Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000681 (2013) |
Meagan J. Mcgrath [Australie] ; Lauren C. Binge Absorn Sriratana [Australie] ; HONG WANG [Australie] ; Paul A. Robinson [Australie] ; David Pook [Australie] ; Clare G. Fedele [Australie] ; Susan Brown [Australie] ; Jennifer M. Dyson [Australie] ; Denny L. Cottle [Australie] ; Belinda S. Cowling [Australie, France] ; Birunthi Niranjan [Australie] ; Gail P. Risbridger [Australie] ; Christina A. Mitchell [Australie] | Regulation of the Transcriptional Coactivator FHL2 Licenses Activation of the Androgen Receptor in Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer |
000A04 (2013) |
Aurélie Blaes [France] ; Nicola D. Ridgers [Australie] ; Julien Aucouturier [France] ; Emmanuel Van Praagh [France] ; Serge Berthoin [France] ; Georges Baquet [France] | Effects of a playground marking intervention on school recess physical activity in French children |
000A37 (2013) |
Matthew R. Smith [États-Unis] ; Fred Saad [Canada] ; Stephane Oudard [France] ; Neal Shore [États-Unis] ; Karim Fizazi [France] ; Paul Sieber [États-Unis] ; Bertrand Tombal [Belgique] ; Ronaldo Damiao [Brésil] ; Gavin Marx [Australie] ; Kurt Miller [Allemagne] ; Peter Van Veldhuizen [États-Unis] ; Juan Morote [Espagne] ; ZHISHEN YE [États-Unis] ; Roger Dansey [États-Unis] ; Carsten Goessl [États-Unis] | Denosumab and Bone Metastasis-Free Survival in Men With Nonmetastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: Exploratory Analyses by Baseline Prostate-Specific Antigen Doubling Time |
001004 (2012) |
Fadi J. Charchar [Australie] ; Lisa D. S. Bloomer [Royaume-Uni] ; Timothy A. Barnes [Royaume-Uni] ; Mark J. Cowley [Australie] ; Christopher P. Nelson [Royaume-Uni] ; YANZHONG WANG [Royaume-Uni] ; Matthew Denniff [Royaume-Uni] ; Radoslaw Debiec [Royaume-Uni] ; Paraskevi Christofidou [Royaume-Uni] ; Scott Nankervis [Australie] ; Anna F. Dominiczak [Royaume-Uni] ; Ahmed Bani-Mustafa [Australie] ; Anthony Balmforth [Royaume-Uni] ; Alistair S. Hall [Royaume-Uni] ; Jeanette Erdmann [Allemagne] ; Francois Cambien [France] ; Panos Deloukas [Royaume-Uni] ; Christian Hengstenberg [Allemagne] ; Chris Packard [Royaume-Uni] ; Heribert Schunkert ; Willem H. Ouwehand [Royaume-Uni] ; Ian Ford [Royaume-Uni] ; Alison H. Goodall [Royaume-Uni] ; Mark A. Jobling [Royaume-Uni] ; Nilesh J. Samani [Royaume-Uni] ; Maciej Tomaszewski [Royaume-Uni] | Inheritance of coronary artery disease in men: an analysis of the role of the Y chromosome |
001111 (2012) |
Manuelle Cottin [France] ; Ben Raymond [Australie] ; Akiko Kato [France] ; Françoise Amelineau [France] ; Yvon Le Maho [France] ; Thierry Raclot [France] ; Ben Galton-Fenzi [Australie] ; Andrew Meijers [Royaume-Uni] ; Yan Ropert-Coudert [France] | Foraging strategies of male Adelie penguins during their first incubation trip in relation to environmental conditions |
001419 (2012) |
Chris Beyrer [États-Unis] ; Patrick S. Sullivan [États-Unis] ; Jorge Sanchez [Pérou] ; David Dowdy [États-Unis] ; Dennis Altman [Australie] ; Gift Trapence [Malawi] ; Chris Collins [États-Unis] ; Elly Katabira [Ouganda, Suisse] ; Michel Kazatchkine [France] ; Michel Sidibe [Suisse] ; Kenneth H. Mayer [États-Unis] | A call to action for comprehensive HIV services for men who have sex with men |
001604 (2011) |
Sarah K. Holman [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Phil Daniel [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Zandra A. Jenkins [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Rachel L. Herron [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Tim Morgan [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Ravi Savarirayan [Australie] ; C. W. Chow [Australie] ; Axel Bohring [Allemagne] ; Annette Mosel [Allemagne] ; Didier Lacombe [France] ; Bernhard Steiner [Suisse] ; Thomas Schmitt-Mechelke [Suisse] ; Barbara Schroter [Suisse] ; Annick Raas-Rothschild [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Sixto Garcia Minaur [Royaume-Uni] ; Mary Porteous [Royaume-Uni] ; Michael Parker [Royaume-Uni] ; Oliver Quarrell [Royaume-Uni] ; Dagmar Tapon [États-Unis] ; Valérie Cormier-Daire [France] ; Sahar Mansour [Royaume-Uni] ; Ruth Nash [Royaume-Uni] ; Laurence A. Bindoff [Norvège] ; Torunn Fiskerstrand [Norvège] ; Stephen P. Robertson [Nouvelle-Zélande] | The Male Phenotype in Osteopathia Striata Congenita With Cranial Sclerosis |
001802 (2011) |
Jarad M. Martin [Australie] ; Stephane Supiot [France] ; Dominik R. Berthold [Suisse] | Pharmacotherapeutic Management of Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer: Current Status |
001D16 (2011) |
L. Maimoun [France] ; D. Simar [Australie] ; C. Caillaud [Australie] ; O. Coste [France] ; A.-M. Puech [France] ; A. Jaussent [France] ; D. Mariano-Goulart [France] ; C. Sultan [France] | Basal plasma leptin levels in healthy elderly males are related to physical fitness without impact on bone metabolism |
001D70 (2011) |
M. Garel [France] ; D. M. Forsyth [Australie] ; A. Loison [France] ; D. Dubray [France] ; J.-M. Jullien [France] ; K. G. Tustin [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; D. Maillard [France] ; J.-M. Gaillard [France] | Age-related male reproductive effort in two mountain ungulates of contrasting sexual size dimorphism |
001D78 (2011) |
Kurt Mccammon [États-Unis] ; François Haab [France] | AdVance® Male Sling: Surgical Technique and Postoperative Patient Management |
002336 (2010) |
Hasnun N. Ismail [Australie, Malaisie] ; Jian G. Qin [Australie] ; Laurent Seuront [Australie, France] ; Mark Adams [Australie] | Impacts of male and food density on female performance in the brackish cladoceran Daphniopsis australis |
002427 (2010) |
G. David Batty [Royaume-Uni, Australie] ; QIANG LI [Australie] ; Sébastien Czernichow [Australie, France] ; Bruce Neal [Australie] ; Sophia Zoungas [Australie] ; Rachel Huxley [Australie] ; Anushka Patel [Australie] ; Bastiaan E. De Galan [Australie, Pays-Bas] ; Mark Woodward [Australie, États-Unis] ; Pavel Hamet [Canada] ; Stephen B. Harrap [Australie] ; Neil Poulter [Royaume-Uni] ; John Chalmers [Australie] | Erectile Dysfunction and Later Cardiovascular Disease in Men With Type 2 Diabetes: Prospective Cohort Study Based on the ADVANCE (Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified-Release Controlled Evaluation) Trial |
002608 (2010) |
A. Sauty De Chalon [Australie, France] ; Z. Teo [Australie] ; D. J. Park [Australie] ; F. A. Odefrey [Australie] ; KCONFAB [Australie] ; J. L. Hopper [Australie] ; M. C. Southey [Australie] | Are PALB2 mutations associated with increased risk of male breast cancer? |
002796 (2009) |
J. Alberto Delgadillo [Mexique] ; Helene Gelez [France] ; Rodolfo Ungerfeld [Uruguay] ; Penelope A. R. Hawken [Australie] ; Graeme B. Martin [Australie] | The 'male effect' in sheep and goats-Revisiting the dogmas |
002821 (2009) |
Dorien Lugtenberg [Pays-Bas] ; Tjitske Kleefstra [Pays-Bas] ; Astrid R. Oudakker [Pays-Bas] ; Willy M. Nillesen [Pays-Bas] ; Helger G. Yntema [Pays-Bas] ; Andreas Tzschach [Allemagne] ; Martine Raynaud [France] ; Dietz Rating [Allemagne] ; Hubert Journel [France] ; Jamel Chelly [France] ; Cyril Goizet [France] ; Didier Lacombe [France] ; Jean-Michel Pedespan [France] ; Bernard Echenne [France] ; Gholamali Tariverdian [Allemagne] ; Declan O'Rourke [Irlande (pays)] ; Mary D. King [Irlande (pays)] ; Andrew Green [Irlande (pays)] ; Margriet Van Kogelenberg [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Hilde Van Esch [Belgique] ; Jozef Gecz [Australie] ; Ben C. J. Hamel [Pays-Bas] ; Hans Van Bokhoven [Pays-Bas] ; Arjan P. M. De Brouwer [Pays-Bas] | Structural variation in Xq28 : MECP2 duplications in 1% of patients with unexplained XLMR and in 2% of male patients with severe encephalopathy |
002853 (2009) |
Felix Zajitschek [Australie, France] ; Russell Bonduriansky [Australie] ; Susanne R. K. Zajitschek [Australie, France] ; Robert C. Brooks [Australie] | Sexual Dimorphism in Life History: Age, Survival, and Reproduction in Male and Female Field Crickets Teleogryllus commodus under Seminatural Conditions |
002868 (2009) |
S. Soost [Allemagne] ; B. Leynaert [France] ; C. Almqvist [Australie] ; G. Edenharter [Allemagne] ; T. Zuberbier [Allemagne] ; M. Worm [Allemagne] | Risk factors of adverse reactions to food in German adults |
002A33 (2009) |
J. Roa [Espagne] ; J. M. Castellano [Espagne] ; V. M. Navairo [Espagne] ; D. J. Handelsman [Australie] ; L. Pinilla [Espagne] ; M. Tena-Sempere [Espagne] | Kisspeptins and the control of gonadotropin secretion in male and female rodents |
002D77 (2008) |
Joy S. Tripovich [Australie] ; Isabelle Charrier [France] ; Tracey L. Rogers [Australie] ; Rhondda Canfield [Australie] ; John P. Y. Arnould [Australie] | Who goes there? Differential responses to neighbor and stranger vocalizations in male Australian fur seals |
002F88 (2008) |
Daniel J. Bickel [Australie] | Pouebo (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), a remarkable new genus from New Caledonia, with secondary symmetry in the male postabdomen |