Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000626 (2013) |
Stephen S. Aichele [États-Unis] ; Jeffrey A. Andresen [États-Unis] | Spatial and temporal variations in land development and impervious surface creation in Oakland County, Michigan, 1945-2005 |
000A51 (2013) |
Olivier J. Hardy [Belgique] ; Céline Born [France] ; Katarina Budde [Espagne] ; Kasso Daïnou [Belgique] ; Gilles Dauby [Belgique] ; Jérôme Duminil [Belgique, Cameroun] ; Eben-Ezer B. K. Ewedje [Belgique] ; Céline Gomez [France] ; Myriam Heuertz [Belgique, Espagne] ; Guillaume K. Koffi [Belgique, Côte d'Ivoire] ; Andrew J. Lowe [Australie] ; Claire Micheneau [Belgique, Australie] ; Dyana Ndiade-Bourobou [Gabon] ; Rosalía Pineiro [Belgique] ; Valérie Poncet [France] | Comparative phylogeography of African rain forest trees: A review of genetic signatures of vegetation history in the Guineo-Congolian region |
000D88 (2012) |
G. Ondrasek [Croatie] ; Z. Rengel [Australie] ; D. Romic [Croatie] ; R. Savic [Serbie] | Salinity decreases dissolved organic carbon in the rhizosphere and increases trace element phyto-accumulation |
000F09 (2012) |
Matthieu Ghilardi [Égypte] ; Yann Tristant [Australie] ; Mansour Boraik [Égypte] | Nile River evolution in Upper Egypt during the Holocene: palaeoenvironmental implications for the Pharaonic sites of Karnak and Coptos |
001B51 (2011) |
T. Lacoue-Labarthe [France, Monaco] ; E. Reveillac [France] ; F. Oberhansli [Monaco] ; J. L. Teyssie [Monaco] ; R. Jeffree [Monaco, Australie] ; J. P. Gattuso [France] | Effects of ocean acidification on trace element accumulation in the early-life stages of squid Loligo vulgaris |
001E93 (2010) |
Mayeul Dalleau ; Serge Andrefouët [Italie] ; Colette C. C. Wabnitz [Canada] ; Claude Payri ; Laurent Wantiez ; Michel Pichon [Australie] ; Kim Friedman [Australie] ; Laurent Vigliola [France] ; Francesca Benzoni [Italie] | Use of Habitats as Surrogates of Biodiversity for Efficient Coral Reef Conservation Planning in Pacific Ocean Islands |
002485 (2010) |
Andrew L. Rose [Australie] ; Aurélie Godrant [Australie, France] ; Miles Furnas [Australie] ; T. David Waite [Australie] | Dynamics of nonphotochemical superoxide production and decay in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon |
002579 (2010) |
Samuel Etienne [France] ; Raphaël Paris [France] | Boulder accumulations related to storms on the south coast of the Reykjanes Peninsula (Iceland) |
002E72 (2008) |
Cunde Xiao [République populaire de Chine] ; Yuansheng Li [République populaire de Chine] ; Ian Allison [Australie] ; Shugui Hou [République populaire de Chine] ; Gabrielle Dreyfus [France] ; Jean-Marc Barnola [France] ; Jiawen Ren [République populaire de Chine] ; Lingen Bian [République populaire de Chine] ; Shenkai Zhang [République populaire de Chine] ; Takao Kameda [Japon] | Surface characteristics at Dome A, Antarctica : first measurements and a guide to future ice-coring sites |
003048 (2008) |
Evgueni N. Tcherepanov [États-Unis] ; André W. Droxler [États-Unis] ; Philippe Lapointe [France] ; Gerald R. Dickens [États-Unis] ; Sam J. Bentley [Canada] ; Luc Beaufort [France] ; Larry C. Peterson [États-Unis] ; James Daniell [Australie] ; Bradley N. Opdyke [Australie] | Neogene evolution of the mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system in the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea : The Papuan continuum: source to sink through the fly river system and Gulf of Papuan |
003323 (2008) |
Jason M. Francis [États-Unis] ; James J. Daniell [Australie] ; André W. Droxler [États-Unis] ; Gerald R. Dickens [États-Unis] ; Samuel J. Bentley [Canada] ; Larry C. Peterson [États-Unis] ; Bradley N. Opdyke [Australie] ; Luc Beaufort [France] | Deep water geomorphology of the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system, Gulf of Papua : The Papuan continuum: source to sink through the fly river system and Gulf of Papuan |
003375 (2008) |
Stéphan J. Jorry [États-Unis] ; André W. Droxler [États-Unis] ; Gianni Mallarino [Pays-Bas] ; Gerald R. Dickens [États-Unis] ; Sam J. Bentley [Canada] ; Luc Beaufort [France] ; Larry C. Peterson [États-Unis] ; Bradley N. Opdyke [Australie] | Bundled turbidite deposition in the central Pandora Trough (Gulf of Papua) since Last Glacial Maximum : Linking sediment nature and accumulation to sea level fluctuations at millennial timescale : The Papuan continuum: source to sink through the fly river system and Gulf of Papuan |
003445 (2008) |
Marie Paule Jouandet [France] ; Stephane Blain [France] ; Nicolas Metzl [France] ; Christian Brunet [France] ; Thomas W. Trull [Australie] ; Ingrid Obernosterer [France] | A seasonal carbon budget for a naturally iron-fertilized bloom over the Kerguelen Plateau in the Southern Ocean |
003730 (2007) |
A. M. Waite [Australie] ; S. Pesant [Australie, France] ; D. A. Griffin [Australie] ; P. A. Thompson [Australie] ; C. M. Holl [États-Unis] | Oceanography, primary production and dissolved inorganic nitrogen uptake in two Leeuwin Current eddies |
003B00 (2007) |
W. J. F. Simons [Pays-Bas] ; A. Socquet [Pays-Bas] ; C. Vigny [France] ; B. A. C. Ambrosius [Pays-Bas] ; S. Haji Abu [Malaisie] ; Chaiwat Promthong [Thaïlande] ; C. Subarya [Indonésie] ; D. A. Sarsito [Indonésie] ; S. Matheussen [Pays-Bas] ; P. Morgan [Australie] ; W. Spakman [Pays-Bas] | A decade of GPS in Southeast Asia : Resolving Sundaland motion and boundaries |
004C76 (2004) |
Charles G. Sammis [États-Unis] ; David D. Bowman [États-Unis, France] ; Geoffrey King [France] | Anomalous seismicity and accelerating moment release preceding the 2001 and 2002 earthquakes in northern Baja California, Mexico |
005656 (2001) |
E. A. Kowalczyk [Australie] ; J. L. Mcgregor [Australie] | The impact of the representation of soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction upon snow processes |
005798 (2001) |
Severine Thomas [Australie] ; Peter Ridd [Australie] ; Peter Smith [Australie] | Low impact sediment deposition sensor : A new technique to measure sediment accumulation accurately with high time resolution |
005B40 (2000) |
Yoshihiro Fujii [Japon] ; Mitsuhiro Matsu'Ura [Japon] | Regional difference in scaling laws for large earthquakes and its tectonic implication |
005B44 (2000) |
R. J. Pallasser [Australie] | Recognising biodegradation in gas/oil accumulations through the δ13C compositions of gas components |
005C90 (2000) |
Yu-Jie Wei [République populaire de Chine] ; Meng-Fen Xia [République populaire de Chine] ; Fu-Jiu Ke [République populaire de Chine] ; Xiang-Chu Yin [République populaire de Chine] ; Yi-Long Bail [République populaire de Chine] | Evolution-induced catastrophe and its predictability |