Le cluster Climatic condition - Diameter increment
000082 (2010) | Amel Ennajoh [Tunisie] ; Frédéric Guibal [France] ; Belgacem Hanchi [Tunisie] ; Florent Mouillot [France] ; Salah Garchi [Tunisie] | Croissance radiale du chêne-liège et climat en Tunisie |
000059 (2012) | Isabelle Chuine [France] ; Xavier Morin [France] ; Laurette Sonié [France] ; Christian Collin [France] ; Jacques Fabreguettes [France] ; David Degueldre [France] ; Jean-Louis Salager [France] ; Jacques Roy [France] | Climate change might increase the invasion potential of the alien C4 grass Setaria parviflora (Poaceae) in the Mediterranean Basin |
000113 (2008) | Olivier Chabrerie ; Kris Verheyen [Belgique] ; Robert Saguez ; Guillaume Decocq [France] | Disentangling relationships between habitat conditions, disturbance history, plant diversity, and American black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) invasion in a European temperate forest |
000161 (2004) | Laurent Misson [France] ; Cyrille Rathgeber [Royaume-Uni] ; Joël Guiot [France] | Dendroecological analysis of climatic effects on Quercus petraea and Pinus halepensis radial growth using the process-based MAIDEN model |
000201 (2000) | Nassima Sadaka-Laulan [Maroc] ; Jean-François Ponge [France] | Influence of holm oak leaf decomposition stage on the biology of Onychiurus sinensis Stach (Collembola: Onychiuridae) |
000067 (2011) | C. Dechamps [Belgique] ; N. Elvinger [Belgique] ; P. Meerts [Belgique] ; C. Lefèbvre [Belgique] ; J. Escarré [France] ; G. Colling [Belgique] ; N. Noret [Belgique] | Life history traits of the pseudometallophyte Thlaspi caerulescens in natural populations from Northern Europe |
000141 (2005) | C. Bouget [France] ; T. Noblecourt [France] | Short‐term development of ambrosia and bark beetle assemblages following a windstorm in French broadleaved temperate forests |
000193 (2000) | Thierry Keller [France] ; Jean-Louis Édouard [France] ; Frédéric Guibal [France] ; Joël Guiot [France] ; Lucien Tessier [France] ; Bruno Vila [France] | Impact d’un scénario climatique de réchauffement global sur la croissance des arbres |
000236 (1996) | Philippe Thaler [France] ; Loïc Pagès [France] | Root apical diameter and root elongation rate of rubber seedlings (Hevea brasiliensis) show parallel responses to photoassimilate availability |
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