Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000020 (2014) |
Aaron N. Rice [États-Unis] ; Jamey T. Tielens [États-Unis] ; Bobbi J. Estabrook [États-Unis] ; Charles A. Muirhead [États-Unis] ; Ashakur Rahaman [États-Unis] ; Melania Guerra [États-Unis] ; Christopher W. Clark [États-Unis] | Variation of ocean acoustic environments along the western North Atlantic coast: A case study in context of the right whale migration route |
000050 (2014) |
Michael Towsey [Australie] ; Jason Wimmer [Australie] ; Ian Williamson [Australie] ; Paul Roe [Australie] | The use of acoustic indices to determine avian species richness in audio-recordings of the environment |
000091 (2014) |
Almo Farina [Italie] ; Nadia Pieretti [Italie] | Sonic environment and vegetation structure: A methodological approach for a soundscape analysis of a Mediterranean maqui |
000215 (2014) |
Teresa Moura [Portugal] ; Emma Jones [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Maurice W. Clarke [Irlande (pays)] ; Charles F. Cotton [États-Unis] ; Paul Crozier [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Ross K. Daley [Australie] ; Guzman Diez [Espagne] ; Helen Dobby [Royaume-Uni] ; Jan E. Dyb [Norvège] ; Inge Fossen [Norvège] ; Sarah B. Irvine [Australie] ; Klara Jakobsdottir [Islande] ; Luis J. Lopez-Abellan [Espagne] ; Pascal Lorance [France] ; Pedro Pascual-Alayon [Espagne] ; Ricardo B. Severino [Portugal] ; Ivone Figueiredo [Portugal] | Large-scale distribution of three deep-water squaloid sharks: Integrating data on sex, maturity and environment |
000307 (2014) |
Maud Rio [Australie, France] ; Tatiana Reyes [France] ; Lionel Roucoules [France] | FESTivE: an information system method to improve product designers and environmental experts information exchanges |
000328 (2014) |
Philippa B. Mills [Royaume-Uni] ; Stephane S. M. Camuzeaux [Royaume-Uni] ; Emma J. Footitt [Royaume-Uni] ; Kevin A. Mills [Royaume-Uni] ; Paul Gissen [Royaume-Uni] ; Laura Fisher [Royaume-Uni] ; Krishna B. Das [Royaume-Uni] ; Sophia M. Varadkar [Royaume-Uni] ; Sameer Zuberi [Royaume-Uni] ; Robert Mcwilliam [Royaume-Uni] ; Tommy Stödberg [Suède] ; Barbara Plecko [Suisse] ; Matthias R. Baumgartner [Suisse] ; Oliver Maier [Suisse] ; Sophie Calvert [Australie] ; Kate Riney [Australie] ; Nicole I. Wolf [Pays-Bas] ; John H. Livingston [Royaume-Uni] ; Pronab Bala [Royaume-Uni] ; Chantal F. Morel [Canada] ; François Feillet [France] ; Francesco Raimondi [Italie] ; Ennio Del Giudice [Italie] ; W. Kling Chong [Royaume-Uni] ; Matthew Pitt [Royaume-Uni] ; Peter T. Clayton [Royaume-Uni] | Epilepsy due to PNPO mutations: genotype, environment and treatment affect presentation and outcome |
000532 (2013) |
Nancy E. Thomas [États-Unis] ; Klaus J. Busam [États-Unis] ; Lynn From [Canada] ; Anne Kricker [Australie] ; Bruce K. Armstrong [Australie] ; Hoda Anton-Culver [États-Unis] ; Stephen B. Gruber [États-Unis] ; Richard P. Gallagher [Canada] ; Roberto Zanetti [Italie] ; Stefano Rosso [Italie] ; Terence Dwyer [France] ; Alison Venn [Australie] ; Peter A. Kanetsky [États-Unis] ; Pamela A. Groben [États-Unis] ; HONGLIN HAO [États-Unis] ; Irene Orlow [États-Unis] ; Anne S. Reiner [États-Unis] ; LI LUO [États-Unis] ; Susan Paine [États-Unis] ; David W. Ollila [États-Unis] ; Homer Wilcox [États-Unis] ; Colin B. Begg [États-Unis] ; Marianne Berwick [États-Unis] | Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte Grade in Primary Melanomas Is Independently Associated With Melanoma-Specific Survival in the Population-Based Genes, Environment and Melanoma Study |
000601 (2013) |
M. Ismail Hossain [Malaisie] ; Mohanad El-Harbawi [Arabie saoudite] ; NOORJAHAN BANU MOHAMED ALITHEEN [Malaisie] ; YOUSR ABDULHADI NOAMAN [Malaisie] ; Jean-Marc Leveque [France] ; Chun-Yang Yin [Australie] | Synthesis and anti-microbial potencies of 1-(2-hydroxyethyl) -3-alkylimidazolium chloride ionic liquids: Microbial viabilities at different ionic liquids concentrations |
000605 (2013) |
Hiroshi Tomimatsu [Japon] ; Takehiro Sasaki [Japon] ; Hiroko Kurokawa [Japon] ; Jon R. Bridle [Royaume-Uni] ; Colin Fontaine [France] ; Jun Kitano [Japon] ; Daniel B. Stouffer [Espagne, Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Mark Vellend [Canada] ; T. Martijn Bezemer [Pays-Bas] ; Tadashi Fukami [États-Unis] ; Elizabeth A. Hadly [États-Unis] ; Marcel G. A. Van Der Heijden [Suisse] ; Masakado Kawata [Japon] ; Sonia Kefi [France] ; Nathan J. B. Kraft [Canada] ; Kevin S. Mccann [Canada] ; Peter J. Mumby [Australie] ; Tohru Nakashizuka [Japon] ; Owen L. Petchey [Suisse] ; Tamara N. Romanuk [Canada] ; Katharine N. Suding [États-Unis] ; Gaku Takimoto [Japon] ; Jotaro Urabe [Japon] ; Shigeo Yachi [Japon] | Sustaining ecosystem functions in a changing world: a call for an integrated approach |
000839 (2013) |
Stephen Summers [Royaume-Uni] ; Andrew S. Whiteley [Royaume-Uni, Australie] ; Laura C. Kelly [France] ; Charles S. Cockell [Royaume-Uni] | Land coverage influences the bacterial community composition in the critical zone of a sub-Arctic basaltic environment |
000B78 (2013) |
A. Montanari [Italie] ; G. Young [Canada] ; H. H. G. Savenije [Pays-Bas] ; D. Hughes [Afrique du Sud] ; T. Wagener [Royaume-Uni] ; L. L. Ren [République populaire de Chine] ; D. Koutsoyiannis [Grèce] ; C. Cudennec [France] ; E. Toth [Italie] ; S. Grimaldi [Italie] ; G. Blöschl [Autriche] ; M. Sivapalan [États-Unis] ; K. Beven [Suède] ; H. Gupta [États-Unis] ; M. Hipsey [Australie] ; B. Schaefli [Suisse] ; B. Arheimer [Suède] ; E. Boegh [Danemark] ; S. J. Schymanski [Suisse] ; G. Di Baldassarre [Pays-Bas] ; B. Yu [Australie] ; P. Hubert [France] ; Y. Huang [République populaire de Chine] ; A. Schumann [Allemagne] ; D. A. Post [Australie] ; V. Srinivasan [Inde] ; C. Harman ; S. Thompson ; M. Rogger [Autriche] ; A. Viglione [Autriche] ; H. Mcmillan ; G. Characklis ; Z. Pang ; V. Belyaev | "Panta Rhei-Everything Flows": Change in hydrology and society-The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013-2022 |
001226 (2012) |
Emmanuelle Bazin [France] ; Sylvie Huet [France] ; Gerard Jarry [France] ; Ludovic Le Hegarat [France] ; John S. Munday [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Andrew R. Humpage [Australie] ; Valérie Fessard [France] | Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects of Cylindrospermopsin in Mice Treated by Gavage or Intraperitoneal Injection |
001538 (2011) |
Nicolas Spilmont [Australie, France] ; Laurent Seuront [France, Australie] ; Tarik Meziane [France] ; David T. Welsha [Australie] | There's more to the picture than meets the eye: Sampling microphytobenthos in a heterogeneous environment |
001669 (2011) |
Coraline Chapperon [Australie] ; Laurent Seuront [Australie, France] | Space-time variability in environmental thermal properties and snail thermoregulatory behaviour |
001881 (2011) |
Jessica Kojadinovic [France] ; Christine H. Jackson [Australie] ; Yves Cherel [France] ; George D. Jackson [Australie] ; Paco Bustamante [France] | Multi-elemental concentrations in the tissues of the oceanic squid Todarodes filippovae from Tasmania and the southern Indian Ocean |
001997 (2011) |
FEN YANG [Danemark] ; Anders D. J Rgensen [Danemark] ; HUAWEI LI [Danemark, République populaire de Chine] ; Ib S Ndergaard [Danemark] ; Christine Finnie [Danemark] ; Birte Svensson [Danemark] ; DONG JIANG [République populaire de Chine] ; Bernd Vllollenweber [Danemark] ; Susanne Jacobsen [Danemark] | Implications of high-temperature events and water deficits on protein profiles in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Vinjett) grain |
001C79 (2011) |
Nicolas Faivre [France] ; Philip Roche [France] ; Matthias M. Boer [Australie] ; Lachie Mccaw [Australie] ; Pauline F. Grierson [Australie] | Characterization of landscape pyrodiversity in Mediterranean environments: contrasts and similarities between south-western Australia and south-eastern France |
001E15 (2011) |
Timothée Poisot [France] ; James D. Bever [États-Unis] ; Adnane Nemri [Australie] ; Peter H. Thrall [Australie] ; Michael E. Hochberg [France] | A conceptual framework for the evolution of ecological specialisation |
001F17 (2010) |
Donia Friedmann [Australie] ; Cecilia Mendive [Allemagne] ; Detlef Bahnemann [Allemagne] | TiO2 for water treatment: Parameters affecting the kinetics and mechanisms of photocatalysis |
002307 (2010) |
Frederique Valentin [France] ; Hallie R. Buckley [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Estelle Herrscher [France] ; Rebecca Kinaston [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Stuart Bedford [Australie] ; Matthew Spriggs [Australie] ; Stuart Hawkins [Australie] ; Ken Neal [Nouvelle-Zélande] | Lapita subsistence strategies and food consumption patterns in the community of Teouma (Efate, Vanuatu) |
002503 (2010) |
Juan-Rodrigo Bastidas-Oyanedel [France] ; Zuhaida Mohd-Zaki [Australie] ; Steven Pratt [Australie] ; Jean-Philippe Steyer [France] ; Damien J. Batstone [Australie] | Development of membrane inlet mass spectrometry for examination of fermentation processes |