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Catherine Adam < Catherine Bastien < Catherine Bellini  Facettes :

List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 21.
[0-20] [0 - 20][0 - 21][20-20][20-40]
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000003 (2020) Marie Pégard [France] ; Vincent Segura [France] ; Facundo Mu Oz [France] ; Catherine Bastien [France] ; Véronique Jorge [France] ; Leopoldo Sanchez [France]Favorable Conditions for Genomic Evaluation to Outperform Classical Pedigree Evaluation Highlighted by a Proof-of-Concept Study in Poplar.
000532 (2020) Elisabet Martínez-Sancho [Suisse] ; Lenka Slámová [Suisse] ; Sandro Morganti [Suisse] ; Claudio Grefen [Allemagne] ; Barbara Carvalho [Espagne] ; Benjamin Dauphin [Suisse] ; Christian Rellstab [Suisse] ; Felix Gugerli [Suisse] ; Lars Opgenoorth [Allemagne] ; Katrin Heer [Allemagne] ; Florian Knutzen [Allemagne] ; Georg Von Arx [Suisse] ; Fernando Valladares [Espagne] ; Stephen Cavers [Royaume-Uni] ; Bruno Fady [France] ; Ricardo Alía [Espagne] ; Filippos Aravanopoulos [Grèce] ; Camilla Avanzi [Italie] ; Francesca Bagnoli [Italie] ; Evangelos Barbas [Grèce] ; Catherine Bastien [France] ; Raquel Benavides [Espagne] ; Frédéric Bernier [France] ; Guillaume Bodineau [France] ; Cristina C. Bastias [Espagne] ; Jean-Paul Charpentier [France] ; José M. Climent [Espagne] ; Marianne Corréard [France] ; Florence Courdier [France] ; Darius Danusevicius [Lituanie] ; Anna-Maria Farsakoglou [Grèce] ; José M García Del Barrio [Espagne] ; Olivier Gilg [France] ; Santiago C. González-Martínez [France] ; Alan Gray [Royaume-Uni] ; Christoph Hartleitner [Autriche] ; Agathe Hurel [France] ; Arnaud Jouineau [France] ; Katri K Rkk Inen [Finlande] ; Sonja T. Kujala [Finlande] ; Mariaceleste Labriola [Italie] ; Martin Lascoux [Suède] ; Marlène Lefebvre [France] ; Vincent Lejeune [France] ; Grégoire Le-Provost [France] ; Mirko Liesebach [Allemagne] ; Ermioni Malliarou [Grèce] ; Nicolas Mariotte [France] ; Silvia Matesanz [Espagne] ; Célia Michotey [France] ; Pascal Milesi [Suède] ; Tor Myking [Norvège] ; Eduardo Notivol [Espagne] ; Birte Pakull [Allemagne] ; Andrea Piotti [Italie] ; Christophe Plomion [France] ; Mehdi Pringarbe [France] ; Tanja Pyh J Rvi [Finlande] ; Annie Raffin [France] ; José A. Ramírez-Valiente [Espagne] ; Kurt Ramskogler [Autriche] ; Juan J. Robledo-Arnuncio [Espagne] ; Outi Savolainen [Finlande] ; Silvio Schueler [Autriche] ; Vladimir Semerikov [Russie] ; Ilaria Spanu [Italie] ; Jean Thévenet [France] ; Mari Mette Tollefsrud [Espagne] ; Norbert Turion [France] ; Dominique Veisse [France] ; Giovanni Giuseppe Vendramin [Italie] ; Marc Villar [France] ; Johan Westin [Suède] ; Patrick Fonti [Suisse]The GenTree Dendroecological Collection, tree-ring and wood density data from seven tree species across Europe.
000934 (2019) Marie Pégard [France] ; Odile Rogier [France] ; Aurélie Bérard [France] ; Patricia Faivre-Rampant [France] ; Marie-Christine Le Paslier [France] ; Catherine Bastien [France] ; Véronique Jorge [France] ; Leopoldo Sánchez [France]Sequence imputation from low density single nucleotide polymorphism panel in a black poplar breeding population.
000997 (2019) John Clifton-Brown ; Antoine Harfouche ; Michael D. Casler ; Huw Dylan Jones ; William J. Macalpine ; Donal Murphy-Bokern ; Lawrence B. Smart ; Anneli Adler ; Chris Ashman ; Danny Awty-Carroll ; Catherine Bastien ; Sebastian Bopper ; Vasile Botnari ; Maryse Brancourt-Hulmel ; Zhiyong Chen ; Lindsay V. Clark ; Salvatore Cosentino ; Sue Dalton ; Chris Davey ; Oene Dolstra ; Iain Donnison ; Richard Flavell ; Joerg Greef ; Steve Hanley ; Astley Hastings ; Magnus Hertzberg ; Tsai-Wen Hsu ; Lin S. Huang ; Antonella Iurato ; Elaine Jensen ; Xiaoli Jin ; Uffe J Rgensen ; Andreas Kiesel ; Do-Soon Kim ; Jianxiu Liu ; Jon P. Mccalmont ; Bernard G. Mcmahon ; Michal Mos ; Paul Robson ; Erik J. Sacks ; Anatolii Sandu ; Giovanni Scalici ; Kai Schwarz ; Danilo Scordia ; Reza Shafiei ; Ian Shield ; Gancho Slavov ; Brian J. Stanton ; Kankshita Swaminathan ; Gail Taylor ; Andres F. Torres ; Luisa M. Trindade ; Timothy Tschaplinski ; Gerald A. Tuskan ; Toshihiko Yamada ; Chang Yeon Yu ; Ronald S. Zalesny ; Junqin Zong ; Iris LewandowskiBreeding progress and preparedness for mass-scale deployment of perennial lignocellulosic biomass crops switchgrass, miscanthus, willow and poplar.
000B96 (2018) Renaud Rincent [France] ; Jean-Paul Charpentier [France] ; Patricia Faivre-Rampant [France] ; Etienne Paux [France] ; Jacques Le Gouis [France] ; Catherine Bastien [France] ; Vincent Segura [France]Phenomic Selection Is a Low-Cost and High-Throughput Method Based on Indirect Predictions: Proof of Concept on Wheat and Poplar.
001155 (2018) Marie Garavillon-Tournayre [France] ; Aurélie Gousset-Dupont [France] ; Florian Gautier [France] ; Pierrick Benoit [France] ; Pierre Conchon [France] ; Romain Souchal [France] ; David Lopez [France] ; Gilles Petel [France] ; Jean-Stéphane Venisse [France] ; Catherine Bastien [France] ; Philippe Label [France] ; Boris Fumanal [France]Integrated drought responses of black poplar: how important is phenotypic plasticity?
001675 (2016) Sara Pinosio [Italie] ; Stefania Giacomello [Italie] ; Patricia Faivre-Rampant [France] ; Gail Taylor [Royaume-Uni] ; Veronique Jorge [France] ; Marie Christine Le Paslier [France] ; Giusi Zaina [Italie] ; Catherine Bastien [France] ; Federica Cattonaro [Italie] ; Fabio Marroni [Italie] ; Michele Morgante [Italie]Characterization of the Poplar Pan-Genome by Genome-Wide Identification of Structural Variation.
001796 (2016) Maud Viger [Royaume-Uni] ; Hazel K. Smith [Royaume-Uni] ; David Cohen [France] ; Jennifer Dewoody [États-Unis] ; Harriet Trewin [Royaume-Uni] ; Marijke Steenackers [Belgique] ; Catherine Bastien [France] ; Gail Taylor [Royaume-Uni]Adaptive mechanisms and genomic plasticity for drought tolerance identified in European black poplar (Populus nigra L.).
001B93 (2015) Justine Guet [France] ; Francesco Fabbrini [Italie] ; Régis Fichot [France] ; Maurizio Sabatti [Italie] ; Catherine Bastien [France] ; Franck Brignolas [France]Genetic variation for leaf morphology, leaf structure and leaf carbon isotope discrimination in European populations of black poplar (Populus nigra L.).
001C88 (2015) Justine Guet [France] ; Régis Fichot [France] ; Camille Lédée [France] ; Françoise Laurans [France] ; Hervé Cochard [France] ; Sylvain Delzon [France] ; Catherine Bastien [France] ; Franck Brignolas [France]Stem xylem resistance to cavitation is related to xylem structure but not to growth and water-use efficiency at the within-population level in Populus nigra L.
002658 (2013) Lara Danielsen [Allemagne] ; Gertrud Lohaus ; Anke Sirrenberg ; Petr Karlovsky ; Catherine Bastien ; Gilles Pilate ; Andrea PolleEctomycorrhizal colonization and diversity in relation to tree biomass and nutrition in a plantation of transgenic poplars with modified lignin biosynthesis.
002688 (2013) Bartel Vanholme [Belgique] ; Igor Cesarino ; Geert Goeminne ; Hoon Kim ; Fabio Marroni ; Rebecca Van Acker ; Ruben Vanholme ; Kris Morreel ; Bart Ivens ; Sara Pinosio ; Michele Morgante ; John Ralph ; Catherine Bastien ; Wout BoerjanBreeding with rare defective alleles (BRDA): a natural Populus nigra HCT mutant with modified lignin as a case study.
002872 (2012) Romain Monclus [France] ; Jean-Charles Leplé ; Catherine Bastien ; Pierre-François Bert ; Marc Villar ; Nicolas Marron ; Franck Brignolas ; Véronique JorgeIntegrating genome annotation and QTL position to identify candidate genes for productivity, architecture and water-use efficiency in Populus spp.
002A93 (2012) Francesco Fabbrini [Italie] ; Muriel Gaudet ; Catherine Bastien ; Giusi Zaina ; Antoine Harfouche ; Isacco Beritognolo ; Nicolas Marron ; Michele Morgante ; Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza ; Maurizio SabattiPhenotypic plasticity, QTL mapping and genomic characterization of bud set in black poplar.
002C62 (2011) Sylvain Chamaillard [France] ; Regis Fichot ; Cecile Vincent-Barbaroux ; Catherine Bastien ; Christiane Depierreux ; Erwin Dreyer ; Marc Villar ; Franck BrignolasVariations in bulk leaf carbon isotope discrimination, growth and related leaf traits among three Populus nigra L. populations.
002D76 (2011) Aloïs Bresson [France] ; Véronique Jorge ; Arnaud Dowkiw ; Vanina Guerin ; Isabelle Bourgait ; Gerald A. Tuskan ; Jeremy Schmutz ; Boulos Chalhoub ; Catherine Bastien ; Patricia Faivre RampantQualitative and quantitative resistances to leaf rust finely mapped within two nucleotide-binding site leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR)-rich genomic regions of chromosome 19 in poplar.
002D89 (2011) Antje Rohde [Belgique] ; Catherine Bastien ; Wout BoerjanTemperature signals contribute to the timing of photoperiodic growth cessation and bud set in poplar.
003021 (2011) Antje Rohde [Belgique] ; Véronique Storme ; Véronique Jorge ; Muriel Gaudet ; Nicola Vitacolonna ; Francesco Fabbrini ; Tom Ruttink ; Giusi Zaina ; Nicolas Marron ; Sophie Dillen ; Marijke Steenackers ; Maurizio Sabatti ; Michele Morgante ; Wout Boerjan ; Catherine BastienBud set in poplar--genetic dissection of a complex trait in natural and hybrid populations.
003550 (2009) Sophie Y. Dillen [Belgique] ; Nicolas Marron ; Maurizio Sabatti ; Reinhart Ceulemans ; Catherine BastienRelationships among productivity determinants in two hybrid poplar families grown during three years at two contrasting sites.
003C62 (2006) Christophe Plomion [France] ; Céline Lalanne ; Stéphane Claverol ; Hakim Meddour ; Annegret Kohler ; Marie-Béatrice Bogeat-Triboulot ; Aurélien Barre ; Grégoire Le Provost ; Hélène Dumazet ; Daniel Jacob ; Catherine Bastien ; Erwin Dreyer ; Antoine De Daruvar ; Jean-Marc Guehl ; Jean-Marie Schmitter ; Francis Martin ; Marc BonneuMapping the proteome of poplar and application to the discovery of drought-stress responsive proteins.
003E35 (2006) Nicolas Marron [Belgique] ; Catherine Bastien ; Maurizio Sabatti ; Gail Taylor ; Reinhart CeulemansPlasticity of growth and sylleptic branchiness in two poplar families grown at three sites across Europe.

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