Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000065 (2014) |
Alejandro Di Luca [Australie] ; Emmanouil Flaounas [France] ; Philippe Drobinski [France] ; Cindy Lebeaupin Brossier [France] | The atmospheric component of the Mediterranean Sea water budget in a WRF multi-physics ensemble and observations |
000525 (2013) |
T. D. Fletcher [Australie] ; H. Andrieu [France] ; P. Hamel [Australie] | Understanding, management and modelling of urban hydrology and its consequences for receiving waters: A state of the art |
000811 (2013) |
J. Dams [Belgique] ; J. Dujardin [Belgique] ; R. Reggers [Belgique] ; I. Bashir [Belgique] ; F. Canters [Belgique] ; O. Batelaan [Belgique, Australie] | Mapping impervious surface change from remote sensing for hydrological modeling |
000A06 (2013) |
O. V. Barron [Australie] ; A. D. Barr [Australie] ; M. J. Donn [Australie] | Effect of urbanisation on the water balance of a catchment with shallow groundwater |
001023 (2012) |
S. Suriya [Inde] ; B. V. Mudgal [Inde] | Impact of urbanization on flooding: The Thirusoolam sub watershed - A case study |
001139 (2012) |
L. Descroix [France] ; J.-P. Laurent [France] ; M. Vauclin [France] ; O. Amogu [France] ; S. Boubkraoui [France] ; B. Ibrahim [France] ; S. Galle [France] ; B. Cappelaere [France] ; S. Bousquet [France] ; I. Mamadou [France, Niger] ; E. Le Breton [France, Niger] ; T. Lebel [France] ; G. Quantin [France] ; D. Ramier [France] ; N. Boulain [France, Australie] | Experimental evidence of deep infiltration under sandy flats and gullies in the Sahel |
001355 (2012) |
S. Achleitner [Autriche] ; J. Schöber [Autriche] ; M. Rinderer [Suisse] ; G. Leonhardt [Autriche] ; F. Schöberl [Autriche] ; R. Kirnbauer [Autriche] ; H. Schonlaub [Autriche] | Analyzing the operational performance of the hydrological models in an alpine flood forecasting system |
001393 (2012) |
YI HUANG [Australie] ; Steven T. Siems [Australie] ; Michael J. Manton [Australie] ; Alain Protat [Australie] ; Julien Delanoë [France] | A study on the low-altitude clouds over the Southern Ocean using the DARDAR-MASK |
001B14 (2011) |
B. Mueller [Suisse] ; S. I. Seneviratne [Suisse] ; C. Jimenez [France] ; T. Corti [Suisse] ; M. Hirschi [Suisse] ; G. Balsamo [Royaume-Uni] ; P. Ciais [France] ; P. Dirmeyer [États-Unis] ; J. B. Fisher [États-Unis] ; Z. Guo [États-Unis] ; M. Jung [Allemagne] ; F. Maignan [France] ; M. F. Mccabe [Australie] ; R. Reichle [États-Unis] ; M. Reichstein [Allemagne] ; M. Rodell [États-Unis] ; J. Sheffield [États-Unis] ; A. J. Teuling [Suisse, Pays-Bas] ; K. Wang [États-Unis] ; E. F. Wood [États-Unis] ; Y. Zhang [Australie] | Evaluation of global observations-based evapotranspiration datasets and IPCC AR4 simulations |
003781 (2007) |
C. Beer [Allemagne] ; M. Reichstein [Allemagne] ; P. Ciais [France] ; G. D. Farquhar [Australie] ; D. Papale [Italie] | Mean annual GPP of Europe derived from its water balance |
003945 (2007) |
S. P. Charles [Australie] ; M. A. Bari [Australie] ; A. Kitsios [Australie] ; B. C. Bates [Australie] | Effect of GCM bias on downscaled precipitation and runoff projections for the Serpentine catchment, Western Australia |
004554 (2005) |
Jos Samuel [Australie] ; Murugesu Sivapalan [Australie] ; Stewart W. Franks [Australie] | Impacts of long-term climate variability and climate change on flood frequency : Susannah Brook, Western Australia |
004904 (2004) |
A. Boone [France] ; F. Habets [France] ; J. Noilhan [France] ; D. Clark [Royaume-Uni] ; P. Dirmeyer [États-Unis] ; S. Fox [Australie] ; Y. Gusev [Russie] ; I. Haddeland [États-Unis, Norvège] ; R. Koster [États-Unis] ; D. Lohmann [États-Unis] ; S. Mahanama [États-Unis] ; K. Mitchell [États-Unis] ; O. Nasonova [Russie] ; G.-Y. Niu [États-Unis] ; A. Pitman [Australie] ; J. Polcher [France] ; A. B. Shmakin [Russie] ; K. Tanaka ; B. Van Den Hurk ; S. Verant [France] ; D. Verseghy ; P. Viterbo ; Z.-L. Yang | The Rhône-Aggregation Land Surface Scheme intercomparison project: An overview |
004E47 (2003) |
XINGGUO MO [République populaire de Chine] ; SUXIA LIU [République populaire de Chine, Australie] ; ZHONGHUI LIN [République populaire de Chine] ; WEIMIN ZHAO [République populaire de Chine] | Prediction of evapotranspiration and streamflow with a distributed model over the large Wuding River basin |
005107 (2003) |
J. Pellenq [France] ; J. Kalma [Australie] ; G. Boulet [France] ; G.-M. Saulnier [France] ; S. Wooldridge [Australie] ; Y. Kerr [France] ; A. Chehbouni [France] | A disaggregation scheme for soil moisture based on topography and soil depth |
005482 (2002) |
G. Boulet [France] ; Y. Kerr [France] ; A. Chehbouni [France] ; J. D. Kalma [Australie] | Deriving catchment-scale water and energy balance parameters using data assimilation based on extended Kalman filtering |
005610 (2001) |
Tahir Hameed [Australie] ; Geoff Podger [Australie] | Use of the IQQM simulation model for planning and management of a regulated river system |
005A23 (2000) |
A. D. Barr [Australie] ; J. V. Turner [Australie] ; L. R. Townley [Australie] | WSIBal : a coupled water, conservative solute and environmental isotope mass balance model for lakes and other surface water bodies |
005D38 (2000) |
J. V. Turner [Australie] ; A. D. Barr [Australie] ; A. J. Smith [Australie] | Constraining models of lake water balance and groundwater-surface water interaction by stable isotope tracers |
006147 (1999) |
G. Boulet [France] ; J. D. Kalma [Australie] ; I. Braud [France] ; M. Vauclin [France] | An assessment of effective land surface parameterisation in regional-scale water balance studies |
006321 (1998) |
C. Duwig ; T. Becquer ; B. E. Clothier [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; M. Vauclin [France] | Nitrate leaching through oxisols of the Loyalty Islands (New Caledonia) under intensified agricultural practices |