Le cluster Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste - Xavier Vekemans
000156 (2004) | Myriam Heuertz [Luxembourg (pays), Belgique] ; Jean-Franclois Hausman [Luxembourg (pays)] ; Olivier J. Hardy [Belgique] ; Giovanni G. Vendramin [Italie] ; Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste [France] ; Xavier Vekemans [France] | NUCLEAR MICROSATELLITES REVEAL CONTRASTING PATTERNS OF GENETIC STRUCTURE BETWEEN WESTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN EUROPEAN POPULATIONS OF THE COMMON ASH (FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR L.) |
000191 (2001) | Myriam Heuertz [Luxembourg (pays)] ; Jean-François Hausman ; Ivaylo Tsvetkov ; Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste [France] ; Xavier Vekemans | Assessment of genetic structure within and among Bulgarian populations of the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) |
000079 (2010) | Myriam Heuertz [Belgique, Espagne, Niger] ; Jennifer Teufel [Allemagne] ; Santiago C. González-Martínez [Espagne] ; Alvaro Soto [Espagne] ; Bruno Fady [France] ; Ricardo Alía [Espagne] ; Giovanni G. Vendramin [Italie] | Geography determines genetic relationships between species of mountain pine (Pinus mugo complex) in western Europe |
000151 (2004) | Olivier J. Hardy [Belgique, France] ; Santiago C. González-Martínez [France, Espagne] ; Bruno Colas [France] ; Hélène Fréville [France] ; Agnès Mignot [France] ; Isabelle Olivieri [France] | Fine-Scale Genetic Structure and Gene Dispersal in Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae). II. Correlated Paternity Within and Among Sibships |
000021 (2013) | Ingrid Parmentier [Belgique] ; Jérôme Duminil [Belgique, Cameroun] ; Maria Kuzmina [Canada] ; Morgane Philippe [Belgique] ; Duncan W. Thomas [États-Unis] ; David Kenfack [États-Unis] ; George B. Chuyong [Cameroun] ; Corinne Cruaud [France] ; Olivier J. Hardy [Belgique] | How Effective Are DNA Barcodes in the Identification of African Rainforest Trees? |
000088 (2009) | Jenny Renaut [Luxembourg (pays)] ; Sacha Bohler [Luxembourg (pays), France] ; Jean-François Hausman [Luxembourg (pays)] ; Lucien Hoffmann [Luxembourg (pays)] ; Kjell Sergeant [Luxembourg (pays)] ; Nagib Ahsan [Japon] ; Yves Jolivet [France] ; Pierre Dizengremel [France] | The impact of atmospheric composition on plants: A case study of ozone and poplar |
000168 (2002) | Isabelle Bonnin [France] ; Bruno Colas ; Cécile Bacles ; Anne-Catherine Holl ; Frédéric Hendoux ; Benoit Destiné ; Frédérique Viard [France] | Population structure of an endangered species living in contrasted habitats: Parnassia palustris (Saxifragaceae) |
000176 (2002) | Silvia Fineschi [Italie] ; Daniela Taurchini [Italie] ; Paolo Grossoni [Italie] ; Remy J. Petit [France] ; Giovanni G. Vendramin [Italie] | Chloroplast DNA variation of white oaks in Italy |
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