Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000088 (2014) |
S. Sengupta [Inde] ; O. Sracek [République tchèque] ; J.-S. Jean [Taïwan] ; H.-Y. Lu [Taïwan] ; C.-H. Wang [Taïwan] ; L. Palcsu [Hongrie] ; C.-C. Liu [Taïwan] ; C.-H. Jen [Taïwan] ; P. Bhattacharya [Suède] | Spatial variation of groundwater arsenic distribution in the Chianan Plain, SW Taiwan: Role of local hydrogeological factors and geothermal sources |
000A68 (2013) |
William Shuster [États-Unis] ; Lee Rhea [États-Unis] | Catchment-scale hydrologic implications of parcel-level stormwater management (Ohio USA) |
001285 (2012) |
K. M. Meiners [Australie] ; M. Vancoppenolle [France] ; S. Thanassekos [Australie] ; G. S. Dieckmann [Allemagne] ; D. N. Thomas [Royaume-Uni, Finlande, Danemark] ; J.-L. Tison [Belgique] ; K. R. Arrigo [États-Unis] ; D. L. Garrison [États-Unis] ; A. Mcminn [Australie] ; D. Lannuzel [Australie] ; P. Van Der Merwe [Australie] ; K. M. Swadling [Australie] ; W. O. Jr. Smith [États-Unis] ; I. Melnikov [Russie] ; B. Raymond [Australie] | Chlorophyll a in Antarctic sea ice from historical ice core data |
001F24 (2010) |
George Kuczera [Australie] ; Benjamin Renard [France] ; Mark Thyer [Australie] ; Dmitri Kavetski [Australie] | There are no hydrological monsters, just models and observations with large uncertainties! |
002720 (2009) |
Stéphane Christodoulou [France] ; Jean-Claude Marty [France] ; Juan-Carlos Miquel [Monaco] ; John K. Volkman [Australie] ; Jean-Francois Rontani [France] | Use of lipids and their degradation products as biomarkers for carbon cycling in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea |
002B51 (2009) |
C. Yver [France] ; M. Schmidt [France] ; P. Bousquet [France] ; W. Zahorowski [Australie] ; M. Ramonet [France] | Estimation of the molecular hydrogen soil uptake and traffic emissions at a suburban site near Paris through hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and radon-222 semicontinuous measurements |
002C61 (2009) |
J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano [Espagne] ; Melchor Gonzalez-Davila [Espagne] ; Ivan R. Ucha [Espagne] | Carbon dioxide fluxes in the Benguela upwelling system during winter and spring: A comparison between 2005 and 2006 |
002C88 (2009) |
T. Muller [Allemagne] ; A. Nowak [Allemagne] ; A. Wiedensohler [Allemagne] ; P. Sheridan [États-Unis] ; M. Laborde [Australie] ; David S. Covert [États-Unis] ; Angela Marinoni [Italie] ; Kornélia Imre [Hongrie] ; Bas Henzing [Pays-Bas] ; Jean-Claude Roger [France] ; Sebastiao Martins Dos Santos [Italie] ; Reinhard Wilhelm [Allemagne] ; Ya-Qiang Wang [République populaire de Chine] ; Gerrit De Leeuw [Finlande] | Angular Illumination and Truncation of Three Different Integrating Nephelometers: Implications for Empirical, Size-Based Corrections |
002D23 (2009) |
Mike Bonell [Royaume-Uni] ; John Williams [Australie] | A review of hydrology research within the open eucalypt woodlands of tropical semiarid Australia: A possible source of baseline information for the West African Sahel |
002E31 (2008) |
Dominique Lefevre [France] ; Catherine Guigue [France] ; Ingrid Obernosterer [France] | The metabolic balance at two contrasting sites in the Southern Ocean : The iron-fertilized Kerguelen area and HNLC waters |
002F63 (2008) |
Ingrid Obernosterer [France] ; Urania Christaki [France] ; Dominique Lefevre [France] ; Philippe Catala [France] ; France Van Wambeke [France] ; Philippe Lebaron [France] | Rapid bacterial mineralization of organic carbon produced during a phytoplankton bloom induced by natural iron fertilization in the Southern Ocean |
003628 (2007) |
Frédéric Bailleul [France] ; Jean-Benoit Charrassin [France] ; Robert Ezraty [France] ; Fanny Girard-Ardhuin [France] ; Clive R. Mcmahon [Australie] ; Iain C. Field [Australie] ; Christophe Guinet [France] | Southern elephant seals from Kerguelen Islands confronted by Antarctic Sea ice. Changes in movements and in diving behaviour |
003699 (2007) |
Mathieu Mongin [Australie] ; David M. Nelson [États-Unis, France] ; Philippe Pondaven [France] ; Paul Treguer [France] | Potential phytoplankton responses to iron and stratification changes in the Southern Ocean based on a flexible-composition phytoplankton model |
004413 (2005) |
D. Cardinal [Belgique] ; L. Y. Alleman [Belgique, France] ; F. Dehairs [Belgique] ; N. Savoye [Belgique] ; T. W. Trull [Australie] ; L. Andre [Belgique] | Relevance of silicon isotopes to Si-nutrient utilization and Si-source assessment in Antarctic waters |
004757 (2005) |
Emeric Gioan [France] ; Michel Las Vergnas [France] | Activity preserving bijections between spanning trees and orientations in graphs |
004870 (2004) |
Kevin Robert Gurney [États-Unis] ; Rachel M. Law [Australie] ; A. Scott Denning [États-Unis] ; Peter J. Rayner [Australie] ; Bernard C. Pak [États-Unis] ; David Baker [États-Unis] ; Philippe Bousquet [France] ; Lori Bruhwiler [États-Unis] ; Yu-Han Chen [États-Unis] ; Philippe Ciais [France] ; Inez Y. Fung [États-Unis] ; Martin Heimann [Allemagne] ; Jasmin John [États-Unis] ; Takashi Maki [Japon] ; Shamil Maksyutov [Japon] ; Philippe Peylin [France] ; Michael Prather [États-Unis] ; Shoichi Taguchi [Japon] | Transcom 3 inversion intercomparison: Model mean results for the estimation of seasonal carbon sources and sinks |
004876 (2004) |
Antonie Veldkamp [Pays-Bas] ; Salomon Kroonenberg [Pays-Bas] ; Henk Heijnis [Australie] ; Rob Van Den Berg Van Saparoea [Pays-Bas] | The suitability of dated travertines as a record of fluvial incision: Allier (France) floodplain dynamics during the Late Quaternary |
004981 (2004) |
C. Tang [France, Australie] ; J. J. Drevon [France] ; B. Jaillard [France] ; G. Souche [France] ; P. Hinsinger [France] | Proton release of two genotypes of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as affected by N nutrition and P deficiency : New challenges for rhizosphere research at the entrance of the 21st Century |
004D07 (2004) |
S. H. M. Jacquet [Belgique, France] ; F. Dehairs [Belgique] ; S. Rintoul [Australie] | A high resolution transect of dissolved barium in the Southern Ocean |
005607 (2001) |
John A. Webb [Australie] ; Stanley Lithco [Australie] | Use of water chemistry to identify flow conduits in the porous Gambier Limestone, southeast Australia |
005645 (2001) |
Rebekah Brown [Australie] ; Roberta Ryan [Australie] | The source control paradox: Professionalism, knowledge and expertise |