Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000546 (2013) |
Coraline Chapperon [Australie] ; Cedric Le Bris [Australie] ; Laurent Seuront [Australie, France] | Thermally mediated body temperature, water content and aggregation behaviour in the intertidal gastropod Nerita atramentosa |
000634 (2013) |
Matthias Demuzere [Belgique, Australie] ; Keith Oleson [États-Unis] ; Andrew M. Coutts [Australie] ; Gregoire Pigeon [France] ; Nicole P. M. Van Lipzig [Belgique] | Simulating the surface energy balance over two contrasting urban environments using the Community Land Model Urban |
000A85 (2013) |
Mariana G. Bender [Brésil, France] ; Marcio R. Pie [Brésil] ; Enrico L. Rezende [Brésil, Royaume-Uni] ; David Mouillot [France, Australie] ; Sergio R. Floeter [Brésil] | Biogeographic, historical and environmental influences on the taxonomic and functional structure of Atlantic reef fish assemblages |
001111 (2012) |
Manuelle Cottin [France] ; Ben Raymond [Australie] ; Akiko Kato [France] ; Françoise Amelineau [France] ; Yvon Le Maho [France] ; Thierry Raclot [France] ; Ben Galton-Fenzi [Australie] ; Andrew Meijers [Royaume-Uni] ; Yan Ropert-Coudert [France] | Foraging strategies of male Adelie penguins during their first incubation trip in relation to environmental conditions |
001711 (2011) |
Budiman Minasny [Australie] ; Alex B. Mcbratney [Australie] ; Veronique Bellon-Maurel [France] ; Jean-Michel Roger [France] ; Alexia Gobrecht [France] ; Laure Ferrand [Australie, France] ; Samuel Joalland [Australie, France] | Removing the effect of soil moisture from NIR diffuse reflectance spectra for the prediction of soil organic carbon |
001B61 (2011) |
Philippe Koubbi [France] ; Masato Moteki [Japon] ; Guy Duhamel [France] ; Anne Goarant [France] ; Percy-Alexander Hulley [Afrique du Sud] ; Richard O'Driscoll [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Takashi Ishimaru [Japon] ; Patrice Pruvost [France] ; Eric Tavernier [France] ; Graham Hosie [Australie] | Ecoregionalization of myctophid fish in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean: Results from generalized dissimilarity models |
002018 (2010) |
M. Adjeroud [France] ; J. M. Fernandez [France] ; A. G. Carroll [Australie] ; P. L. Harrison [Australie] ; L. Penin [France, Australie] | Spatial patterns and recruitment processes of coral assemblages among contrasting environmental conditions in the southwestern lagoon of New Caledonia |
002417 (2010) |
Christoph Rüdiger [Australie] ; Clément Albergel [France] ; Jean-François Mahfouf [France] ; Jean-Christophe Calvet [France] ; Jeffrey P. Walker [Australie] | Evaluation of the observation operator Jacobian for leaf area index data assimilation with an extended Kalman filter |
002732 (2009) |
Y. Kuleshov [Australie] ; F. Chane Ming [France] ; L. Qi [Australie] ; I. Chouaibou [France] ; C. Hoareau [France] ; F. Roux [France] | Tropical cyclone genesis in the Southern Hemisphere and its relationship with the ENSO |
002B90 (2009) |
Carole Vallet [France] ; Philippe Koubbi [France] ; Emmanuelle Sultan [France] ; Anne Goffart [Belgique] ; Kerrie M. Swadling [Australie] ; Simon W. Wright [Australie] | Distribution of euphausiid larvae along the coast of East Antarctica in the Dumont d'Urville Sea (139-145°E) during summer 2004 |
002F89 (2008) |
Estelle Bakkaus [France] ; Richard N. Collins [Australie] ; Jean-Louis Morel [France] ; Barbara Gouget [France] | Potential phytoavailability of anthropogenic cobalt in soils as measured by isotope dilution techniques |
003184 (2008) |
Caroline Gilbert [France] ; Graham Robertson [Australie] ; Yvon Le Maho [France] ; André Ancel [France] | How do weather conditions affect the huddling behaviour of emperor penguins? |
003D84 (2006) |
M. Dingkuhn [France] ; B. B. Singh [Nigeria] ; B. Clerget [Mali] ; J. Chantereau [France] ; B. Sultan [France] | Past, present and future criteria to breed crops for water-limited environments in West Africa |
003F15 (2006) |
M. C. Vaz Patto [Portugal] ; B. Skiba [Australie] ; E. C. K. Pang [Australie] ; S. J. Ochatt [France] ; F. Lambein [Belgique] ; D. Rubiales [Espagne] | Lathyrus improvement for resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses : From classical breeding to marker assisted selection |
004107 (2006) |
P. Gladders [Royaume-Uni] ; N. Evans [Royaume-Uni] ; S. Marcroft [Australie] ; X. Pinochet [France] | Dissemination of information about management strategies and changes in farming practices for the exploitation of resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in oilseed rape cultivars |
004647 (2005) |
Andrew Holmes [États-Unis] ; Anne Marie Le Guisquet [France] ; Elise Vogel [France] ; Rachel A. Millstein [États-Unis] ; Samuel Leman [France] ; Catherine Belzung [France] | Early life genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors shaping emotionality in rodents |
005105 (2003) |
Michael A. Djordjevic [Australie] ; HAN CAI CHEN [Australie] ; Siria Natera [Australie] ; Giel Van Noorden [Australie] ; Christian Menzel [Australie] ; Scott Taylor [Australie] ; Clotilde Renard [France] ; Otto Geiger [Mexique] ; Georg F. Weiller [Australie] | A global analysis of protein expression profiles in Sinorhizobium meliloti: Discovery of new genes for nodule occupancy and stress adaptation |
005331 (2002) |
Y. Le Marc [France] ; V. Huchet [France] ; C. M. Bourgeois [France] ; J. P. Guyonnet [France] ; P. Mafart [France] ; D. Thuault [France] | Modelling the growth kinetics of Listeria as a function of temperature, pH and organic acid concentration |
005333 (2002) |
P. D. G. Wilson [Royaume-Uni] ; T. F. Brocklehurst [Royaume-Uni] ; S. Arino [France] ; D. Thuault [France] ; M. Jakobsen [Danemark] ; M. Lange [France] ; J. Farkas [Hongrie] ; J. W. T. Wimpenny [Royaume-Uni] ; J. F. Van Impe [Belgique] | Modelling microbial growth in structured foods: towards a unified approach |
005352 (2002) |
Robert J. Naiman [États-Unis] ; Stuart E. Bunn [Australie] ; Christer Nilsson [Suède] ; Geoff E. Petts [Royaume-Uni] ; Gilles Pinay [France] ; Lisa C. Thompson [États-Unis] | Legitimizing fluvial ecosystems as users of water: An overview |
005443 (2002) |
Jennifer J. Verduin [Allemagne] ; Jan O. Backhaus [Allemagne] ; Diana I. Walker [Australie] | Estimates of pollen dispersal and capture within Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) sonder and aschers. ex aschers. meadows |