Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000106 (2014) |
L. Marchand [France] ; F. Nsanganwimana [France] ; J. B. Lamy [France] ; C. Quintela-Sabaris [Espagne] ; C. Gonnelli [Italie] ; I. Colzi [Italie] ; T. Fletcher [Australie] ; N. Oustriere [France] ; A. Kolbas [France, Biélorussie] ; P. Kidd [Espagne] ; F. Bordas [France] ; P. Newell [Australie] ; P. Alvarenga [Portugal] ; A. Deletic [Italie] ; M. Mench [France] | Root biomass production in populations of six rooted macrophytes in response to Cu exposure: Intra-specific variability versus constitutive-like tolerance |
000333 (2014) |
Audrey Mandroyan [France] ; Mahmoud Mourad-Mahmoud [France] ; Marie-Laure Doche [France] ; Jean-Yves Hihn [France] | Effects of ultrasound and temperature on copper electro reduction in Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) |
000548 (2013) |
Y. Cressault [France] ; A. B. Murphy [Australie] ; Ph. Teulet [France] ; A. Gleizes [France] ; M. Schnick [Allemagne] | Thermal plasma properties for Ar-Cu, Ar-Fe and Ar-Al mixtures used in welding plasmas processes: II. Transport coefficients at atmospheric pressure |
000A25 (2013) |
Mamidi Srinivas [Inde] ; Pavuluri Srinivasu [Inde] ; Suresh K. Bhargava [Inde, Australie] ; Mannepalli Lakshmi Kantam [Inde] | Direct synthesis of two-dimensional mesoporous copper silicate as an efficient catalyst for synthesis of propargylamines |
000B03 (2013) |
Olivier Bouaziz [France] ; HYONG SEOP KIM [Corée du Sud] ; Yuri Estrin [Australie] | Architecturing of Metal-Based Composites with Concurrent Nanostructuring: A New Paradigm of Materials Design |
000C62 (2012) |
Blaine R. Roberts [Australie] ; Timothy M. Ryan [Australie] ; Ashley I. Bush [Australie] ; Colin L. Masters [Australie] ; James A. Duce [Australie] | The role of metallobiology and amyloid-β peptides in Alzheimer's disease |
000F25 (2012) |
Peter Huppke [Allemagne] ; Cornelia Brendel [Allemagne] ; Vera Kalscheuer [Allemagne] ; Georg Christoph Korenke [Allemagne] ; Iris Marquardt [Allemagne] ; Peter Freisinger [Allemagne] ; John Christodoulou [Australie] ; Merle Hillebrand [Allemagne] ; Gaele Pitelet [France] ; Callum Wilson [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Ursula Gruber-Sedlmayr [Autriche] ; Reinhard Ullmann [Allemagne] ; Stefan Haas [Allemagne] ; Orly Elpeleg [Israël] ; Gudrun Nürnberg [Allemagne] ; Peter Nürnberg [Allemagne] ; Shzeena Dad [Danemark] ; Lisbeth Birk M Ller [Danemark] ; Stephen G. Kaler [États-Unis] ; Jutta G Rtner [Allemagne] | Mutations in SLC33A1 Cause a Lethal Autosomal-Recessive Disorder with Congenital Cataracts, Hearing Loss, and Low Serum Copper and Ceruloplasmin |
001025 (2012) |
Aurelie Lelong [France] ; Dianne F. Jolley [Australie] ; Philippe Soudant [France] ; Hélène Hegaret [France] | Impact of copper exposure on Pseudo-nitzschia spp. physiology and domoic acid production |
001224 (2012) |
Stuart L. Simpson [Australie] ; Héloïse Yverneau [Australie, France] ; Anne Cremazy [Australie, France] ; Chad V. Jarolimek [Australie] ; Helen L. Price [Australie] ; Dianne F. Jolley [Australie] | DGT-Induced Copper Flux Predicts Bioaccumulation and Toxicity to Bivalves in Sediments with Varying Properties |
001327 (2012) |
R. Nicolau [France] ; Y. Lucas [France] ; P. Merdy [France] ; M. Raynaud [France] | Base flow and stormwater net fluxes of carbon and trace metals to the Mediterranean sea by an urbanized small river |
001362 (2012) |
Akrama Mahmoud [France] ; Andrew F. A. Hoadley [Australie] | An evaluation of a hybrid ion exchange electrodialysis process in the recovery of heavy metals from simulated dilute industrial wastewater |
001498 (2011) |
J. Tornero [Espagne] ; H. H. Telle [Espagne, Royaume-Uni] ; G. Garcia [Espagne] ; A. Gonzalez Urena [Espagne] | Vibrational excitation of adsorbed molecules by photoelectrons of very low energy: acrylonitrile on Cu (100) |
001568 (2011) |
Emile R. Cornelissen [Pays-Bas] ; Audrey Berteloot [France] ; Danny Harmsen [Pays-Bas] ; Erwin Beerendonk [Pays-Bas] ; Dick Van Der Kooij [Pays-Bas] | The influence of particles on biofouling behavior in spiral wound membrane elements |
001616 (2011) |
C. F. Gu [Australie] ; L. S. Toth [France] ; R. Lapovok [Australie] ; C. H. J. Davies [Australie] | Texture evolution and grain refinement of ultrafine-grained copper during micro-extrusion |
001930 (2011) |
Renaud Cornut [France] ; Sandra Nunige [France] ; Christine Lefrou [France] ; Frederic Kanoufi [France] | Local etching of copper films by the Scanning Electrochemical Microscope in the feedback mode: A theoretical and experimental investigation |
001B09 (2011) |
Maurizio Ugliano [Australie] ; Mariola Kwiatkowski [Australie] ; Stéphane Vidal [Belgique, France] ; Dimitra Capone [Australie] ; Tracey Siebert [Australie] ; Jean-Baptiste Dieval [France] ; Olav Aagaard [Belgique] ; Elizabeth J. Waters [Australie] | Evolution of 3-Mercaptohexanol, Hydrogen Sulfide, and Methyl Mercaptan during Bottle Storage of Sauvignon blanc Wines. Effect of Glutathione, Copper, Oxygen Exposure, and Closure-Derived Oxygen |
001B36 (2011) |
O. Lupan [France, Moldavie] ; T. Pauporte [France] ; B. Viana [France] ; P. Aschehoug [France] | Electrodeposition of Cu-doped ZnO nanowire arrays and heterojunction formation with p-GaN for color tunable light emitting diode applications |
001B45 (2011) |
S. Eugenio [Portugal] ; C. M. Rangel [Portugal] ; R. Vilar [Portugal] ; S. Quaresma [Portugal] | Electrochemical aspects of black chromium electrodeposition from 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid |
001D58 (2011) |
Ibrahim A. Suleiman [Australie] ; Marian W. Radny [Australie] ; Michael J. Gladys [Australie] ; Phillip V. Smith [Australie] ; John C. Mackie [Australie] ; Eric M. Kennedy [Australie] ; Bogdan Z. Dlugogorski [Australie] | An equilibrium ab initio atomistic thermodynamics study of chlorine adsorption on the Cu(001) surface |
001F71 (2010) |
L. S. Toth [France] ; R. Lapovok [Australie] ; A. Molotnikov [Australie] ; C. Gu [Australie] ; J. J. Fundenberger [France] ; C. H. J. Davies [Australie] | Texture evolution during micro-drawing of ultrafine grained copper |
002485 (2010) |
Andrew L. Rose [Australie] ; Aurélie Godrant [Australie, France] ; Miles Furnas [Australie] ; T. David Waite [Australie] | Dynamics of nonphotochemical superoxide production and decay in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon |