Le SIDA en Afrique subsaharienne (serveur d'exploration) - Checkpoint (Pmc)

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List of bibliographic references

Number of relevant bibliographic references: 21.
[0-20] [0 - 20][0 - 21][20-20][20-40]
Ident.Authors (with country if any)Title
000019 (2017) Peter M. Mugo [Kenya] ; Murugi Micheni [Kenya] ; Jimmy Shangala [Kenya] ; Mohamed H. Hussein [Kenya] ; Susan M. Graham [Kenya, États-Unis] ; Tobias F. Rinke De Wit [Pays-Bas] ; Eduard J. Sanders [Kenya, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni]Uptake and Acceptability of Oral HIV Self-Testing among Community Pharmacy Clients in Kenya: A Feasibility Study
000305 (2017) Symon M. Kariuki [Kenya] ; Amina Abubakar [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Martha Kombe [Kenya] ; Michael Kazungu [Kenya] ; Rachael Odhiambo [Kenya] ; Alan Stein [Royaume-Uni] ; Charles R J C. Newton [Kenya, Royaume-Uni]Burden, risk factors, and comorbidities of behavioural and emotional problems in Kenyan children: a population-based study
000408 (2016) Amare Deribew [Kenya, Royaume-Uni, Éthiopie] ; Gizachew Assefa Tessema [Australie, Éthiopie] ; Kebede Deribe [Royaume-Uni, Éthiopie] ; Yohannes Adama Melaku [Éthiopie, Australie] ; Yihunie Lakew [Éthiopie] ; Azmeraw T. Amare [Australie, Éthiopie, Pays-Bas] ; Semaw F. Abera [Éthiopie, Allemagne] ; Mesoud Mohammed [Éthiopie] ; Abiy Hiruye [Éthiopie] ; Efrem Teklay [Éthiopie] ; Awoke Misganaw [États-Unis] ; Nicholas Kassebaum [États-Unis]Trends, causes, and risk factors of mortality among children under 5 in Ethiopia, 1990–2013: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013
000522 (2016) Sassy Molyneux [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Salla Sariola [Royaume-Uni, Finlande] ; Dan Allman [Canada] ; Maartje Dijkstra [Pays-Bas] ; Evans Gichuru [Kenya] ; Susan Graham [États-Unis] ; Dorcas Kamuya [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Gloria Gakii [Kenya, États-Unis] ; Brian Kayemba [Afrique du Sud] ; Bernadette Kombo [Kenya] ; Allan Maleche [Kenya] ; Jessie Mbwambo [Tanzanie] ; Vicki Marsh [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Murugi Micheni [Kenya] ; Noni Mumba [Kenya] ; Michael Parker [Royaume-Uni] ; Jasmine Shio [Tanzanie] ; Clarence Yah [Afrique du Sud] ; Elise Van Der Elst [Kenya, Pays-Bas] ; Eduard Sanders [Kenya, Pays-Bas]Public/community engagement in health research with men who have sex with men in sub-Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities
000600 (2016) Anna C. Seale [Royaume-Uni, Kenya] ; Angela C. Koech ; Anna E. Sheppard [Royaume-Uni] ; Hellen C. Barsosio [Kenya] ; Joyce Langat [Kenya] ; Emily Anyango [Kenya] ; Stella Mwakio [Kenya] ; Salim Mwarumba [Kenya] ; Susan C. Morpeth [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Kirimi Anampiu [Kenya] ; Alison Vaughan [Royaume-Uni] ; Adam Giess [Royaume-Uni] ; Polycarp Mogeni [Kenya] ; Leahbell Walusuna [Kenya] ; Hope Mwangudzah [Kenya] ; Doris Mwanzui [Kenya] ; Mariam Salim [Kenya] ; Bryn Kemp [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Caroline Jones [Royaume-Uni, Kenya] ; Neema Mturi [Kenya] ; Benjamin Tsofa [Kenya] ; Edward Mumbo [Kenya] ; David Mulewa [Kenya] ; Victor Bandika [Kenya] ; Musimbi Soita [Kenya] ; Maureen Owiti [Kenya] ; Norris Onzere [Kenya] ; A Sarah Walker [Royaume-Uni] ; Stephanie J. Schrag [États-Unis] ; Stephen H. Kennedy [Royaume-Uni] ; Greg Fegan [Royaume-Uni, Kenya] ; Derrick W. Crook [Royaume-Uni] ; James A. Berkley [Royaume-Uni, Kenya]Maternal colonisation with Streptococcus agalactiae, and associated stillbirth and neonatal disease in coastal Kenya
000B65 (2015) Kemi Tesfazghi [Royaume-Uni] ; Jenny Hill [Royaume-Uni] ; Caroline Jones [Royaume-Uni, Kenya] ; Hilary Ranson [Royaume-Uni] ; Eve Worrall [Royaume-Uni]National malaria vector control policy: an analysis of the decision to scale-up larviciding in Nigeria
000C06 (2015) Given Hapunda [Zambie, Pays-Bas] ; Amina Abubakar [Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni, Kenya] ; Fons Van De Vijver [Pays-Bas, Afrique du Sud, Australie] ; Frans Pouwer [Pays-Bas]Living with type 1 diabetes is challenging for Zambian adolescents: qualitative data on stress, coping with stress and quality of care and life
000E26 (2015) Andrew M. Secor [États-Unis] ; Elizabeth Wahome [Kenya] ; Murugi Micheni [Kenya] ; Deepa Rao [États-Unis] ; Jane M. Simoni [États-Unis] ; Eduard J. Sanders [Kenya, Royaume-Uni, Pays-Bas] ; Susan M. Graham [États-Unis, Kenya]Depression, substance abuse and stigma among men who have sex with men in coastal Kenya
000F53 (2014) Vincent Okungu [Kenya, Afrique du Sud] ; Lucy Gilson [Afrique du Sud, Royaume-Uni]“…still waiting for chloroquine”: the challenge of communicating changes in first-line treatment policy for uncomplicated malaria in a remote Kenyan district
000F99 (2014) Peter Mwangi Mugo [Kenya] ; Eduard J. Sanders [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Gaudensia Mutua [Kenya] ; Elisabeth Van Der Elst [Kenya] ; Omu Anzala [Kenya] ; Burc Barin [États-Unis] ; David R. Bangsberg [États-Unis] ; Frances H. Priddy [États-Unis] ; Jessica E. Haberer [États-Unis]Understanding Adherence to Daily and Intermittent Regimens of Oral HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Kenya
001067 (2014) Jo M. Wilmshurst [Afrique du Sud] ; Angelina Kakooza-Mwesige [Ouganda] ; Charles R. Newton [Kenya, Royaume-Uni]The Challenges of Managing Children With Epilepsy in Africa
001246 (2014) P. Kim Streatfield [Bangladesh, Ghana] ; Wasif A. Khan [Bangladesh, Ghana] ; Abbas Bhuiya [Ghana, Bangladesh] ; Syed M. A. Hanifi [Ghana, Bangladesh] ; Nurul Alam [Ghana, Bangladesh] ; Eric Diboulo [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Ali Sié [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Maurice Yé [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Yacouba Compaoré [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Abdramane B. Soura [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Bassirou Bonfoh [Ghana] ; Fabienne Jaeger [Ghana, Suisse] ; Eliezer K. Ngoran [Ghana] ; Juerg Utzinger [Ghana, Suisse] ; Yohannes A. Melaku [Ghana, Éthiopie] ; Afework Mulugeta [Ghana, Éthiopie] ; Berhe Weldearegawi [Ghana, Éthiopie] ; Pierre Gomez [Ghana, Gambie] ; Momodou Jasseh [Ghana, Gambie] ; Abraham Hodgson [Ghana] ; Abraham Oduro [Ghana] ; Paul Welaga [Ghana] ; John Williams [Ghana] ; Elizabeth Awini [Ghana] ; Fred N. Binka [Ghana] ; Margaret Gyapong [Ghana] ; Shashi Kant [Ghana, Inde] ; Puneet Misra [Ghana, Inde] ; Rahul Srivastava [Ghana, Inde] ; Bharat Chaudhary [Ghana, Inde] ; Sanjay Juvekar [Ghana, Inde] ; Abdul Wahab [Ghana, Indonésie] ; Siswanto Wilopo [Ghana, Indonésie] ; Evasius Bauni [Ghana, Kenya] ; George Mochamah [Ghana, Kenya] ; Carolyne Ndila [Ghana, Kenya] ; Thomas N. Williams [Ghana, Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Mary J. Hamel [Ghana, Kenya] ; Kim A. Lindblade [Ghana, Kenya] ; Frank O. Odhiambo [Ghana, Kenya] ; Laurence Slutsker [Ghana, Kenya] ; Alex Ezeh [Ghana, Kenya] ; Catherine Kyobutungi [Ghana, Kenya] ; Marylene Wamukoya [Ghana, Kenya] ; Valérie Delaunay [Ghana, Sénégal] ; Aldiouma Diallo [Ghana, Sénégal] ; Laetitia Douillot [Ghana, Sénégal] ; Cheikh Sokhna [Ghana, Sénégal] ; F. Xavier G Mez-Olivé [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Chodziwadziwa W. Kabudula [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Paul Mee [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Kobus Herbst [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Joël Mossong [Ghana, Afrique du Sud, Luxembourg (pays)] ; Nguyen T. K. Chuc [Ghana, Viêt Nam] ; Samuelina S. Arthur [Ghana] ; Osman A. Sankoh [Ghana, Afrique du Sud, Viêt Nam] ; Marcel Tanner [Suède] ; Peter Byass [Afrique du Sud]Malaria mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites
001410 (2014) Anna C. Seale [Royaume-Uni, Kenya] ; Hannah Blencowe [Royaume-Uni] ; Alexander A. Manu [Royaume-Uni] ; Harish Nair [Royaume-Uni, Inde] ; Rajiv Bahl [Suisse] ; Shamim A. Qazi [Suisse] ; Anita K. Zaidi [Pakistan] ; James A. Berkley [Royaume-Uni, Kenya] ; Simon N. Cousens [Royaume-Uni] ; Joy E. Lawn [Royaume-Uni, États-Unis]Estimates of possible severe bacterial infection in neonates in sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia, and Latin America for 2012: a systematic review and meta-analysis
001513 (2014) Carolyne Ndila [Kenya, Ghana] ; Evasius Bauni [Kenya, Ghana] ; George Mochamah [Kenya, Ghana] ; Vysaul Nyirongo [États-Unis] ; Alex Makazi [Kenya] ; Patrick Kosgei [Kenya] ; Benjamin Tsofa [Kenya] ; Gideon Nyutu [Kenya, Ghana] ; Anthony Etyang [Kenya] ; Peter Byass [Suède] ; Thomas N. Williams [Kenya, Ghana, Royaume-Uni]Causes of death among persons of all ages within the Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System, Kenya, determined from verbal autopsies interpreted using the InterVA-4 model
001514 (2014) P. Kim Streatfield [Bangladesh, Ghana] ; Wasif A. Khan [Bangladesh, Ghana] ; Abbas Bhuiya [Ghana, Bangladesh] ; Nurul Alam [Ghana, Bangladesh] ; Ali Sié [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Abdramane B. Soura [Ghana, Burkina Faso] ; Bassirou Bonfoh [Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire] ; Eliezer K. Ngoran [Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire] ; Berhe Weldearegawi [Ghana, Éthiopie] ; Momodou Jasseh [Ghana, Gambie] ; Abraham Oduro [Ghana] ; Margaret Gyapong [Ghana] ; Shashi Kant [Ghana, Inde] ; Sanjay Juvekar [Ghana, Inde] ; Siswanto Wilopo [Ghana, Indonésie] ; Thomas N. Williams [Ghana, Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Frank O. Odhiambo [Ghana, Kenya] ; Donatien Beguy [Ghana, Kenya] ; Alex Ezeh [Ghana, Kenya] ; Catherine Kyobutungi [Ghana, Kenya] ; Amelia Crampin [Ghana, Malawi, Royaume-Uni] ; Valérie Delaunay [Ghana, Sénégal] ; Stephen M. Tollman [Ghana, Afrique du Sud, Suède] ; Kobus Herbst [Ghana, Afrique du Sud] ; Nguyen T. K. Chuc [Ghana, Viêt Nam] ; Osman A. Sankoh [Ghana, Afrique du Sud, Viêt Nam] ; Marcel Tanner [Suisse] ; Peter Byass [Afrique du Sud, Suède]Cause-specific mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites
001587 (2014) Carlos A. Guerra [États-Unis] ; Robert C. Reiner [États-Unis] ; T Alex Perkins [États-Unis] ; Steve W. Lindsay [États-Unis, Royaume-Uni] ; Janet T. Midega [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Oliver J. Brady [Royaume-Uni] ; Christopher M. Barker [États-Unis] ; William K. Reisen [États-Unis] ; Laura C. Harrington [États-Unis] ; Willem Takken [Pays-Bas] ; Uriel Kitron [États-Unis] ; Alun L. Lloyd [États-Unis] ; Simon I. Hay [États-Unis, Royaume-Uni] ; Thomas W. Scott [États-Unis] ; David L. Smith [États-Unis]A global assembly of adult female mosquito mark-release-recapture data to inform the control of mosquito-borne pathogens
001B20 (2013) Susan M. Graham [États-Unis, Kenya] ; Peter Mugo [Kenya] ; Evanson Gichuru [Kenya] ; Alexander Thiong [Kenya] ; Michael Macharia [Kenya] ; Haile S. Okuku [Kenya] ; Elise Van Der Elst [Kenya] ; Matthew A. Price [États-Unis] ; Nicholas Muraguri [Kenya] ; Eduard J. Sanders [Kenya, Royaume-Uni]Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy and Clinical Outcomes Among Young Adults Reporting High-Risk Sexual Behavior, Including Men Who Have Sex with Men, in Coastal Kenya
002020 (2011) Jane Chuma [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Vincent Okungu [Kenya]Viewing the Kenyan health system through an equity lens: implications for universal coverage
002296 (2011) Amin S. Hassan [Kenya] ; Erick M. Sakwa [Kenya] ; Helen M. Nabwera [Kenya] ; Miriam M. Taegtmeyer [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Robert M. Kimutai [Kenya] ; Eduard J. Sanders [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; Ken K. Awuondo [Kenya] ; Maureen N. Mutinda [Kenya] ; Catherine S. Molyneux [Kenya, Royaume-Uni] ; James A. Berkley [Kenya, Royaume-Uni]Dynamics and Constraints of Early Infant Diagnosis of HIV Infection in Rural Kenya
002687 (2009) Amina Abubakar [Kenya] ; Penny Holding [Kenya] ; Charles R J C. Newton [Royaume-Uni] ; Anneloes Van Baar [Pays-Bas] ; Fons J R. Van De Vijver [Pays-Bas]The role of weight for age and disease stage in poor psychomotor outcome of HIV-infected children in Kilifi, Kenya
002938 (2008) Kevin Robertson [États-Unis] ; Kathy Kopnisky [États-Unis] ; James Hakim [Zimbabwe] ; Concepta Merry [Irlande (pays)] ; Noeline Nakasujja [Ouganda] ; Colin Hall [États-Unis] ; Moussa Traore [Mali] ; Ned Sacktor [États-Unis] ; David Clifford [États-Unis] ; Charles Newton [Kenya] ; Annelies Van Rie [États-Unis] ; Penny Holding [Royaume-Uni] ; Janice Clements [États-Unis] ; Christine Zink [États-Unis] ; Jens Mielke [Zimbabwe] ; Mina Hosseinipour [Malawi] ; Umesh Lalloo [Afrique du Sud] ; Farida Amod [Afrique du Sud] ; Christina Marra [États-Unis] ; Scott Evans [États-Unis] ; Jeff Liner [États-Unis]Second assessment of NeuroAIDS in Africa

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