Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000323 (2013) |
Yann Triponez [Australie, Suisse] ; Nils Arrigo [États-Unis, Suisse] ; Loïc Pellissier [Suisse] ; Bertrand Schatz [France] ; Nadir Alvarez [Suisse] | Morphological, ecological and genetic aspects associated with endemism in the Fly Orchid group |
000368 (2013) |
M. Ceccaldi [France] ; J. Delanoë [France] ; R. J. Hogan [Royaume-Uni] ; N. L. Pounder [Royaume-Uni] ; A. Protat [Australie] ; J. Pelon [France] | From CloudSat‐CALIPSO to EarthCare: Evolution of the DARDAR cloud classification and its comparison to airborne radar‐lidar observations |
000380 (2013) |
Julia Pfeffer [France] ; Cédric Champollion [France] ; Guillaume Favreau [France] ; Bernard Cappelaere [France] ; Jacques Hinderer [France] ; Marie Boucher [France] ; Yahaya Nazoumou [Niger] ; Monique Oï [France] ; Maxime Mouyen [France, Taïwan] ; Christopher Henri [France] ; Nicolas Le Moigne [France] ; Sébastien Deroussi [France] ; Jérôme Demarty [France] ; Nicolas Boulain [Australie] ; Nathalie Benarrosh [France] ; Olivier Robert [France] | Evaluating surface and subsurface water storage variations at small time and space scales from relative gravity measurements in semiarid Niger |
000405 (2013) |
M. Dedual [Nouvelle-Zélande] ; O. Sague Pla [Espagne] ; R. Arlinghaus [Allemagne] ; A. Clarke [Canada] ; K. Ferter [Norvège] ; P. Geertz Hansen [Danemark] ; D. Gerdeaux [France] ; F. Hames [Australie] ; S. J. Kennelly [Australie] ; A. R. Kleiven [Norvège] ; A. Meraner [Italie] ; B. Uebersch R [Allemagne] | Communication between scientists, fishery managers and recreational fishers: lessons learned from a comparative analysis of international case studies |
000483 (2012) |
Francois Pompanon [France] ; Bruce E. Deagle [Australie, Canada] ; William O. C. Symondson [Royaume-Uni] ; David S. Brown [Royaume-Uni] ; Simon N. Jarman [Australie] ; Pierre Taberlet [France] | Who is eating what: diet assessment using next generation sequencing |
000614 (2012) |
Qingsong Liu [République populaire de Chine] ; Andrew P. Roberts [Australie] ; Juan C. Larrasoa A [Espagne] ; Subir K. Banerjee [États-Unis] ; Yohan Guyodo [France] ; Lisa Tauxe [États-Unis] ; Frank Oldfield [Royaume-Uni] | Environmental magnetism: Principles and applications |
000630 (2012) |
Carsten F. Dormann [Allemagne] ; Stanislaus J. Schymanski [Allemagne, Suisse] ; Juliano Cabral [Allemagne] ; Isabelle Chuine [France] ; Catherine Graham [États-Unis] ; Florian Hartig [Allemagne] ; Michael Kearney [Australie] ; Xavier Morin [Suisse] ; Christine Römermann [Allemagne] ; Boris Schröder [Allemagne] ; Alexander Singer [États-Unis] | Correlation and process in species distribution models: bridging a dichotomy |
000632 (2012) |
Camille Albouy [France] ; François Guilhaumon [Portugal] ; Miguel B. Araújo [Portugal, Espagne, Danemark] ; David Mouillot [France, Australie] ; Fabien Leprieur [France] | Combining projected changes in species richness and composition reveals climate change impacts on coastal Mediterranean fish assemblages |
000638 (2012) |
Guillaume Lestrelin [Laos, France] ; Olga Vigiak [Australie, France] ; Aurélie Pelletreau [Laos, France] ; Bounmy Keohavong [Laos, France] ; Christian Valentin [France] | Challenging established narratives on soil erosion and shifting cultivation in Laos |
000652 (2012) |
Charmaine N. Franklin [Australie] ; Christian Jakob [Australie] ; Martin Dix ; Alain Protat [France] ; Greg Roff | Assessing the performance of a prognostic and a diagnostic cloud scheme using single column model simulations of TWP–ICE |
000665 (2012) |
S. Z. Peng [République populaire de Chine] ; Y. Wang [République populaire de Chine] ; S. Khan [France] ; T. Rana [Australie] ; Y. F. Luo [République populaire de Chine] | A SIMPLIFIED MULTI‐OBJECTIVE GENETIC ALGORITHM OPTIMIZATION MODEL FOR CANAL SCHEDULING |
000712 (2011) |
Benjamin Renard [France] ; Dmitri Kavetski [Australie] ; Etienne Leblois [France] ; Mark Thyer [Australie] ; George Kuczera [Australie] ; Stewart W. Franks [Australie] | Toward a reliable decomposition of predictive uncertainty in hydrological modeling: Characterizing rainfall errors using conditional simulation |
000744 (2011) |
Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee [Australie] ; Annabel-Mauve Bonnefous [France] | Stakeholder management and sustainability strategies in the French nuclear industry |
000919 (2011) |
Stephane Heritier [Australie] ; Serigne N. Lô [Australie] ; Caroline C. Morgan [France] | An adaptive confirmatory trial with interim treatment selection: Practical experiences and unbalanced randomization |
000925 (2011) |
Christian A. Kull [Australie, États-Unis] ; Charlie M. Shackleton [Afrique du Sud] ; Peter J. Cunningham ; Catherine Ducatillon [France] ; Jean-Marc Dufour-Dror [Israël] ; Karen J. Esler [Afrique du Sud] ; James B. Friday [États-Unis] ; Ant Nio C. Gouveia [Portugal] ; A. R. Griffin [Australie] ; Elizabete Marchante [Portugal] ; Stephen J. Midgley [Australie] ; Aníbal Pauchard [Chili] ; Haripriya Rangan [Australie] ; David M. Richardson [Afrique du Sud] ; Tony Rinaudo [Australie] ; Jacques Tassin [France] ; Lauren S. Urgenson [États-Unis] ; Graham P. Von Maltitz [Afrique du Sud] ; Rafael D. Zenni [États-Unis] ; Matthew J. Zylstra [Afrique du Sud] | Adoption, use and perception of Australian acacias around the world |
000A51 (2010) |
Yun Chen [Australie] ; Shahbaz Khan [Australie, France] ; Zahra Paydar [Australie] | To retire or expand? A fuzzy GIS‐based spatial multi‐criteria evaluation framework for irrigated agriculture |
000A96 (2010) |
Rusty A. Feagin [États-Unis] ; Nibedita Mukherjee [Belgique, Inde] ; Kartik Shanker [Inde] ; Andrew H. Baird [Australie] ; Joshua Cinner [Australie] ; Alexander M. Kerr [Australie, États-Unis] ; Nico Koedam [Belgique] ; Aarthi Sridhar [Inde] ; Rohan Arthur [Inde] ; L. P. Jayatissa [Sri Lanka] ; Danny Lo Seen [France] ; Manju Menon [Inde] ; Sudarshan Rodriguez [Inde] ; Md. Shamsuddoha [Bangladesh] ; Farid Dahdouh-Guebas [Belgique] | Shelter from the storm? Use and misuse of coastal vegetation bioshields for managing natural disasters |
000C15 (2010) |
Anette Küster [Allemagne] ; Alfredo C. Alder [Suisse] ; Beate I. Escher [Suisse, Australie] ; Karen Duis [Allemagne] ; Kathrin Fenner [Suisse] ; Jeanne Garric [France] ; Thomas H. Hutchinson [Royaume-Uni] ; David R. Lapen [Canada] ; Alexandre Péry [France] ; Jörg Römbke [Allemagne] ; Jason Snape [Royaume-Uni] ; Thomas Ternes [Allemagne] ; Ed Topp [Canada] ; Anne Wehrhan [Allemagne, Suisse] ; Thomas Knacker [Allemagne] | Environmental risk assessment of human pharmaceuticals in the European Union: A case study with the β‐blocker atenolol |
000C37 (2010) |
David Makowski [France] ; Murthy Narasimha Mittinty [Australie] | Comparison of Scoring Systems for Invasive Pests Using ROC Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulations |
000E08 (2009) |
Mark D. Mcdonnell [Australie] ; Pierre-Olivier Amblard [France] ; Nigel G. Stocks [Royaume-Uni] | Stochastic pooling networks |
000E72 (2009) |
G. Favreau [France] ; B. Cappelaere [France] ; S. Massuel [Australie] ; M. Leblanc [Australie] ; M. Boucher [France] ; N. Boulain [France] ; C. Leduc [France] | Land clearing, climate variability, and water resources increase in semiarid southwest Niger: A review |