Serveur d'exploration sur l'esturgeon

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Le cluster Phylogenèse - Evolution biologique


14Evolution biologique
5Identification spécifique


44Evolution biologique - Phylogenèse
44Chimiosystématique - Phylogenèse
44Chimiosystématique - Identification spécifique
33Phylogenèse - Zoogéographie

Documents par ordre de pertinence
000394 (1998) A. Choudhury [Canada] ; T. A. Dick [Canada]The historical biogeography of sturgeons (Osteichthyes : Acipenseridae) : a synthesis of phylogenetics, palaeontology and palaeogeography
000405 (1998) V. J. Birstein [États-Unis] ; J. Betts [États-Unis] ; R. Desalle [États-Unis]Molecular identification of Acipenser sturio specimens : A warning note for recovery plans
000440 (1997) V. J. Birstein [États-Unis] ; R. Hanner [États-Unis] ; R. Desalle [États-Unis]Phylogeny of the Acipenseriformes : cytogenetic and molecular approaches
000324 (2001) Anindo Choudhury [Canada] ; Terry A. Dick [Canada]Sturgeons (Chondrostei: Acipenseridae) and their metazoan parasites: patterns and processes in historical biogeography
000363 (2000) P. Doukakis [États-Unis] ; V. J. Birstein [États-Unis] ; R. Desalle [États-Unis] ; A. N. Ludwig [Allemagne] ; A. Ludwig [Allemagne] ; A. Machordom [Espagne] ; A. Almodovar [Espagne] ; B. Elvira [Espagne]Failure to confirm previous identification of two putative museum specimens of the Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser sturio, as the Adriatic sturgeon, A. naccarii
000402 (1998) V. J. Birstein [États-Unis] ; P. Doukakis [États-Unis] ; B. Sorkin [États-Unis] ; R. Desalle [États-Unis]Population aggregation analysis of three caviar-producing species of sturgeons and implications for the species identification of black caviar
000412 (1998) A. Ludwig [Allemagne] ; F. Kirschbaum [Allemagne]Comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequences between the European and the Adriatic sturgeon
000422 (1997) Sturgeon biodiversity and conservation
000443 (1997) E. K. Findeis [États-Unis]Osteology and phylogenetic interrelationships of sturgeons (Acipenseridae)
000446 (1997) M. A. Garrido-Ramos [Espagne] ; M. C. Soriguer [Espagne] ; R. De La Herran [Espagne] ; M. Jamilena [Espagne] ; C. Ruiz Rejon [Espagne] ; A. Domezain [Espagne] ; J. A. Hernando [Espagne] ; M. Ruiz Rejon [Espagne]Morphometric and genetic analysis as proof of the existence of two sturgeon species in the Guadalquivir river
000447 (1997) I. I. Wirgin [États-Unis] ; J. E. Stabile [États-Unis] ; J. R. Waldman [États-Unis]Molecular analysis in the conservation of sturgeons and paddlefish
000469 (1997) W. E. Bemis [États-Unis] ; E. K. Findeis [États-Unis] ; L. Grande [États-Unis]An overview of Acipenseriformes
000515 (1994) Y. Tamai [Japon] ; H. Kojima [Japon] ; K. Takayama-Abe [Japon] ; A. SuzukiLipids and myelin proteins in the brains of coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae), lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa and Protopterus aetiopicus), bichir (Polypterus senegalus), and sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus (Osteichthyes) : phylogenetic implications
000607 (1990) B. W. Bowen [États-Unis] ; J. C. AviseGenetic structure of Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico populations of sea bass, menhaden, and sturgeon : influence of zoogeographic factors and life-history patterns
000008 (2014) Jon A. Doering [Canada] ; Steve Wiseman [Canada] ; Shawn C. Beitel [Canada] ; John P. Giesy [Canada, Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine] ; Markus Hecker [Canada]Identification and expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AhR1 and AhR2) provide insight in an evolutionary context regarding sensitivity of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) to dioxin-like compounds
000084 (2011) Monika Vicenova [République tchèque] ; Stanislava Reschova [République tchèque] ; Dagmar Pokorova [République tchèque] ; Jana Hulova [République tchèque] ; Tomas Vesely [République tchèque]First detection of pike fry-like rhabdovirus in barbel and spring viraemia of carp virus in sturgeon and pike in aquaculture in the Czech Republic
000178 (2007) Evgenii N. Artyukhin [Russie] ; Paul Vecsei [États-Unis] ; Douglas L. Peterson [États-Unis]Morphology and ecology of Pacific sturgeons
000353 (2000) B. Querat [France] ; A. Sellouk [France] ; C. Salmon [France]Phylogenetic analysis of the vertebrate glycoprotein hormone family including new sequences of sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) β subunits of the two gonadotropins and the thyroid-stimulating hormone
000388 (1999) M. De Las Mercedes Azpelicueta [Argentine] ; A. E. Almiron [Argentine]A sturgeon (Acipenseridae) in temperate waters of the South hemisphere, Rio de la Plata, Argentina
000406 (1998) F. Fontana [Italie] ; J. Tagliavini [Italie] ; L. Congiu [Italie] ; M. Lanfredi [Italie] ; M. Chicca [Italie] ; C. Laurente [Italie] ; R. Rossi [Italie]Karyotypic characterization of the great sturgeon, Huso huso, by multiple staining techniques and fluorescent in situ hybridization
000424 (1997) M. M. Ferguson [Canada] ; G. A. Duckworth [Canada]The status and distribution of lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, in the Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec : a genetic perspective
000427 (1997) W. E. Bemis [États-Unis] ; B. Kynard [États-Unis]Sturgeon rivers : an introduction to acipenseriform biogeography and life history
000449 (1997) V. J. Birstein [États-Unis] ; W. E. Bemis [États-Unis]Leo Semenovich Berg and the biology of Acipenseriformes : a dedication
000453 (1997) V. J. Birstein [États-Unis] ; W. E. Bemis [États-Unis]How many species are there within the genus Acipenser ?
000500 (1995) D. W. Lescheid [Canada] ; J. F. F. Powell [Canada] ; W. H. Fischer ; M. Park ; A. Craig ; O. Bukovskaya ; I. A. Barannikova ; N. M. Sherwood [Canada]Mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) identified by primary structure in Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedti
000513 (1994) K. Dabrowski [États-Unis]Primitive actinopterigian fishes can synthesize ascorbic acid
000527 (1993) K. H. Blacklidge [États-Unis] ; C. A. BidwellThree ploidy levels indicated by genome quantification in Acipenseriformes of North American
000568 (1992) J. R. Brown [Canada] ; A. T. Beckenbach ; M. J. SmithInfluence of pleistocene glaciations and human intervention upon mitochondrial DNA diversity in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) populations
000586 (1991) N. M. Sherwood [Canada] ; S. Doroshov ; V. LanceGonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in bony fish that are phylogenetically ancient : reedfish (Calamoichthys calabaricus), sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), and alligator gar (Lepisosteus spatula)
000609 (1990) T. D. Singer ; V. G. Mahadevappa ; J. S. BallantyneAspects of the energy metabolism of lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, with special emphasis on lipid and ketone body metabolism
000627 (1989) I. I. Saenko
000632 (1988) A. KeyvanfarRéactivité antigénique croisée des protéines sériques de quatre espèces d'esturgeons anadromes de la mer Caspienne
000633 (1988) AMINE KEYVANFAREtude comparative des protéines sériques et cellulaires de quatre espèces d'esturgeons anadromes de la Mer Caspienne
000637 (1988) P. M. Hine ; J. M. WainUltrastructural and cytochemical observations on the granulocytes of the sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum (Chondrostei)


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