim [États-Unis] ; G. A. Carmody [États-Unis] ; F. M. Parauka [États-Unis] | Concentrations of heavy and trace metals in muscle and blood of juvenile gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) from the Suwannee River, Florida |
000378 (1999) |
I. R. Schultz [États-Unis] ; W. L. Hayton [États-Unis] | Interspecies scaling of the bioaccumulation of lipophilic xenobiotics in fish : An example using trifluralin |
000407 (1998) |
J. J. Kempinger [États-Unis] ; K. J. Otis [États-Unis] ; J. R. Ball [États-Unis] | Fish kills in the Fox River, Wisconsin, attributable to carbon monoxide from marine engines |
000463 (1997) |
D. D. Macdonald [Canada] ; M. G. Ikonomou [Canada] ; A.-L. Rantalaine [Canada] ; I. H. Rogers [Canada] ; D. Sutherland [Canada] ; J. Van Oostdam [Canada] | Contaminants in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) from the upper Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada |
000483 (1996) |
V. P. Palace [Canada] ; T. A. Dick [Canada] ; S. B. Brown [Canada] ; C. L. Baron [Canada] ; J. F. Klaverkamp [Canada] | Oxidative stress in Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) orally exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran |
000005 (2014) |
Snežana Strbac [Serbie] ; Aleksandra Sajnovic [Serbie] ; Ljiljana Budakov [Serbie] ; Nebojša Vasic [Serbie] ; Milica Kasanin-Grubin [Serbie] ; Predrag Simonovic [Serbie] ; Branimir Jovancicevic [Serbie] | Metals in the sediment and liver of four fish species from different trophic levels in Tisza River, Serbia |
000008 (2014) |
Jon A. Doering [Canada] ; Steve Wiseman [Canada] ; Shawn C. Beitel [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine] ; Markus Hecker [Canada] | Identification and expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AhR1 and AhR2) provide insight in an evolutionary context regarding sensitivity of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) to dioxin-like compounds |
000013 (2014) |
Amber R. Tompsett [Canada] ; David W. Vardy [Canada] ; Eric Higley [Canada] ; Jon A. Doering [Canada] ; Marcie Allan [Canada] ; Karsten Liber [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, Hong Kong] ; Markus Hecker [Canada] | Effects of Columbia River water on early life-stages of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) |
000023 (2014) |
Daniel J. Farrae [États-Unis] ; Shannon E. Albeke [États-Unis] ; Krishna Pacifici [États-Unis] ; Nathan P. Nibbelink [États-Unis] ; Douglas L. Peterson [États-Unis] | Assessing the influence of habitat quality on movements of the endangered shortnose sturgeon |
000024 (2014) |
JIANZHONG ZHOU [République populaire de Chine] ; YUE ZHAO [République populaire de Chine] ; LIXIANG SONG [République populaire de Chine] ; SHENG BI [République populaire de Chine] ; HUAJIE ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] | Assessing the effect of the Three Gorges reservoir impoundment on spawning habitat suitability of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) in Yangtze River, China |
000027 (2013) |
Yuuki Y. Watanabe [Japon] ; QIWEI WEI [République populaire de Chine] ; HAO DU [République populaire de Chine] ; LUOXIN LI [République populaire de Chine] ; Nobuyuki Miyazaki [Japon] | Swimming behavior of Chinese sturgeon in natural habitat as compared to that in a deep reservoir: preliminary evidence for anthropogenic impacts |
000031 (2013) |
B. J. Goodman [États-Unis] ; C. S. Guy [États-Unis] ; S. L. Camp [États-Unis] ; W. M. Gardner [États-Unis] ; K. M. Kappenman [États-Unis] ; M. A. H. Webb [États-Unis] | SHOVELNOSE STURGEON SPAWNING IN RELATION TO VARYING DISCHARGE TREATMENTS IN A MISSOURI RIVER TRIBUTARY |
000032 (2013) |
Phillip E. Dionne [États-Unis] ; Gayle B. Zydlewski [États-Unis] ; Michael T. Kinnison [États-Unis] ; Joseph Zydlewski [États-Unis] ; Gail S. Wippelhauser [États-Unis] | Reconsidering residency: characterization and conservation implications of complex migratory patterns of shortnose sturgeon (Acispenser brevirostrum) |
000036 (2013) |
Adam J. Schlenger [États-Unis] ; Elizabeth W. North [États-Unis] ; Zachary Schlag [États-Unis] ; YUN LI [États-Unis] ; David H. Secor [États-Unis] ; Katharine A. Smith [États-Unis] ; Edwin J. Niklitschek [Chili] | Modeling the influence of hypoxia on the potential habitat of Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus: a comparison of two methods |
000037 (2013) |
Masanori Fujimoto [États-Unis] ; James A. Crossman [États-Unis] ; Kim T. Scribner [États-Unis] ; Terence L. Marsh [États-Unis] | Microbial Community Assembly and Succession on Lake Sturgeon Egg Surfaces as a Function of Simulated Spawning Stream Flow Rate |
000040 (2013) |
J. T. Patterson [États-Unis] ; S. D. Mims [États-Unis] ; R. A. Wright [États-Unis] | Effects of body mass and water temperature on routine metabolism of American paddlefish Polyodon spathula |
000044 (2013) |
Abdulreza Mashroofeh [Iran] ; ALIREZA RIYAHI BAKHTIARI [Iran] ; Mohammad Pourkazemi [Iran] ; Sana Rasouli [Iran] | Bioaccumulation of Cd, Pb and Zn in the edible and inedible tissues of three sturgeon species in the Iranian coastline of the Caspian Sea |
000047 (2013) |
Nicole Pacini [Italie] ; Antonia Concetta Elia [Italie] ; Maria Cesarina Abete [Italie] ; Ambrosius Josef Martin Dörr [Italie] ; Paola Brizio [Italie] ; Laura Gasco [Italie] ; Marzia Righetti [Italie] ; Marino Prearo [Italie] | Antioxidant response versus selenium accumulation in the liver and kidney of the Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) |
000052 (2012) |
Sadaf N. Zubair [Canada] ; Stephan J. Peake [Canada] ; James F. Hare [Canada] ; W. Gary Anderson [Canada] | The effect of temperature and substrate on the development of the cortisol stress response in the lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, Rafinesque (1817) |
000060 (2012) |
Patrick S. Forsythe [États-Unis] ; James A. Crossman [États-Unis] ; Nora M. Bello [États-Unis] ; Edward A. Baker [États-Unis] ; Kim T. Scribner [États-Unis] | Individual-based analyses reveal high repeatability in timing and location of reproduction in lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) |
000062 (2012) |
Quinton E. Phelps [États-Unis] ; Gregory W. Whitledge [États-Unis] ; Sara J. Tripp [États-Unis] ; Kurt T. Smith [États-Unis] ; James E. Garvey [États-Unis] ; David P. Herzog [États-Unis] ; David E. Ostendorf [États-Unis] ; Joseph W. Ridings [États-Unis] ; Jason W. Crites [États-Unis] ; Robert A. Hrabik [États-Unis] ; Wyatt J. Doyle [États-Unis] ; Tracy D. Hill [États-Unis] | Identifying river of origin for age-O Scaphirhynchus sturgeons in the Missouri and Mississippi rivers using fin ray microchemistry |
000065 (2012) |
Kenneth J. Sulak [États-Unis] ; James J. Berg [États-Unis] ; Michael Randall [États-Unis] | Feeding habitats of the Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Suwannee and Yellow rivers, Florida, as identified by multiple stable isotope analyses |
000074 (2011) |
THUY YEN DUONG [États-Unis] ; Kim T. Scribner [États-Unis] ; James A. Crossman [États-Unis] ; Patrick S. Forsythe [États-Unis] ; Edward A. Baker [États-Unis] ; Jeannette Kanefsky [États-Unis] ; Jared J. Homola [États-Unis] ; Christin Davis [États-Unis] | Relative larval loss among females during dispersal of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) |
000076 (2011) |
Sasa Jankovic [Serbie] ; Marijana Curcie [Serbie] ; Tatjana Radicevic [Serbie] ; Srdan Stefanovic [Serbie] ; Mirjana Lenhardt [Serbie] ; Ksenija Durgo [Croatie] ; Biljana Antonijevic [Serbie] | Non-dioxin-like PCBs in ten different fish species from the Danube river in Serbia |
000077 (2011) |
Amy M. Schueller [États-Unis] ; Daniel B. Hayes [États-Unis] | Minimum viable population size for lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) using an individual-based model of demographics and genetics |
000084 (2011) |
Monika Vicenova [République tchèque] ; Stanislava Reschova [République tchèque] ; Dagmar Pokorova [République tchèque] ; Jana Hulova [République tchèque] ; Tomas Vesely [République tchèque] | First detection of pike fry-like rhabdovirus in barbel and spring viraemia of carp virus in sturgeon and pike in aquaculture in the Czech Republic |
000092 (2011) |
X. Ban [République populaire de Chine] ; Y. Du [République populaire de Chine] ; H. Z. Liu [République populaire de Chine] ; F. Ling [République populaire de Chine] | APPLYING INSTREAM FLOW INCREMENTAL METHOD FOR THE SPAWNING HABITAT PROTECTION OF CHINESE STURGEON (Acipenser sinensis) |
000095 (2010) |
YUJUN YI [République populaire de Chine] ; ZHAOYIN WANG [République populaire de Chine] ; ZHIFENG YANG [République populaire de Chine] | Two-dimensional habitat modeling of Chinese sturgeon spawning sites |
000101 (2010) |
Boyd Kynard [États-Unis] ; Erika Parker [États-Unis] ; Brian Kynard [États-Unis] | Ontogenetic behavior of Kootenai River White Sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, with a note on body color: A laboratory study |
000119 (2009) |
XIAOTAO SHI [République populaire de Chine] ; PING ZHUANG [République populaire de Chine] ; LONGZHEN ZHANG [République populaire de Chine] ; GUANGPENG FENG [République populaire de Chine] ; LIQIAO CHEN [République populaire de Chine] ; JIANYI LIU [République populaire de Chine] ; LIANG QU [République populaire de Chine] ; RUIFANG WANG [République populaire de Chine] | The bioaccumulation of fluoride ion (F-) in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) under laboratory conditions |
000129 (2009) |
Nathalie Desse-Berset [France] | First archaeozoological identification of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus Mitchill 1815) in France |
000140 (2009) |
David C. Caroffino [États-Unis] ; Trent M. Sutton [États-Unis] ; Mark S. Lindberg [États-Unis] | Abundance and movement patterns of age-0 juvenile lake sturgeon in the Peshtigo River, Wisconsin |
000142 (2009) |
A. Gr Ns [Suède] ; M. Axelsson [Suède] ; K. Pitsillides [États-Unis] ; C. Olsson [Suède] ; J. Höjesjö [Suède] ; R. C. Kaufman [États-Unis] ; J. J. Jr Cech [États-Unis] | A fully implantable multi-channel biotelemetry system for measurement of blood flow and temperature : a first evaluation in the green sturgeon |
000145 (2009) |
Rebecca Whitlock [Royaume-Uni] ; Murdoch Mcallister [Canada] | A Bayesian mark-recapture model for multiple-recapture data in a catch-and-release fishery |
000151 (2008) |
G. Guti [Hongrie] | Past and present status of sturgeons in Hungary and problems involving their conservation |
000153 (2008) |
000160 (2008) |
YONGBO CHEN [République populaire de Chine] ; XUAN BAN [République populaire de Chine] ; DAMEI LI [République populaire de Chine] | A multi-parametric eco-hydrological model for the spawn field of Acipenser sinensis downstream of Gezhouba Dam |
000185 (2007) |
Shawn R. Flynn [Canada] ; Tillmann J. Benfey [Canada] | Effects of dietary estradiol-17β in juvenile shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, Lesueur |
000187 (2007) |
Andrey P. Shmigirilov [Russie] ; Anastassia A. Mednikova [Russie] ; Joshua A. Israel [États-Unis] | Comparison of biology of the Sakhalin sturgeon, Amur sturgeon, and kaluga from the Amur River, Sea of Okhotsk, and Sea of Japan biogeographic Province |
000191 (2006) |
P. L. Tenbrook [États-Unis] ; S. M. Kendall [États-Unis] ; R. S. Tjeerdema [États-Unis] | Toxicokinetics and biotransformation of p-nitrophenol in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) |
000194 (2006) |
Diran H. Tashjian [États-Unis] ; Silas S. O. Hung [États-Unis] | Selenium absorption, distribution, and excretion in white sturgeon orally dosed with L-selenomethionine |
000195 (2006) |
Rachel T. Donham [États-Unis] ; Dexter Morin [États-Unis] ; Ronald S. Tjeerdema [États-Unis] | Salinity effects on activity and expression of glutathione s-transferases in white sturgeon and Chinook salmon |
000199 (2006) |
H. J. Hamlin [États-Unis] | Nitrate toxicity in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) |
000208 (2006) |
Brian T. Koch [États-Unis] ; James E. Garvry [États-Unis] ; JING YOU [États-Unis] ; Michael J. Lydy [États-Unis] | Elevated organochlorines in the brain-hypothalamic-pituitary complex of intersexual shovelnose sturgeon |
000210 (2006) |
Peter J. Allen [États-Unis] ; Brian Hodge [États-Unis] ; Inge Wemer [États-Unis] ; Joseph J. Jr Cech [États-Unis] | Effects of ontogeny, season, and temperature on the swimming performance of juvenile green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) |
000218 (2006) |
J. Bloesch [Suisse] ; T. Jones ; R. Reinartz ; B. Striebel | An action plan for the conservation of sturgeons (Acipenseridae) in the Danube River Basin |