List of bibliographic references
Number of relevant bibliographic references: 16.
Ident. | Authors (with country if any) | Title |
000008 (2016) |
A-F Adam-Blondon [France] ; M. Alaux [France] ; C. Pommier [France] ; D. Cantu [États-Unis] ; Z-M Cheng [États-Unis] ; G R Cramer [États-Unis] ; C. Davies [Australie] ; S. Delrot [France] ; L. Deluc [États-Unis] ; G. Di Gaspero [Italie] ; J. Grimplet [Espagne] ; A. Fennell [États-Unis] ; J P Londo [États-Unis] ; P. Kersey [Royaume-Uni] ; F. Mattivi [Italie] ; S. Naithani [États-Unis] ; P. Neveu [France] ; M. Nikolski [France] ; M. Pezzotti [Italie] ; B I Reisch [États-Unis] ; R. Töpfer [Allemagne] ; M A Vivier [Afrique du Sud] ; D. Ware [États-Unis] ; H. Quesneville [France] | Towards an open grapevine information system. |
000021 (2016) |
Olivier Ribolzi [France] ; Emma Rochelle-Newall [France] ; Sabine Dittrich [Laos] ; Yves Auda [France] ; Paul N. Newton [Laos] ; Sayaphet Rattanavong [Laos] ; Michael Knappik [Laos] ; Bounsamai Soulileuth [Laos] ; Oloth Sengtaheuanghoung [Laos] ; David A B. Dance [Laos] ; Alain Pierret [Laos] | Land use and soil type determine the presence of the pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei in tropical rivers. |
000036 (2016) |
Annelise Tran ; Carlène Trevennec [Italie] ; Julius Lutwama [Ouganda] ; Joseph Sserugga [Ouganda] ; Marie Gély [France] ; Claudia Pittiglio [Italie] ; Julio Pinto [Italie] ; Véronique Chevalier [France] | Development and Assessment of a Geographic Knowledge-Based Model for Mapping Suitable Areas for Rift Valley Fever Transmission in Eastern Africa. |
000037 (2016) |
Samira Sadeghi [France] ; Leyla Sadeghi [France] ; Nicolas Tricot [France] ; Luc Mathieu [France] | Design and application of a tool for structuring, capitalizing and making more accessible information and lessons learned from accidents involving machinery. |
000048 (2016) |
Serge Casaregola [France] ; Alexander Vasilenko [Russie] ; Paolo Romano [Italie] ; Vincent Robert [Pays-Bas] ; Svetlana Ozerskaya [Russie] ; Anna Kopf [Allemagne] ; Frank O. Glöckner [Allemagne] ; David Smith | An Information System for European culture collections: the way forward. |
000066 (2015) |
Sizah Mwalusepo [Tanzanie] ; Henri E Z. Tonnang [Kenya] ; Estomih S. Massawe [Tanzanie] ; Gerphas O. Okuku [Kenya] ; Nancy Khadioli [Kenya] ; Tino Johansson [Kenya] ; Paul-André Calatayud [France] ; Bruno Pierre Le Ru [France] | Predicting the Impact of Temperature Change on the Future Distribution of Maize Stem Borers and Their Natural Enemies along East African Mountain Gradients Using Phenology Models. |
000093 (2015) |
Huazhong Ren [République populaire de Chine] ; Guangjian Yan [République populaire de Chine] ; Rongyuan Liu [République populaire de Chine] ; Zhao-Liang Li [République populaire de Chine] ; Qiming Qin [République populaire de Chine] ; Françoise Nerry [France] ; Qiang Liu [République populaire de Chine] | Determination of optimum viewing angles for the angular normalization of land surface temperature over vegetated surface. |
000104 (2015) |
Julien P G. Barre [France] ; Gaëlle Deletraz ; Jérôme Frayret ; Hervé Pinaly ; Olivier F X. Donard ; David Amouroux | Approach to spatialize local to long-range atmospheric metal input (Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb) in epiphytic lichens over a meso-scale area (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, southwestern France). |
000117 (2014) |
George Valiakos [Grèce] ; Konstantinos Papaspyropoulos [Grèce] ; Alexios Giannakopoulos [Grèce] ; Periklis Birtsas [Grèce] ; Sotirios Tsiodras [Grèce] ; Michael R. Hutchings [Royaume-Uni] ; Vassiliki Spyrou [Grèce] ; Danai Pervanidou [Grèce] ; Labrini V. Athanasiou [Grèce] ; Nikolaos Papadopoulos [Grèce] ; Constantina Tsokana [Grèce] ; Agoritsa Baka [Grèce] ; Katerina Manolakou [Grèce] ; Dimitrios Chatzopoulos [Grèce] ; Marc Artois [France] ; Lisa Yon [Royaume-Uni] ; Duncan Hannant [Royaume-Uni] ; Liljana Petrovska [Royaume-Uni] ; Christos Hadjichristodoulou [Grèce] ; Charalambos Billinis [Grèce] | Use of wild bird surveillance, human case data and GIS spatial analysis for predicting spatial distributions of West Nile virus in Greece. |
000156 (2013) |
Chantal Hamelin [France] ; Guilhem Sempere ; Vincent Jouffe ; Manuel Ruiz | TropGeneDB, the multi-tropical crop information system updated and extended. |
000176 (2013) |
Delphine Steinbach [France] ; Michael Alaux ; Joelle Amselem ; Nathalie Choisne ; Sophie Durand ; Raphaël Flores ; Aminah-Olivia Keliet ; Erik Kimmel ; Nicolas Lapalu ; Isabelle Luyten ; Célia Michotey ; Nacer Mohellibi ; Cyril Pommier ; Sébastien Reboux ; Dorothée Valdenaire ; Daphné Verdelet ; Hadi Quesneville | GnpIS: an information system to integrate genetic and genomic data from plants and fungi. |
000180 (2013) |
Mehdi Maanan [France] ; Catherine Landesman ; Mohamed Maanan ; Bendahhou Zourarah ; Paul Fattal ; Mohamed Sahabi | Evaluation of the anthropogenic influx of metal and metalloid contaminants into the Moulay Bousselham lagoon, Morocco, using chemometric methods coupled to geographical information systems. |
000219 (2011) |
Angélique Lazartigues [France] ; Damien Banas ; Cyril Feidt ; Jean Brun-Bellut ; Marielle Thomas | Pesticide pressure and fish farming in barrage pond in Northeastern France Part I: site characterization and water quality. |
000234 (2011) |
Jean-Charles Bouvier [France] ; Benoît Ricci ; Julia Agerberg ; Claire Lavigne | Apple orchard pest control strategies affect bird communities in southeastern France. |
000318 (2008) |
Télesphore Brou [France] ; Hélène Broutin ; Eric Elguero ; Henri Asse ; Jean-François Guegan | Landscape diversity related to Buruli ulcer disease in Côte d'Ivoire. |
000406 (2004) |
Manuel Ruiz [France] ; Mathieu Rouard ; Louis Marie Raboin ; Marc Lartaud ; Pierre Lagoda ; Brigitte Courtois | TropGENE-DB, a multi-tropical crop information system. |
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