List of bibliographic references
Number of relevant bibliographic references: 2.
List of associated KwdEn.i
Nombre de documents | Descripteur |
2 | Adolescent |
2 | Adult |
2 | Antiviral Agents (therapeutic use) |
2 | Child |
2 | Enzyme Inhibitors (therapeutic use) |
2 | Female |
2 | Humans |
2 | Influenza, Human (drug therapy) |
2 | Influenza, Human (mortality) |
2 | Male |
2 | Middle Aged |
2 | Neuraminidase (antagonists & inhibitors) |
2 | Treatment Outcome |
2 | Young Adult |
1 | Adrenal Cortex Hormones (therapeutic use) |
1 | Anti-Bacterial Agents (therapeutic use) |
1 | Child, Preschool |
1 | Hospitalization |
1 | Influenza A Virus, H1N1 Subtype |
1 | Influenza A Virus, H1N1 Subtype (drug effects) |
1 | Influenza A Virus, H1N1 Subtype (enzymology) |
1 | Influenza, Human (epidemiology) |
1 | Influenza, Human (virology) |
1 | Odds Ratio |
1 | Oseltamivir (therapeutic use) |
1 | Pandemics |
1 | Pneumonia, Viral (diagnostic imaging) |
1 | Pneumonia, Viral (drug therapy) |
1 | Pneumonia, Viral (epidemiology) |
1 | Pneumonia, Viral (virology) |
1 | Proportional Hazards Models |
1 | Zanamivir (therapeutic use) |
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