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Le cluster Catalyseur - Réaction catalytique


37Réaction catalytique
20Catalyse hétérogène
25Vitesse réaction


150.405Catalyseur - Réaction catalytique
90.331Catalyse hétérogène - Réaction catalytique
80.294Catalyse hétérogène - Catalyseur
90.243Microréacteur - Réaction catalytique
70.230Microréacteur - Vitesse réaction
200.261Cinétique - Vitesse réaction
150.229Microréacteur - Réacteur
110.206Conception - Microréacteur
190.201Conception - Réacteur
110.168Réacteur - Réaction catalytique
110.168Catalyseur - Réacteur
250.151Cinétique - Réacteur
140.150Catalyseur - Cinétique
130.139Cinétique - Réaction catalytique
110.118Cinétique - Microréacteur
80.059Cinétique - Conception

Documents par ordre de pertinence
000074 (2012) M. Mbodjim [France] ; J. M. Commenge [France] ; Laurent Falk [France] ; D. Di Marco [France] ; F. Rossignol [France] ; L. Prost [France] ; S. Valentin [France] ; R. Joly [France] ; P. Del-Gallo [France]Steam methane reforming reaction process intensification by using a millistructured reactor: Experimental setup and model validation for global kinetic reaction rate estimation
000333 (2008) Franz Trachsel [Suisse] ; Cédric Hutter [Suisse] ; Philipp Rudolf Von Rohr [Suisse]Transparent silicon/glass microreactor for high-pressure and high-temperature reactions
000352 (2008) S Ren Jensen [Danemark] ; Sune Thorsteinsson [Danemark] ; Ole Hansen [Danemark] ; Ulrich J. Quaade [Danemark]Parametric investigation of rate enhancement during fast temperature cycling of CO oxidation in mircroreactors
000426 (2008) Pablo Beato [Allemagne] ; Ralph Kraehnen [Allemagne] ; Siegfried Engelschalt [Allemagne] ; Thomas Frank [Allemagne] ; Robert Schlögl [Allemagne]A micro-structured quartz reactor for kinetic and in situ spectroscopic studies in heterogeneous catalysis
000080 (2012) Anh N. Phan [Royaume-Uni] ; Adam P. Harvey [Royaume-Uni] ; Valentine Eze [Royaume-Uni]Rapid Production of Biodiesel in Mesoscale Oscillatory Baffled Reactors
000123 (2012) Takashi Fukuda [Japon] ; Taisuke Maki [Japon] ; Kazuhiro Mae [Japon]Design of a Plate-Type Catalytic Microreactor with CO2 Permeation Membrane for Water-Gas Shift Reaction
000345 (2008) J. Thorrnann [Allemagne] ; P. Pfeifer [Allemagne] ; K. Schubert [Allemagne] ; U. Kunz [Allemagne]Reforming of diesel fuel in a micro reactor for APU systems
000347 (2008) Wolfgang Ferstl [Allemagne] ; Maud Schwarzer [Allemagne] ; Stefan Loebbecke [Allemagne] ; Elke Fritz-Langhals [Allemagne] ; Juergen Stohrer [Allemagne]Process optimization of a catalyzed bleach oxidation for the production of functionalized aldehydes using microreaction technology
000349 (2008) Yoshihisa Matsushita [Japon] ; Nobuko Ohba [Japon] ; Shinji Kumada [Japon] ; Kosaku Sakeda [Japon] ; Tadashi Suzuki [Japon] ; Teijiro Ichimura [Japon]Photocatalytic reactions in microreactors
000361 (2008) BIN YANG [États-Unis] ; Tom Yuschak [États-Unis] ; Terry Mazanec [États-Unis] ; Anna Lee Tonkovich [États-Unis] ; Steve Perry [États-Unis]Multi-scale modeling of microstructured reactors for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene
000389 (2008) Ken-Ichiro Sotowa [Japon] ; Kaname Takagi [Japon] ; Shigeru Sugiyama [Japon]Fluid flow behavior and the rate of an enzyme reaction in deep microchannel reactor under high-throughput condition
000396 (2008) Marilyne Roumanie [France] ; Cyril Delattre [France] ; Frédérique Mittler [France] ; Gilles Marchand [France] ; Valérie Meille [France] ; Claude De Bellefon [France] ; Christophe Pijolat [France] ; Guy Tournier [France] ; Patrick Pouteau [France]Enhancing surface activity in silicon microreactors : Use of black silicon and alumina as catalyst supports for chemical and biological applications
000411 (2008) SHUHONG LIU [États-Unis] ; Chih-Hung Chang [États-Unis] ; Brian K. Paul [États-Unis] ; Vincent T. Remcho [États-Unis]Convergent synthesis of polyamide dendrimer using a continuous flow microreactor
000567 (2005) Subramanya V. Nayak [Inde] ; Saket L. Joshi [Inde] ; Vivek V. Ranade [Inde]Modeling of vaporization and cracking of liquid oil injected in a gas-solid riser
000112 (2012) R. N. Olcese [France] ; M. Bettahar [France] ; D. Petitjean [France] ; B. Malaman [France] ; F. Giovanella [France] ; Anthony Dufour (génie des procédés) [France]Gas-phase hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol over Fe/SiO2 catalyst
000175 (2011) J.-M. Commenge [France] ; M. Saber [France] ; Laurent Falk [France]Methodology for multi-scale design of isothermal laminar flow networks
000223 (2010) Amélie Queffeulou [France] ; Laurent Geron [Belgique] ; Eric Schaer [France]Prediction of photocatalytic air purifier apparatus performances with a CFD approach using experimentally determined kinetic parameters
000226 (2010) M. Furman [France] ; S. Corbel [France] ; G. Wild [France] ; O. Zahraa [France]Photocatalytic reaction intensification using monolithic supports designed by stereolithography
000236 (2010) M. Saber [France] ; J. M. Commenge [France] ; Laurent Falk [France]Microreactor numbering-up in multi-scale networks for industrial-scale applications: Impact of flow maldistribution on the reactor performances
000310 (2009) A. Fedotov [Russie] ; M. Tsodikov [Russie] ; V. Teplyakov [Russie] ; I. Moiseev [Russie] ; D. Roizard [France] ; V. Korchak [Russie] ; A. Kiennemann [France] ; C. Courson [France]Dry methane reforming on porous ceramic catalytic membranes modified by La-Ce and Pd-Mn catalysts
000331 (2008) Keyur Shah [États-Unis] ; R. S. Besser [États-Unis]Understanding thermal integration issues and heat loss pathways in a planar microscale fuel processor : Demonstration of an integrated silicon microreactor-based methanol steam reformer
000354 (2008) I. Z. Ismagilov [Russie] ; E. M. Michurin [Russie] ; O. B. Sukhova [Russie] ; L. T. Tsykoza [Russie] ; E. V. Matus [Russie] ; M. A. Kerzhentsev [Russie] ; Z. R. Ismagilov [Russie] ; A. N. Zagoruiko [Russie] ; E. V. Rebrov [Pays-Bas] ; M. H. J. M. De Croon [Pays-Bas] ; J. C. Schouten [Pays-Bas]Oxidation of organic compounds in a microstmctured catalytic reactor
000359 (2008) M. Luther [Allemagne, Suisse] ; J. J. Brandner [Allemagne] ; K. Schubert [Allemagne] ; A. Renken [Suisse] ; L. Kiwi-Minsker [Suisse]Novel design of a microstructured reactor allowing fast temperature oscillations
000382 (2008) P. Pfeifer [Allemagne] ; K. Schubert [Allemagne]Hot wire anemometry for experimental determination of flow distribution in multilayer microreactors
000391 (2008) A. A. Kulkarni [Inde] ; K.-P. Zeyer [Allemagne] ; T. Jacobs [Allemagne] ; M. Kaspereit [Allemagne] ; Achim Kienle [Allemagne]Feasibility studies and dynamics of catalytic liquid phase esterification reactions in a micro plant
000395 (2008) Kaspar Koch [Pays-Bas] ; Rutger J. F. Van Den Berg [Pays-Bas] ; Pieter J. Nieuwland [Pays-Bas] ; Roel Wijtmans [Pays-Bas] ; Marcel G. Wubbolts [Pays-Bas] ; Hans E. Schoemaker [Pays-Bas] ; Floris P. J. T. Rutjes [Pays-Bas] ; Jan C. M. Van Hest [Pays-Bas]Enzymatic synthesis of optically pure cyanohydrins in microchannels using a crude cell lysate
000403 (2008) Batoul Ahmed-Omer [Royaume-Uni] ; David Barrow [Royaume-Uni] ; Thomas Wirth [Royaume-Uni]Effect of segmented fluid flow, sonication and phase transfer catalysis on biphasic reactions in capillary microreactors
000410 (2008) C. Amador [Royaume-Uni] ; D. Wenn [Royaume-Uni] ; J. Shaw [Royaume-Uni] ; A. Gavriilidis [Royaume-Uni] ; P. Angeli [Royaume-Uni]Design of a mesh microreactor for even flow distribution and narrow residence time distribution
000447 (2007) B. Mounir [Maroc] ; Marie-Noëlle Pons [France] ; O. Zahraa [France] ; A. Yaacoubi [Maroc] ; A. Benhammou [Maroc]Discoloration of a red cationic dye by supported TiO2 photocatalysis
000548 (2005) K. C. Ruthiya [Pays-Bas] ; J. Van Der Schaaf [Pays-Bas] ; B. F. M. Kuster [Pays-Bas] ; J. C. Schouten [Pays-Bas]Similar effect of carbon and silica catalyst support on the hydrogenation reaction rate in organic slurry reactors
000556 (2005) M. A. Ayude [Argentine] ; M. C. Cassanello [Argentine] ; O. M. Martinez [Argentine] ; P. M. Haure [Argentine]Phenomenological approach to interpret the effect of liquid flow modulation in trickle bed reactors at the particle scale
000572 (2005) I. Polaert [France] ; L. Estel [France] ; A. Ledoux [France]Microwave-assisted remediation of phenol wastewater on activated charcoal
000A77 (1999) J. Lede [France] ; M. Ferrer [France]Solar thermochemical reactors
000C05 (1998) Régis Loze [France]Chloration et oxychloration des composés aromatiques
000D23 (1997) K. Grass [Allemagne] ; H.-G. Lintz [Allemagne, France]The kinetics of carbon monoxide oxidation on Tin(IV) oxide supported platinum catalysts
000E41 (1996) G.-M. Come [France] ; Y. Lli ; P. Barbe [France] ; N. Gueritey [France] ; P.-M. Marquaire [France] ; F. Baronnet [France]Competition between gas and surface reactions in the oxidative coupling of methane. 2. Isothermal experiments in a catalytic jet-stirred gas phase reactor
000F83 (1994) A. Lara Marquez [France] ; CHAU NGUYEN ; S. Poncin ; G. Wild ; Noël Midoux [France]A novel hydrazine oxidation technique for the determination of kLa in gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid reactors
000001 (2014) D. Bazer-Bachi [France] ; L. Assie [France] ; V. Lecocq [France] ; B. Harbuzaru [France] ; V. Falk [France]Towards industrial use of metal-organic framework: Impact of shaping on the MOF properties
000052 (2013) R. N. Olcese [France] ; J. Francois [France] ; M. M. Bettahar [France] ; D. Petitjean [France] ; Anthony Dufour (génie des procédés) [France]Hydrodeoxygenation of Guaiacol, A Surrogate of Lignin Pyrolysis Vapors, Over Iron Based Catalysts: Kinetics and Modeling of the Lignin to Aromatics Integrated Process
000055 (2013) R. Olcese [France] ; M. M. Bettahar [France] ; B. Malaman [France] ; J. Ghanbaja [France] ; L. Tibavizco [France] ; D. Petitjean [France] ; Anthony Dufour (génie des procédés) [France]Gas-phase hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol over iron-based catalysts. Effect of gases composition, iron load and supports (silica and activated carbon)
000084 (2012) Volker Hessel [Pays-Bas] ; Iris Vural Gürsel [Pays-Bas] ; QI WANG [Pays-Bas] ; Timothy Noël [Pays-Bas] ; Jürgen Lang [Allemagne]Potential Analysis of Smart Flow Processing and Micro Process Technology for Fastening Process Development: Use of Chemistry and Process Design as Intensification Fields
000124 (2012) Giovanni Camera-Roda [Italie] ; Francesco Santarelli [Italie]Design of a Pervaporation Photocatalytic Reactor for Process Intensification
000131 (2012) Saurabh Bhavsar [États-Unis] ; Michelle Najera [États-Unis] ; Götz Veser [États-Unis]Chemical Looping Dry Reforming as Novel, I ntensified Process for CO2 Activation
000133 (2012) John F. Griffiths [Royaume-Uni] ; Renzo Piazzesi [Royaume-Uni] ; Elena M. Sazhina [Royaume-Uni] ; Sergei S. Sazhin [Royaume-Uni] ; Pierre-Alexandre Glaude [France] ; Morgan R. Heikal [Royaume-Uni]CFD modelling of cyclohexane auto-ignition in an RCM
000134 (2012) Niek T. Zuidhof [Pays-Bas] ; Mart H. J. M. De Croon [Pays-Bas] ; Jaap C. Schouten [Pays-Bas] ; Johan T. Tinge [Pays-Bas]Beckmann Rearrangement of Cyclohexanone Oxime to ε-Caprolactam in a Microreactor
000145 (2012) Peter J. Lindner [États-Unis] ; Ronald S. Besser [États-Unis]A Microplasma Reactor for Chemical Process Intensification
000200 (2011) J. Zhang [France] ; V. Burkle-Vitzthum [France] ; P. M. Marquaire [France] ; G. Wild [France] ; J. M. Commenge [France]Direct conversion of methane in formaldehyde at very short residence time
000201 (2011) Céline Delwaulle [France] ; Alastair Magnaldo [France] ; Andrea Salvatores [France] ; Eric Schaer [France] ; Jean-Léon Houzelot [France] ; Benjamin Rodier [France] ; Emilie Bosse [France]Development of a new method for investigating the mechanisms of solid particle dissolution in nitric acid media: Millifluidic study using fluorescent indicators
000205 (2011) Daniel Tondeur [France] ; Claude Menetrieux [France]Channel interlacing: A geometric concept for intensification and design of the internal structure of fluid contactors
000211 (2011) Y. Le Moullec [France] ; O. Potier [France] ; C. Gentric [France] ; J. P. Leclerc [France]Activated sludge pilot plant: Comparison between experimental and predicted concentration profiles using three different modelling approaches
000216 (2010) Salim Zodi [France] ; Olivier Potier [France] ; François Lapicque [France] ; Jean-Pierre Leclerc [France]Treatment of the industrial wastewaters by electrocoagulation: Optimization of coupled electrochemical and sedimentation processes
000235 (2010) Pierre Alexandre Glaude [France] ; Olivier Herbinet [France] ; Sarah Bax [France] ; Joffrey Biet [France] ; Valérie Warth [France] ; Frédérique Battin-Leclerc [France]Modeling of the oxidation of methyl esters-Validation for methyl hexanoate, methyl heptanoate, and methyl decanoate in a jet-stirred reactor
000239 (2010) R. Lacroix [France] ; R. Fournet [France] ; I. Ziegler-Devin [France] ; P.-M. Marquaire [France]Kinetic modeling of surface reactions involved in CVI of pyrocarbon obtained by propane pyrolysis
000245 (2010) H. Monnier [France] ; Laurent Falk [France] ; François Lapicque [France] ; R. Hadjoudj [France] ; C. Roizard [France]Intensification of G/L absorption in microstructured falling film. Application to the treatment of chlorinated VOC's - part I: Comparison between structured and microstructured packings in absorption devices
000253 (2010) Jean-François Portha [France] ; Sylvain Louret [France] ; Marie-Noëlle Pons [France] ; Jean-Noël Jaubert [France]Estimation of the environmental impact of a petrochemical process using coupled LCA and exergy analysis
000255 (2010) B. Benyahia [France, Algérie] ; M. A. Latifi [France] ; C. Fonteix [France] ; F. Pla [France] ; S. Nacef [Algérie]Emulsion copolymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate in the presence of a chain transfer agent. Part 1: Modelling and experimentation of batch and fedbatch processes
000267 (2010) L. Fernandez Moguel [France] ; H. Muhr [France] ; A. Dietz [France] ; E. Plasari [France]CFD simulation of barium carbonate precipitation in a fluidized bed reactor
000293 (2009) A. R. Khataee [Iran, France] ; Marie-Noëlle Pons [France] ; O. Zahraa [France]Photocatalytic degradation of three azo dyes using immobilized Ti02 nanoparticles on glass plates activated by UV light irradiation: Influence of dye molecular structure
000300 (2009) Alain Durand [France] ; Emmanuelle Marie [France]Macromolecular surfactants for miniemulsion polymerization
000313 (2009) A. Aimable [France] ; H. Muhr [France] ; C. Gentric [France] ; F. Bernard [France] ; F. Le Cras [France] ; D. Aymes [France]Continuous hydrothermal synthesis of inorganic nanopowders in supercritical water : Towards a better control of the process
000344 (2008) J. Felbel [Allemagne] ; A. Reichert [Allemagne] ; M. Kielpinski [Allemagne] ; M. Urban [Allemagne] ; T. Henkel [Allemagne] ; N. H Fner [Allemagne] ; M. Dürst [Allemagne] ; J. Weber [Allemagne]Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in flow-through micro-reactors : Thermal and fluidic concepts
000346 (2008) N. Kockmann [Allemagne] ; J. Kastner [Allemagne] ; P. Woias [Allemagne]Reactive particle precipitation in liquid microchannel flow
000351 (2008) Helmut Pennemann [Allemagne] ; Volker Hessel [Allemagne] ; Gunther Kolb [Allemagne] ; Holger Lowe [Allemagne] ; Ralf Zapf [Allemagne]Partial oxidation of propane using micro structured reactors
000362 (2008) D. Boskovic [Allemagne] ; S. Loebbecke [Allemagne]Modelling of the residence time distribution in micromixers
000367 (2008) J. Wagner [Allemagne] ; T. R. Tshikhudo [Royaume-Uni] ; J. M. Köhler [Allemagne]Microfluidic generation of metal nanoparticles by borohydride reduction
000386 (2008) Donata M. Fries [Suisse] ; Severin Waelchli [Suisse] ; Philipp Rudolf Von Rohr [Suisse]Gas-liquid two-phase flow in meandering microchannels
000399 (2008) S. Chemnitz [Allemagne] ; U. Tangen [Allemagne] ; P. F. Wagler [Allemagne] ; T. Maeke [Allemagne] ; J. S. Mccaskill [Allemagne]Electronically programmable membranes for improved biomolecule handling in micro-compartments on-chip
000407 (2008) Thomas Stief [Allemagne] ; Ulrich Schygulla [Allemagne] ; Hans Geider [Allemagne] ; Otto-Ulrich Langer [Allemagne] ; Eugen Anurjew [Allemagne] ; Jürgen Brandner [Allemagne]Development of a fast sensor for the measurement of the residence time distribution of gas flow through microstructured reactors
000417 (2008) M. Simonnet [France] ; C. Gentric [France] ; E. Olmos [France] ; Noël Midoux [France]CFD simulation of the flow field in a bubble column reactor : Importance of the drag force formulation to describe regime transitions
000449 (2007) Matthieu Fleys [France] ; Yves Simon [France] ; Paul-Marie Marquaire [France]Detailed kinetic study of the partial oxidation of methane over La2O3 catalyst. Part 2: Mechanism
000450 (2007) Matthieu Fleys [France] ; WENJUAN SHAN [France] ; Yves Simon [France] ; Paul-Marie Marquaire [France]Detailed kinetic study of the partial oxidation of methane over La2O3 catalyst. Part 1: Experimental results
000462 (2006) S. Lomel [France] ; Laurent Falk [France] ; J. M. Commence [France] ; J. L. Houzelot [France] ; K. Ramdani [France]The microreactor : A systematic and efficient tool for the transition from batch to continuous process?
000465 (2006) WENJUAN SHAN [France] ; Matthieu Fleys [France] ; Francois Lapicque [France] ; Dariusz Swierczynski [France] ; Alain Kiennemann [France] ; Yves Simon [France] ; Paul-Marie Marquaire [France]Syngas production from partial oxidation of methane over Ce1-XNiXOY catalysts prepared by complexation-combustion method
000483 (2006) Frédéric Buda [France] ; Barbara Heyberger [France] ; Rend Foumet [France] ; Pierre-Alexandre Glaude [France] ; Valerie Warth [France] ; Frédérique Battin-Leclerc [France]Modeling of the gas-phase oxidation of cyclohexane
000513 (2006) Dean Shi [Hong Kong, République populaire de Chine] ; Guo-Hua Hu [France] ; R. K. Y. Li [Hong Kong]Concept of nano-reactor for the control of the selectivity of the free radical grafting of maleic anhydride onto polypropylene in the melt
000544 (2005) Novica Rados [États-Unis] ; Ashfaq Shaikh [États-Unis] ; Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan [États-Unis]Solids flow mapping in a high pressure slurry bubble column
000549 (2005) R. S. Ghadge [Inde] ; K. Ekambara [Inde] ; J. B. Joshi [Inde]Role of hydrodynamic flow parameters in lipase deactivation in bubble column reactor
000554 (2005) K. D. P. Nigam [Inde] ; F. Larachi [Canada]Process intensification in trickle-bed reactors
000566 (2005) Michiel T. Kreutzer [Pays-Bas] ; Freek Kapteijn [Pays-Bas] ; Jacob A. Moulijn [Pays-Bas] ; Johan J. Heiszwolf [Pays-Bas]Multiphase monolith reactors : Chemical reaction engineering of segmented flow in microchannels
000590 (2005) Olivier Potier [France] ; Jean-Pierre Leclerc [France] ; Marie-Noëlle Pons [France]Influence of geometrical and operational parameters on the axial dispersion in an aerated channel reactor
000591 (2005) Olivier Potier [France] ; Jean-Pierre Leclerc [France] ; Marie-Noëlle Pons [France]Influence of geometrical and operational parameters on the axial dispersion in an aerated channel reactor
000597 (2005) Isabelle Pitault [France] ; Pascal Fongarland [France] ; Daniel Koepke [France] ; Marijana Mitrovic [France] ; Didier Ronze [France] ; Michel Forissier [France]Gas-liquid and liquid-solid mass transfers in two types of stationary catalytic basket laboratory reactor
000618 (2005) Wulf Dietrich [Allemagne] ; Marcus Grünewald [Allemagne] ; David W. Agar [Allemagne]Dynamic modelling of periodically wetted catalyst particles
000630 (2005) B. Hu [Royaume-Uni] ; A. W. Pacek [Royaume-Uni] ; E. H. Stitt [Royaume-Uni] ; A. W. Nienow [Royaume-Uni]Bubble sizes in agitated air-alcohol systems with and without particles : Turbulent and transitional flow
000631 (2005) A. A. Sotiriadis [Royaume-Uni] ; R. B. Thorpe [Royaume-Uni] ; J. M. Smith [Royaume-Uni]Bubble size and mass transfer characteristics of sparged downwards two-phase flow
000639 (2005) HAIBO JIN [République populaire de Chine] ; SUOHE YANG [République populaire de Chine] ; GUANGXIANG HE [République populaire de Chine] ; ZHIWU GUO [République populaire de Chine] ; ZEMIN TONG [République populaire de Chine]An experimental study of holdups in large-scale p-xylene oxidation reactors using the γ-ray attenuation approach
000641 (2005) J. F. Hall [Royaume-Uni] ; M. Barigou [Royaume-Uni] ; M. J. H. Simmons [Royaume-Uni] ; E. H. Stitt [Royaume-Uni]A PIV study of hydrodynamics in gas-liquid high throughput experimentation (HTE) reactors with eccentric impeller configurations
000654 (2004) Lian-Fang Feng [République populaire de Chine, France] ; Guo-Hua Hu [France]Reaction kinetics of multiphase polymer systems under flow
000680 (2004) Daniel Tondeur [France] ; LINGAI LUO [France]Design and scaling laws of ramified fluid distributors by the constructal approach
000869 (2001) Olivier Dufaud [France] ; Serge Corbel [France]Etude de la cinétique de photopolymérisation de suspensions de céramiques par spectroscopie infrarouge résolue dans le temps : Application à la stéréolithographie
000880 (2001) J.-M. Conunenge [France] ; A. Rouge [Suisse] ; A. Renken [Suisse] ; J.-P. Corriou [France] ; M. Matlosz [France]Dispersion dans un microreacteur multitubulaire : Etude experimentale et modelisation
000997 (2000) H.-G. Lintz [Allemagne, France]Solid electrolyte potentiometry aided study of reactions on oxidic catalysts : results and perspectives
000A01 (2000) V. A. Escobar Barrios [Mexique] ; R. Herrera Najera [Mexique] ; A. Petit [France] ; F. Pla [France]Selective hydrogenation of butadiene -styrene copolymers using a Ziegler-Natta type catalyst. 1. Kinetic study
000A43 (2000) XING ZHE DING [France] ; A. Fischer [France] ; A. Brembilla [France] ; P. Lochon [France]Behavior of 3-vinylpyridine in nitroxide-mediated radical polymerization : The influence of nitroxide concentration, solvent, and temperature
000A51 (1999) J. M. Commenge [France] ; Laurent Falk [France] ; J. P. Corriou [France] ; M. Matlosz [France]Simulation de la distribution d'un fluide dans un microréacteur
000B10 (1999) M. H. H. Van Dam [France] ; J.-P. Corriou [France] ; Noël Midoux [France] ; A.-S. Lamine [France] ; C. Roizard [France]Modeling and measurement of sulfur dioxide absorption rate in a laminar falling film reactor
000C79 (1997) P. Mougin [France] ; M. Pons [France] ; Jacques Villermaux [France]Sélectivité de réacteurs en présence de catalyseurs fractals
000C96 (1997) H. G. Lintz [France] ; S. Zühlke [Allemagne]Génération et caractérisation de catalyseurs pérovskitiques
000D01 (1997) R. David [France] ; N. Sumian [France] ; E. Plasari [France] ; Jacques Villermaux [France]Etude cinétique de la dissolution réactive d'oxyde de calcium dans l'eau suivie ou non de la recristallisation de l'hydroxyde
000E99 (1995) X. Py [France] ; C. Roizard ; I. Bergault ; Noël Midoux [France]Physical and chemical mass transfer enhancement at a gas-liquid interface due to fine catalyst particles


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