Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000974 (2013) |
I. Rombouts [France] ; G. Beaugrand [France] ; L. F. Artigas [France] ; J.-C. Dauvin [France] ; F. Gevaert [France] ; E. Goberville [France] ; D. Kopp [France] ; S. Lefebvre [France] ; C. Luczak [France] ; N. Spilmont [France, Australie] ; M. Travers-Trolet [France] ; M. C. Villanueva [France] ; R. R. Kirby [Royaume-Uni] | Evaluating marine ecosystem health: Case studies of indicators using direct observations and modelling methods |
000F87 (2012) |
Mario Lebrato [Allemagne] ; Kylie A. Pitt [Australie] ; Andrew K. Sweetman [Norvège] ; Daniel O. B. Jones [Royaume-Uni] ; Joan E. Cartes [Espagne] ; Andreas Oschlies [Allemagne] ; Robert H. Condon [États-Unis] ; Juan Carlos Molinero [Allemagne] ; Laetitia Adler [Allemagne, Irlande (pays)] ; Christian Gaillard [France] ; Domingo Lloris [Espagne] ; David S. M. Billett [Royaume-Uni] | Jelly-falls historic and recent observations: a review to drive future research directions |
002236 (2010) |
Jaime F Rber-Lorda [Mexique] ; Patrick Mayzaud [France] | Morphology and total lipids in Thysanoessa macura from the southern part of the Indian Ocean during summer. Spatial and sex differences |
002829 (2009) |
K. A. Pitt [Australie] ; R. M. Connolly [Australie] ; T. Meziane [France] | Stable isotope and fatty acid tracers in energy and nutrient studies of jellyfish : a review |
002C15 (2009) |
Grégory Beaugrand [France] | Decadal changes in climate and ecosystems in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas |
002D72 (2008) |
Francois Carlotti [France] ; Delphine Thibault-Botha [France] ; Antoine Nowaczyk [France] ; Dominique Lefevre [France] | Zooplankton community structure, biomass and role in carbon fluxes during the second half of a phytoplankton bloom in the eastern sector of the Kerguelen Shelf (January-February 2005) |
002F87 (2008) |
Kylie A. Pitt [Australie] ; Anne-Laure Clement [Australie, France] ; Rod M. Connolly [Australie] ; Delphine Thibault-Botha [France] | Predation by jellyfish on large and emergent zooplankton : Implications for benthic-pelagic coupling |
003142 (2008) |
Thomas W. Trull [Australie, France] ; Diana Davies [Australie] ; Karen Casciotti [États-Unis] | Insights into nutrient assimilation and export in naturally iron-fertilized waters of the Southern Ocean from nitrogen, carbon and oxygen isotopes |
003708 (2007) |
G. Kattner [Allemagne] ; W. Hagen [Allemagne] ; R. F. Lee [États-Unis] ; R. Campbell [Allemagne] ; D. Deibel [Canada] ; S. Falk-Petersen [Norvège] ; M. Graeve [Allemagne] ; B. W. Hansen [Danemark] ; H. J. Hirche [Allemagne] ; S. H. Jonasdottir [Danemark] ; M. L. Madsen [Danemark] ; P. Mayzaud [France] ; D. Müller-Navarra [Allemagne] ; P. D. Nichols [Australie] ; G.-A. Paffenhöfer [États-Unis] ; D. Pond [Royaume-Uni] ; H. Saito [Japon] ; D. Stübing [Allemagne] ; P. Virtue [Australie] | Perspectives on marine zooplankton lipids |
004492 (2005) |
Laurent Seuront [France, Australie] ; Francois G. Schmitt [France] | Multiscaling statistical procedures for the exploration of biophysical couplings in intermittent turbulence. Part I. Theory |
004742 (2005) |
James C. Orr [France] ; Victoria J. Fabry [États-Unis] ; Olivier Aumont [France] ; Laurent Bopp [France] ; Scott C. Doney [États-Unis] ; Richard A. Feely [États-Unis] ; Anand Gnanadesikan [États-Unis] ; Nicolas Gruber [États-Unis] ; Akio Ishida [Japon] ; Fortunat Joos [Suisse] ; Robert M. Key [États-Unis] ; Keith Lindsay [États-Unis] ; Ernst Maier-Reimer [Allemagne] ; Richard Matear [Australie] ; Patrick Monfray [France] ; Anne Mouchet [Belgique] ; Raymond G. Najjar [États-Unis] ; Gian-Kasper Plattner [États-Unis, Suisse] ; Eith B. Rodgers [France] ; Christopher L. Sabine [États-Unis] ; Jorge L. Sarmiento [États-Unis] ; Reiner Schlitzer [Allemagne] ; Richard D. Slater [États-Unis] ; Ian J. Totterdell [Royaume-Uni] ; Marie-France Weirig [Allemagne] ; Yasuhiro Yamanaka [Japon] ; Andrew Yool [Royaume-Uni] | Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms |
004B07 (2004) |
Laurent Seuront [France, Australie] ; Jiang-Shiou Hwang [Taïwan] ; Li-Chun Tseng [Taïwan] ; Francois G. Schmitt [France] ; Sami Souissi [France] ; Chong-Kim Wong [Hong Kong] | Individual variability in the swimming behavior of the sub-tropical copepod Oncaea venusta (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida) |
004E16 (2003) |
F. Alonzo [Australie] ; P. Mayzaud [France] ; S. Razouls [France] ; P. Bocher [France] ; Y. Cherel [France] | Seasonal changes in biomass, growth rates and production of subantarctic calanoid copepods in the Bay of Morbihan, Kerguelen Islands |
005488 (2002) |
Alain Thiery [France] ; Ludovic Puente [France] | Crustacean assemblage and environmental characteristics of a man-made solar saltwork in southern France, with emphasis on anostracan (Branchiopoda) population dynamics |
005759 (2001) |
Sandra Lass [Allemagne] ; Geraint A. Tarling [Royaume-Uni] ; Patti Virtue [France, Australie] ; Jack B. L. Matthews [Royaume-Uni] ; Patrick Mayzaud [France] ; Friedrich Buchholz [Allemagne] | On the food of northern krill Meganyctiphanes norvegica in relation to its vertical distribution |
005A19 (2000) |
G. Gorsky [France] ; P. R. Flood [Norvège] ; M. Youngbluth [États-Unis] ; M. Picheral [France] ; J.-M. Grisoni [France] | Zooplankton distribution in four western Norwegian fjords |
005B19 (2000) |
Janine Cuzin-Roudy [France] | Seasonal reproduction, multiple spawning, and fecundity in northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, and Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba |
005D76 (2000) |
Geraint Tarling [Royaume-Uni] ; Michael Burrows [Royaume-Uni] ; Jack Matthews [Royaume-Uni] ; Reinhard Saborowski [Allemagne] ; Friedrich Buchholz [Allemagne] ; Alain Bedo [France] ; Patrick Mayzaud [France] | An optimisation model of the diel vertical migration of northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) in the Clyde Sea and the Kattegat |
005D83 (2000) |
B. C. Wienecke [Australie] ; R. Lawless [Australie] ; D. Rodary [France] ; C.-A. Bost [France] ; R. Thomson [Australie] ; T. Pauly [Australie] ; G. Robertson [Australie] ; K. R. Kerry [Australie] ; Y. Lemaho [France] | Adélie penguin foraging behaviour and krill abundance along the Wilkes and Adélie land coasts, Antarctica |
005F28 (1999) |
C. Dupuy [France] ; M. B. Hassen [France] ; S. Le Gall [France] | Protists as a trophic link between picocyanobacteria and the filter-feeding bivalve Crassostrea gigas |