Le SIDA en Afrique subsaharienne (serveur d'exploration)

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Le cluster Leif E. Aar - Sander M. Eggers


4Leif E. Aar
3Sander M. Eggers
4Hein De Vries
8Loraine Townsend
8Yanga Zembe
19Catherine Mathews


30.866Leif E. Aar - Sander M. Eggers
30.866Hein De Vries - Sander M. Eggers
30.750Hein De Vries - Leif E. Aar
60.750Loraine Townsend - Yanga Zembe
60.487Catherine Mathews - Loraine Townsend
40.459Catherine Mathews - Hein De Vries
50.406Catherine Mathews - Yanga Zembe

Documents par ordre de pertinence
000620 (2016) Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Sander M. Eggers [Pays-Bas] ; Loraine Townsend [Afrique du Sud] ; Leif E. Aar [Norvège] ; Petrus J. De Vries [Afrique du Sud] ; Amanda J. Mason-Jones [Afrique du Sud, Royaume-Uni] ; Petra De Koker [Afrique du Sud] ; Tracy Mcclinton Appollis [Afrique du Sud] ; Yolisa Mtshizana [Afrique du Sud] ; Joy Koech [Afrique du Sud] ; Annegreet Wubs [Norvège] ; Hein De Vries [Pays-Bas]Effects of PREPARE, a Multi-component, School-Based HIV and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Prevention Programme on Adolescent Sexual Risk Behaviour and IPV: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial
000178 (2017) Sander M. Eggers [Pays-Bas] ; Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Leif E. Aar [Norvège] ; Tracy Mcclinton-Appollis [Afrique du Sud] ; Arjan E R. Bos [Pays-Bas] ; Hein De Vries [Pays-Bas]Predicting Primary and Secondary Abstinence Among Adolescent Boys and Girls in the Western Cape, South Africa.
000669 (2015) Sander M. Eggers [Pays-Bas] ; Leif E. Aar [Norvège] ; Arjan E. R. Bos [Pays-Bas] ; Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Sylvia F. Kaaya [Tanzanie] ; Hans Onya [Afrique du Sud] ; Hein De Vries [Pays-Bas]Sociocognitive Predictors of Condom Use and Intentions Among Adolescents in Three Sub-Saharan Sites
000A76 (2013) Loraine Townsend [Afrique du Sud] ; Yanga Zembe ; Catherine MathewsHIV prevalence and risk behaviours from three consecutive surveys among men who have multiple female sexual partners in Cape Town.
000B60 (2013) Loraine Townsend [Afrique du Sud] ; Catherine Mathews ; Yanga ZembeA systematic review of behavioral interventions to prevent HIV infection and transmission among heterosexual, adult men in low-and middle-income countries.
000D93 (2011) Loraine Townsend [Afrique du Sud] ; Rachel Jewkes ; Catherine Mathews ; Lisa Grazina Johnston ; Alan J. Flisher ; Yanga Zembe ; Mickey ChopraHIV risk behaviours and their relationship to intimate partner violence (IPV) among men who have multiple female sexual partners in Cape Town, South Africa.
001043 (2010) Loraine Townsend [Afrique du Sud] ; Lisa G. Johnston ; Alan J. Flisher ; Catherine Mathews ; Yanga ZembeEffectiveness of respondent-driven sampling to recruit high risk heterosexual men who have multiple female sexual partners: differences in HIV prevalence and sexual risk behaviours measured at two time points.
001093 (2010) Loraine Townsend [Afrique du Sud] ; Samantha R. Rosenthal ; Charles D H. Parry ; Yanga Zembe ; Catherine Mathews ; Alan J. FlisherAssociations between alcohol misuse and risks for HIV infection among men who have multiple female sexual partners in Cape Town, South Africa.
000340 (2017) Margaret Giorgio [États-Unis] ; Loraine Townsend [Afrique du Sud] ; Yanga Zembe [Afrique du Sud] ; Mireille Cheyip [Afrique du Sud] ; Sally Guttmacher [États-Unis] ; Rebecca Carter [États-Unis] ; Cathy Mathews [Afrique du Sud]HIV Prevalence and Risk Factors Among Male Foreign Migrants in Cape Town, South Africa.
000787 (2014) Leif Edvard Aar [Norvège] ; Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Sylvia Kaaya [Tanzanie] ; Anne Ruhweza Katahoire [Ouganda] ; Hans Onya [Afrique du Sud] ; Charles Abraham [Royaume-Uni] ; Knut-Inge Klepp [Norvège] ; Annegreet Wubs [Norvège] ; Sander Matthijs Eggers [Pays-Bas] ; Hein De Vries [Pays-Bas]Promoting sexual and reproductive health among adolescents in southern and eastern Africa (PREPARE): project design and conceptual framework
000577 (2016) Amanda J. Mason-Jones [Royaume-Uni, Afrique du Sud] ; David Sinclair [Royaume-Uni] ; Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Ashraf Kagee [Afrique du Sud] ; Alex Hillman [Royaume-Uni] ; Carl Lombard [Afrique du Sud]School-based interventions for preventing Hiv, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy in adolescents
000802 (2014) Benjamin J. Wolpaw [Afrique du Sud] ; Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Yolisa Mtshizana [Afrique du Sud] ; Mickey Chopra [Afrique du Sud] ; Diana Hardie [Afrique du Sud] ; Mark N. Lurie [États-Unis] ; Virginia De Azevedo [Afrique du Sud] ; Karen Jennings [Afrique du Sud]Patient Experiences following Acute HIV Infection Diagnosis and Counseling in South Africa
000B19 (2013) Francis Sande Namisi [Kenya, Norvège] ; Leif Edvard Aar [Norvège] ; Sylvia Kaaya [Tanzanie] ; Hans E. Onya [Afrique du Sud] ; Annegreet Wubs [Norvège] ; Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud]Condom use and sexuality communication with adults: a study among high school students in South Africa and Tanzania
000B91 (2013) Cleo Protogerou [Afrique du Sud] ; Alan J. Flisher [Afrique du Sud] ; Lauren G. Wild [Afrique du Sud] ; Leif E. Aar [Norvège]Predictors of condom use in South African university students: a prospective application of the theory of planned behavior
000D25 (2012) Barni Nor [Suède] ; Beth Maina Ahlberg [Suède] ; Tanya Doherty [Afrique du Sud] ; Yanga Zembe [Afrique du Sud] ; Debra Jackson [Afrique du Sud] ; Eva-Charlotte Ekström [Suède]Mother's perceptions and experiences of infant feeding within a community‐based peer counselling intervention in South Africa
001168 (2010) Alan J. Flisher ; Loraine Townsend ; Perpetual Chikobvu ; Carl F. Lombard [Afrique du Sud] ; Gary King [États-Unis]Substance Use and Psychosocial Predictors of High School Dropout in Cape Town, South Africa
001226 (2009) Nazeema Ahmed [Afrique du Sud] ; Alan J. Flisher ; Catherine Mathews ; Wanjiru Mukoma ; Shahieda JansenHIV education in South African schools: the dilemma and conflicts of educators.
001250 (2009) Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Leif Edvard Aar [Norvège] ; Alan J. Flisher [Norvège] ; Wanjiru Mukoma [Afrique du Sud] ; Annegreet G. Wubs [Norvège] ; Herman Schaalma [Pays-Bas]Predictors of early first sexual intercourse among adolescents in Cape Town, South Africa
001268 (2009) Barni Nor [Suède] ; Yanga Zembe [Afrique du Sud] ; Karen Daniels ; Tanya Doherty [Afrique du Sud] ; Debra Jackson [Afrique du Sud] ; Beth Maina Ahlberg [Suède] ; Eva-Charlotte Ekström [Suède] ; Eva-Charlotte Promise-Ebf Study Group“Peer but Not Peer”: Considering the Context of Infant Feeding Peer Counseling in a High HIV Prevalence Area
001311 (2009) Wanjiru Mukoma [Afrique du Sud] ; Alan J. Flisher [Afrique du Sud, Norvège] ; Arnfinn Helleve [Norvège] ; Leif Edvard Aar [Norvège] ; Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Sylvia Kaaya [Tanzanie] ; Knut-Inge Klepp [Norvège]Development and test-retest reliability of a research instrument designed to evaluate school-based HIV/AIDS interventions in South Africa and Tanzania
001313 (2009) Herman Schaalma [Pays-Bas] ; Leif Edvard Aaro [Norvège] ; Alan J. Flisher [Afrique du Sud] ; Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Sylvia Kaaya [Tanzanie] ; Hans Onya [Afrique du Sud] ; Anders Ragnarson [Suède] ; Knut-Inge Klepp [Norvège]Correlates of intention to use condoms among Sub-Saharan African youth: The applicability of the theory of planned behaviour
001387 (2008) Andreas Plüddemann [Afrique du Sud] ; Alan J. Flisher [Afrique du Sud] ; Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Tara Carney [Afrique du Sud] ; Carl Lombard [Afrique du Sud]Adolescent methamphetamine use and sexual risk behaviour in secondary school students in Cape Town, South Africa
001854 (1995) Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Katherine Everett [Afrique du Sud] ; Julia Binedell [Afrique du Sud] ; Malcolm Steinberg [Afrique du Sud]Learning to listen: Formative research in the development of AIDS education for secondary school students
001875 (1990) Derek Yach [Afrique du Sud] ; Catherine Mathews [Afrique du Sud] ; Eric Buch [Afrique du Sud]Urbanisation and health: Methodological difficulties in undertaking epidemiological research in developing countries


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