Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000073 (2014) |
Abdon Awono [Cameroun, France] ; Olufunso A. Somorin [Cameroun, Pays-Bas, Tunisie] ; Richard Eba'A Atyi [Cameroun] ; Patrice Levang [Cameroun] | Tenure and participation in local REDD+ projects: Insights from southern Cameroon |
000224 (2014) |
Vincent Jung [France] ; Cécile H. Albert [France, Canada] ; Cyrille Violle [États-Unis, France] ; Georges Kunstler [France, Australie] ; Grégory Loucougaray [France] ; Thomas Spiegelberger [France, Suisse] | Intraspecific trait variability mediates the response of subalpine grassland communities to extreme drought events |
000251 (2014) |
G. Fried [France] ; B. Laitung [France] ; C. Pierre [France] ; N. Chague [France] ; F. D. Panetta [Australie] | Impact of invasive plants in Mediterranean habitats: disentangling the effects of characteristics of invaders and recipient communities |
000265 (2014) |
Simon T. Segar [Royaume-Uni, République tchèque] ; Derek W. Dunn [Royaume-Uni] ; Clive T. Darwell [Royaume-Uni] ; James M. Cook [Royaume-Uni, Australie] | How to be a fig wasp down under: The diversity and structure of an Australian fig wasp community |
000372 (2014) |
Martin P. Marzloff [Australie] ; Craig R. Johnson [Australie] ; L. Rich Little [Australie] ; Jean-Christophe Soulie [France] ; Scott D. Ling [Australie] ; Stewart D. Frusher [Australie] | Corrigendum to "Sensitivity analysis and pattern-oriented validation of TRITON, a model with alternative community states: Insights on temperate rocky reefs dynamics" [Ecol. Model. 258 (2013) 16-32] |
000394 (2014) |
Sergio Rasmann [Suisse] ; Loïc Pellissier [Danemark] ; Emmanuel Defossez [France] ; Hervé Jactel [France] ; Georges Kunstler [France, Australie] | Climate-driven change in plant-insect interactions along elevation gradients : CLIMATE CHANGE AND SPECIES RANGE SHIFTS |
000470 (2014) |
Lech Kotwicki [Pologne] ; Alan Deidun [Malte] ; Katarzyna Grzelak [Pologne] ; Fabrizio Gianni [France] | A preliminary comparative assessment of the meiofaunal communities of Maltese pocket sandy beaches |
000571 (2013) |
Yotam Orchan [Israël] ; François Chiron [Israël, France] ; Assaf Shwartz [Israël, France] ; Salit Kark [Australie] | The complex interaction network among multiple invasive bird species in a cavity-nesting community |
000643 (2013) |
Martin P. Marzloff [Australie] ; Craig R. Johnson [Australie] ; L. Rich Little [Australie] ; Jean-Christophe Soulie [France] ; Scott D. Ling [Australie] ; Stewart D. Frusher [Australie] | Sensitivity analysis and pattern-oriented validation of TRITON, a model with alternative community states: Insights on temperate rocky reefs dynamics |
000796 (2013) |
Gianna Moscardo [Australie] ; Elena Konovalov [Australie] ; Laurie Murphy [Australie] ; Nancy Mcgehee [États-Unis] | Mobilities, community well-being and sustainable tourism |
000935 (2013) |
Nicolas Gross [France, Nouvelle-Zélande] ; Luca Börger [France] ; Richard P. Duncan [Nouvelle-Zélande, Australie] ; Philip E. Hulme [Nouvelle-Zélande] | Functional differences between alien and native species: do biotic interactions determine the functional structure of highly invaded grasslands? |
000979 (2013) |
Cecile Paris [Australie] ; Nathalie Colineau [Australie] ; Surya Nepal [Australie] ; SANAT KUMAR BISTA [Australie] ; Gina Beschorner [Australie] | Ethical considerations in an online community: the balancing act |
000B59 (2013) |
David Mouillot [France, Australie] ; Nicholas A. J. Graham [Australie] ; Sébastien Villeger [France] ; Norman W. H. Mason [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; David R. Bellwood [Australie] | A functional approach reveals community responses to disturbances |
000B62 (2013) |
Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald [Australie] | A Story of Love and Debt: The Give and the Take of Linguistic Fieldwork |
001109 (2012) |
T. Münkemüller [République tchèque] ; F. De Bello [République tchèque] ; C. N. Meynard [France] ; D. Gravel [Canada] ; S. Lavergne [République tchèque] ; D. Mouillot [Australie] ; N. Mouquet [France] ; W. Thuiller [République tchèque] | From diversity indices to community assembly processes: a test with simulated data |
001619 (2011) |
Alisha L. Steward [Australie] ; Jonathan C. Marshall [Australie] ; Fran Sheldon [Australie] ; Bronwyn Harch [Australie] ; Satish Choy [Australie] ; Stuart E. Bunn [Australie] ; Klement Tockner [Allemagne] | Terrestrial invertebrates of dry river beds are not simply subsets of riparian assemblages |
001994 (2011) |
Sean M. Mcmahon [États-Unis] ; Sandy P. Harrison [Australie] ; W. Scott Armbruster [Royaume-Uni, États-Unis, Norvège] ; Patrick J. Bartlein [États-Unis] ; Colin M. Beale [Royaume-Uni] ; Mary E. Edwards [Royaume-Uni] ; Jens Kattge [Allemagne] ; Guy Midgley [Afrique du Sud] ; Xavier Morin [France, Suisse] ; I. Colin Prentice [Australie, Royaume-Uni] | Improving assessment and modelling of climate change impacts on global terrestrial biodiversity |
001A58 (2011) |
Marco Pautasso [Royaume-Uni] ; Katrin Böhning-Gaese [Allemagne] ; Philippe Clergeau [France] ; Victor R. Cueto [Argentine] ; Marco Dinetti [Italie] ; Esteban Fernandez-Juricic [États-Unis] ; Marja-Liisa Kaisanlahti-Jokim Ki [Finlande] ; Jukka Jokim Ki [Finlande] ; Michael L. Mckinney [États-Unis] ; Navjot S. Sodhi [Singapour] ; David Storch [République tchèque] ; Ludwik Tomialojc [Pologne] ; Peter J. Weisberg [États-Unis] ; John Woinarski [Australie] ; Richard A. Fuller [Australie] ; Elena Cantarello [Royaume-Uni] | Global macroecology of bird assemblages in urbanized and semi-natural ecosystems |
001B76 (2011) |
Xavier Arnan [Espagne] ; Cédric Gaucherel [France] ; Alan N. Andersen [Australie] | Dominance and species co-occurrence in highly diverse ant communities: a test of the interstitial hypothesis and discovery of a three-tiered competition cascade |
001C37 (2011) |
L. Gracia-Marco [Espagne] ; G. Vicente-Rodriguez [Espagne] ; J. M. Borys [France] ; Y. Le Bodo [France] ; S. Pettigrew [Australie] ; L. A. Moreno [Espagne] | Contribution of social marketing strategies to community-based obesity prevention programmes in children |
001D29 (2011) |
Mohsen Kayal [Polynésie française] ; Hunter S. Lenihan [États-Unis] ; Cedric Pau [Polynésie française, France] ; Lucie Penin [Polynésie française, France, Australie] ; Mehdi Adjeroud [France] | Associational refuges among corals mediate impacts of a crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci outbreak: Indirect positive interactions in communities |