Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000058 (2013) |
Vanessa B. Beauchamp [États-Unis] ; Nureen Ghuznavi [États-Unis] ; Stephanie M. Koontz [États-Unis] ; Roland P. Roberts [États-Unis] | Edges, exotics and deer: the seed bank of a suburban secondary successional temperate deciduous forest |
000111 (2012) |
Francisco J. Valtue A [Espagne, Allemagne] ; Chris D. Preston [Royaume-Uni] ; Joachim W. Kadereit [Allemagne] | Phylogeography of a Tertiary relict plant, Meconopsis cambrica (Papaveraceae), implies the existence of northern refugia for a temperate herb |
000198 (2011) |
Romain Bertrand [France] ; Jean-Claude Gégout [France] ; Jean-Daniel Bontemps [France] | Niches of temperate tree species converge towards nutrient‐richer conditions over ontogeny |
000250 (2010) |
Alexey P. Seregin [Russie] | The most common plant species in temperate Europe based on frequency of occurrences in the national grid mapping projects |
000281 (2010) |
Radim Hédl [République tchèque] ; Martin Kopeck [République tchèque] ; Josef Komárek [République tchèque] | Half a century of succession in a temperate oakwood: from species‐rich community to mesic forest |
000371 (2009) |
Nicolas Titeux [Luxembourg (pays), Belgique] ; Dirk Maes [Belgique] ; Mathieu Marmion [Finlande] ; Miska Luoto [Finlande] ; Risto K. Heikkinen [Finlande] | Inclusion of soil data improves the performance of bioclimatic envelope models for insect species distributions in temperate Europe |
000402 (2009) |
Kentaro Takagi ; Karibu Fukuzawa ; Naishen Liang ; Masazumi Kayama ; Mutsumi Nomura ; Hajime Hojyo ; Sadao Sugata ; Hideaki Shibata ; Tatsuya Fukazawa ; Yoshiyuki Takahashi ; Tatsuro Nakaji ; Hiroyuki Oguma ; Masayoshi Mano ; Yukio Akibayashi ; Takeshi Murayama [Japon] ; Takayoshi Koike ; Kaichiro Sasa ; Yasumi Fujinuma | Change in CO2 balance under a series of forestry activities in a cool‐temperate mixed forest with dense undergrowth |
000446 (2008) |
Frédéric André [Belgique] ; Mathieu Jonard [Belgique] ; Quentin Ponette [Belgique] | Precipitation water storage capacity in a temperate mixed oak–beech canopy |
000453 (2008) |
Laurent Kergoat [France] ; Sébastien Lafont [Royaume-Uni] ; Almut Arneth [Suède] ; Valérie Le Dantec [France] ; Bernard Saugier [France] | Nitrogen controls plant canopy light‐use efficiency in temperate and boreal ecosystems |
000459 (2008) |
Hans Van Calster [Belgique] ; Richard Chevalier [France] ; Bram Van Wyngene [Belgique] ; Frédéric Archaux [France] ; Kris Verheyen [Belgique] ; Martin Hermy [Belgique] | Long‐term seed bank dynamics in a temperate forest under conversion from coppice‐with‐standards to high forest management |
000465 (2008) |
Frédéric André [Belgique] ; Mathieu Jonard [Belgique] ; Quentin Ponette [Belgique] | Influence of species and rain event characteristics on stemflow volume in a temperate mixed oak–beech stand |
000483 (2008) |
Olivier Chabrerie ; Kris Verheyen [Belgique] ; Robert Saguez ; Guillaume Decocq [France] | Disentangling relationships between habitat conditions, disturbance history, plant diversity, and American black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) invasion in a European temperate forest |
000553 (2007) |
D. I. Leech ; H. Q. P. Crick [Royaume-Uni] | Influence of climate change on the abundance, distribution and phenology of woodland bird species in temperate regions |
000581 (2007) |
S. Luyssaert ; I. Inglima ; M. Jung ; A. D. Richardson ; M. Reichstein ; D. Papale ; S. L. Piao ; E. Schulze ; L. Wingate ; G. Matteucci ; L. Aragao ; M. Aubinet ; C. Beer ; C. Bernhofer ; K. G. Black ; D. Bonal ; J. Bonnefond ; J. Chambers ; P. Ciais ; B. Cook ; K. J. Davis ; A. J. Dolman ; B. Gielen ; M. Goulden ; J. Grace ; A. Granier ; A. Grelle ; T. Griffis ; T. Grünwald ; G. Guidolotti ; P. J. Hanson ; R. Harding ; D. Y. Hollinger ; L. R. Hutyra ; P. Kolari ; B. Kruijt ; W. Kutsch ; F. Lagergren ; T. Laurila ; B. E. Law ; G. Le Maire ; A. Lindroth ; D. Loustau ; Y. Malhi ; J. Mateus ; M. Migliavacca ; L. Misson ; L. Montagnani ; J. Moncrieff ; E. Moors ; J. W. Munger ; E. Nikinmaa ; S. V. Ollinger ; G. Pita ; C. Rebmann ; O. Roupsard ; N. Saigusa ; M. J. Sanz ; G. Seufert ; C. Sierra ; M. Smith ; J. Tang ; R. Valentini ; T. Vesala [Finlande] ; I. A. Janssens | CO2 balance of boreal, temperate, and tropical forests derived from a global database |
000584 (2007) |
D. A. Sampson ; I. A. Janssens ; J. Curiel Yuste [États-Unis] ; R. Ceulemans | Basal rates of soil respiration are correlated with photosynthesis in a mixed temperate forest |
000672 (2005) |
C. Bouget [France] ; T. Noblecourt [France] | Short‐term development of ambrosia and bark beetle assemblages following a windstorm in French broadleaved temperate forests |
000676 (2005) |
Albert I. J. M. Van Dijk [Pays-Bas, Australie] ; A. J. Dolman [Pays-Bas] ; Ernst-Detlef Schulze [Allemagne] | Radiation, temperature, and leaf area explain ecosystem carbon fluxes in boreal and temperate European forests |
000685 (2005) |
Hans Jacquemyn [Belgique] ; Rein Brys ; Olivier Honnay [Belgique] ; Martin Hermy ; Isabel Roldán-Ruiz [Belgique] | Local forest environment largely affects below‐ground growth, clonal diversity and fine‐scale spatial genetic structure in the temperate deciduous forest herb Paris quadrifolia |
000702 (2005) |
Pieter Roovers [Belgique] ; Hubert Gulinck [Belgique] ; Martin Hermy [Belgique] | Experimental assessment of initial revegetation on abandoned paths in temperate deciduous forest |
000705 (2005) |
N. C. Restrepo [Canada] ; M. A. Arain [Canada] | Energy and water exchanges from a temperate pine plantation forest |
000958 (2001) |
Daniel P. Rasse [Belgique] ; Louis François [Belgique] ; Marc Aubinet [Belgique] ; Andrew S. Kowalski [Belgique] ; Inge Vande Walle [Belgique] ; Eric Laitat [Belgique] ; Jean-Claude Gérard [Belgique] | Modelling short-term CO2 fluxes and long-term tree growth in temperate forests with ASPECTS |