Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000B93 (2017) |
Cyrille Violle [France] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Nicolas Mouquet [France] ; François Munoz [France, Inde] ; Nathan J. B. Kraft [États-Unis] ; Marc W. Cadotte [Canada] ; Stuart W. Livingstone [Canada] ; David Mouillot [France] | Functional rarity: the ecology of outliers |
001315 (2017) |
Cyrille Violle [France] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Nicolas Mouquet [France] ; François Munoz [Inde] ; Nathan J B. Kraft [États-Unis] ; Marc W. Cadotte [Canada] ; Stuart W. Livingstone [Canada] ; Matthias Grenie [France] ; David Mouillot [Australie] | A Common Toolbox to Understand, Monitor or Manage Rarity? A Response to Carmona et al. |
002B65 (2015) |
Florent Mazel ; Julien Renaud ; François Guilhaumon ; David Mouillot ; Dominique Gravel ; Wilfried Thuiller | Mammalian phylogenetic diversity-area relationships at a continental scale |
003737 (2014) |
Julien Pottier [Suisse, France] ; Zbyn K Malenovsk [Suisse, Australie] ; Achilleas Psomas [Suisse] ; Lucie Homolová [Suisse] ; Michael E. Schaepman [Suisse] ; Philippe Choler [France] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Antoine Guisan [Suisse] ; Niklaus E. Zimmermann [Suisse] | Modelling plant species distribution in alpine grasslands using airborne imaging spectroscopy |
003D35 (2014) |
Cory Merow [États-Unis, Royaume-Uni] ; Mathew J. Smith [Royaume-Uni] ; Thomas C. Edwards Jr [États-Unis] ; Antoine Guisan [Suisse] ; Sean M. Mcmahon [États-Unis] ; Signe Normand [Suisse, Danemark] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Rafael O. Wüest [Suisse, France] ; Niklaus E. Zimmermann [Suisse] ; Jane Elith [Australie] | What do we gain from simplicity versus complexity in species distribution models? |
003E10 (2014) |
Florent Mazel [France] ; François Guilhaumon [France] ; Nicolas Mouquet [France] ; Vincent Devictor [France] ; Dominique Gravel [Canada] ; Julien Renaud [France] ; Marcus Vinicius Cianciaruso [Brésil] ; Rafael Loyola [Brésil] ; José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho [Brésil] ; David Mouillot [France, Australie] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] | Multifaceted diversity–area relationships reveal global hotspots of mammalian species, trait and lineage diversity |
003E72 (2014) |
Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Tamara Münkemüller [France] ; Katja H. Schiffers [France] ; Damien Georges [France] ; Stefan Dullinger [Autriche] ; Vincent M. Eckhart [États-Unis] ; Thomas C. Edwards Jr [États-Unis] ; Dominique Gravel [Canada] ; Georges Kunstler [France, Australie] ; Cory Merow [États-Unis] ; Kara Moore [États-Unis] ; Christian Piedallu [France] ; Steve Vissault [Canada] ; Niklaus E. Zimmermann [Suisse] ; Damaris Zurell [Suisse, Allemagne] ; Frank M. Schurr [France, Allemagne] | Does probability of occurrence relate to population dynamics? |
004108 (2014) |
Florent Mazel [France] ; François Guilhaumon [France] ; Nicolas Mouquet [France] ; Vincent Devictor [France] ; Dominique Gravel [Canada] ; Julien Renaud [France] ; Marcus Vinicius Cianciaruso [Brésil] ; Rafael Loyola [Brésil] ; José Alexandre Filho Felizola Diniz [Brésil] ; David Mouillot [France, Australie] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] | Multifaceted diversity-area relationships reveal global hotspots of mammalian species, trait and lineage diversity |
004608 (2013) |
David Mouillot [France, Australie] ; David R. Bellwood [Australie] ; Christopher Baraloto [France, États-Unis] ; Jerome Chave [France] ; Rene Galzin [France] ; Mireille Harmelin-Vivien [France] ; Michel Kulbicki [France] ; Sebastien Lavergne [France] ; Sandra Lavorel [France] ; Nicolas Mouquet [France] ; C. E. Timothy Paine [Royaume-Uni] ; Julien Renaud [France] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] | Rare Species Support Vulnerable Functions in High-Diversity Ecosystems |
004717 (2013) |
Marco Andrello [France] ; David Mouillot [France, Australie] ; Jonathan Beuvier [France] ; Camille Albouy [Canada] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Stéphanie Manel [France] | Low Connectivity between Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas: A Biophysical Modeling Approach for the Dusky Grouper Epinephelus marginatus |
004C47 (2013) |
Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Tamara Münkemüller [France] ; Sébastien Lavergne [France] ; David Mouillot [France, Australie] ; Nicolas Mouquet [France] ; Katja Schiffers [France] ; Dominique Gravel [Canada] | A road map for integrating eco‐evolutionary processes into biodiversity models |
005959 (2012) |
Nicolas Mouquet [France] ; Vincent Devictor [France] ; Christine N. Meynard [France] ; Francois Munoz [France] ; Louis-Félix Bersier [Suisse] ; Jérôme Chave [France] ; Pierre Couteron [France] ; Ambroise Dalecky [France] ; Colin Fontaine [France] ; Dominique Gravel [Canada] ; Olivier J. Hardy [Belgique] ; Franck Jabot [France] ; Sébastien Lavergne [France] ; Mathew Leibold [États-Unis] ; David Mouillot [France, Australie] ; Tamara Münkemüller [France] ; Sandrine Pavoine [France, Royaume-Uni] ; Andreas Prinzing [France] ; Ana S. L. Rodrigues [France] ; Rudolf P. Rohr [Suisse, Espagne] ; Elisa Thébault [France] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] | Ecophylogenetics: advances and perspectives |
006470 (2011) |
Linda J. Beaumont [Australie, France] ; Andrew Pitman [Australie] ; Sarah Perkins [Australie] ; Niklaus E. Zimmermann [Suisse] ; Nigel G. Yoccoz [Norvège] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] | Impacts of climate change on the world's most exceptional ecoregions |
008050 (2010) |
Guy F. Midgley [Afrique du Sud] ; Ian D. Davies [Australie] ; Cécile H. Albert [France] ; Res Altwegg [Afrique du Sud] ; Lee Hannah [États-Unis] ; Gregory O. Hughes [Royaume-Uni] ; Lydia R. O'Halloran [États-Unis] ; Changwan Seo [Corée du Sud] ; James H. Thorne [États-Unis] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] | BioMove - an integrated platform simulating the dynamic response of species to environmental change |
008586 (2009) |
Linda J. Beaumont [France, Australie] ; Rachael V. Gallagher ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Paul O. Downey ; Michelle R. Leishman ; Lesley Hughes | Different climatic envelopes among invasive populations may lead to underestimations of current and future biological invasions |
008959 (2009) |
Linda J. Beaumont [Australie] ; Rachael V. Gallagher [Australie] ; Paul O. Downey [Australie] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Michelle R. Leishman [Australie] ; Lesley Hughes [Australie] | Modelling the impact of Hieracium spp. on protected areas in Australia under future climates |
008B67 (2009) |
Linda J. Beaumont [Australie, France] ; Rachael V. Gallagher [Australie] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Paul O. Downey [Australie] ; Michelle R. Leishman [Australie] ; Lesley Hughes [Australie] | Different climatic envelopes among invasive populations may lead to underestimations of current and future biological invasions |
008D94 (2008) |
David A. Keith [Australie] ; H. Resit Akçakaya [États-Unis] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Guy F. Midgley [Afrique du Sud] ; Richard G. Pearson [États-Unis] ; Steven J. Phillips [États-Unis] ; Helen M. Regan [États-Unis] ; Miguel B. Araújo [Espagne] ; Tony G. Rebelo [Afrique du Sud] | Predicting extinction risks under climate change: coupling stochastic population models with dynamic bioclimatic habitat models |
009532 (2008) |
Cécile H. Albert [France] ; Wilfried Thuiller [France] ; Sandra Lavorel [France] ; Ian D. Davies [Australie] ; Emmanuel Garbolino [France] | Land-use change and subalpine tree dynamics : colonization of Larix decidua in French subalpine grasslands |